A Homeland and A Hinterland: The Current and Jacks Fork Riverways
Historic Resource Study
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Sources for the Base Maps

Along with personal observations and consultations with former park historian James Corless, the author relied on the following sources in preparing Base Maps 1-4. Approximate locations are given for the archeological sites in Base Map 1 and were taken from National Register of Historic Places nomination forms on file at the National Park Service Midwest Region.

Clendenen, Harbert L. "Settle Morphology of the Southern Courtois Hills, Missouri, 1820-1860." Ph.D. diss., Louisiana State University, 1973.

Morrow, Lynn. "Trader William Gillis and Delaware Migration in Southern Missouri." Missouri Historical Review LXXV (January 1981): 147-167.

Murphy, James Lee. "A History of the Southeastern Ozark Region of Missouri." Ph.D. diss., St. Louis University, 1982

Price, Cynthia R. "Reported Historic Period Sites in Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 1981-1982." Submitted to the U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. Midwest Archeological Center, 1983.

U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey. Alley Spring Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), 1965.

________. Geological Survey. Bartlett Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), 1964.

________. Geological Survey. Big Spring Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), 1968.

________. Geological Survey. Cedargrove Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Exchange Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), 1965.

________. Geological Survey. Eminence Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), 1965.

________. Geological Survey. Grandin SW Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), 1968.

________. Geological Survey. Jam Up Cave Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Lewis Hollow Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Montauk Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Pine Crest Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Powder Mill Ferry Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Round Spring Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. The Sinks Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), 1968.

________. Geological Survey. Stegall Mountain Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Van Buren North Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1985.

________. Geological Survey. Van Buren South Quadrangle, Missouri. 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Photorevised 1968.

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Last Updated: 02-Mar-2005