STATEMENT ON PROPOSED OZARK NATIONAL RIVERS The attached report proposed preservation of approximately 113,000 acres located along some 190 miles of the Current, Jacks Fork and Eleven Point Rivers Bills were subsequently introduced in the Senate (S. 1381) and House of Representatives (H.R. 5712), 1st Session of the 87th Congress to authorize establishment of such an area. Hearings were held in July 1961 by the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs on S. 1381. Subsequently, through personal visits to the area, members of the Senate and also Secretary of the Interior Udall learned first hand of the extraordinary beauty of this country. In his Conservation Program message to the 87th Congress, President Kennedy urged favorable action on this legislation. However, the 87th Congress adjourned with no action taken. On January 14, 1963 two new bills were introduced in the 1st Session of the 88th Congress, S. 16 in the Senate by Senators Symington and Long of Missouri, and H.R. 1803 in the House of Representatives by Representative Ichord. However, some major changes were included in these bills. They propose establishment of the area as an "Ozark National Rivers," the first proposal to carry this new classification. Because of considerable opposition, the entire Eleven Point River and a portion of the Lower Current are no longer included. Eliminated from the proposal are 19,120 acres in Ripley, Oregon and Howell Counties. The area proposed by these new bills now comprises approximately 94,000 acres in Carter, Shannon, Texas and Dent Counties along the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers as depicted on the attached map No. NR-OZA-7000. This new legislation further provides for acquisition of scenic easements with the consent of the owner. By preserving this unique and beautiful river country as it is todayvirtually untouched by the material exploitation that has swallowed such a great portion of America's natural beautywe will be making a lasting contribution of unmeasurable value to present and future generations.
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