A Homeland and A Hinterland: The Current and Jacks Fork Riverways
Historic Resource Study
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Many people answered my calls for assistance in researching and writing this historic resource study of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. First, Superintendent Arthur Sullivan and his staff provided an open and hospitable work environment during my many research trips to the Riverways. From my first tour of the park through the completion of the first draft, former Park Historian James Corless gave invaluable aid. I am also grateful to his wife and daughter, Mary Jane and Ginny, for the delicious home cooked meals and good company during my visits. After Jim transferred to another park, Ozark Chief of Interpretation Alexander Outlaw fielded my requests for help. The comradery that Alex and Jim inspired and their enthusiasm for the subject contributed much to making this project a mostly enjoyable experience from beginning to end. I am especially thankful to Tracey Outlaw, Alex's son, for volunteering to produce the artwork for the cover.

In addition to the many authors consulted in researching this study, three scholars deserve special recognition. Robert Flanders of the Southwest Missouri State University and James and Cynthia Price of the University of Missouri-Columbia Southeast Missouri Archaeological Research Center at Naylor generously shared their extensive knowledge about Ozark culture. Every contact with Professor Flanders and the Prices opens a new dimension in the complicated history and prehistory of the Ozarks.

I sought the help of a number of librarians and archivists at such institutions as the State Historical Society of Missouri; Missouri State Archives; Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis; Center for Ozark Studies, Southwest Missouri State University; Western Historical Joint Manuscript Collection, University of Missouri; and the Current River Regional Library. Bonnie Stepenoff, Division of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Missouri Department of Natural Resources and John Bradbury, Western Historical Joint Manuscript Collection, University of Missouri-Rolla standout for their eager assistance in providing information.

Closer to home, I owe a large debt to the staff of Cultural Resources Management, Midwest Region, National Park Service. By taking a chance and offering me this project, Division Chief Andy Ketterson and Regional Historian Jill O'Bright helped launch my career. I am very thankful for their good humor and faith. At times they demonstrated great restraint, such as when the weeks of writing chapter seven turned into months and as this chapter then turned into chapters seven, eight, and part of nine. I hope that these kind words are remembered at appraisal time. The careful readings of drafts by Jill O'Bright and Senior Research Historian Ron Cockrell resulted in immeasurable improvements. Laura Marchand and Charles Masten provided cartographic assistance. At the Midwest Archeological Center, Regional Archeologist Mark Lynott and Archeologist Jeff Richner made helpful comments on chapter one.

Last, I hope that Mary, Sarah, and Laura can better see why research sometimes takes me away, and I thank them for making the house on the hill such a nice place to come home to.

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Last Updated: 02-Mar-2005