Pipe Spring
Cultures at a Crossroads
An Administrative History of Pipe Spring National Monument
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Withdrawl of Pending Application

A. 484

April 28-1924.

Phoenix 04807

I hereby withdraw the application filed in the Prescott, Arizona, land office on May 3, 1888, by Daniel Seegmiller to locate Valentine script certificate No. E-13 (Prescott No. 3), and the application of myself and the Pipe Springs Land and Live Stock Company to conform said location to the SE. 1/4 SE. 1/4, Sec 17, T. 40 N., R. 4 W., G. & S. R. M.

Charles Heaton

Witness to signature:

Jno. W. Glazier
Zona Seegmiller,

Filed and Recorded at Request of Heber J. Grant September 29th A.D. 1924, at 9 O'clock A.M. in Book 16 of Miscellaneous Records at page 12 Records of Mohave County, Arizona.

W.H. Welsh
County Recorder

By      Mary Carrow,
Deputy Recorder.

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006