Sources: Report of the Director of the National Park Service for fiscal years 1926-1932. "Travel Statistics from 1926 to 1953, inclusive," Pipe Spring National Monument Master Plan, April 22, 1954. Figures after 1953 were gleaned from Heaton's journal, monthly reports, Annual Reports on Information and Interpretation. Beginning in 1955, records distinguished between "total visitation," which included picnickers and campers and fort visitors, and "visitor contact," which was a count of only those who toured the fort. Numbers shown in italics are taken from "Annual Attendance at Sites at National Parks, Monuments, and Recreation Areas in the Lower Colorado River Basin," which is attached to a memorandum to the NPS Solicitor from Assistant Director Jackson E. Price, April 22, 1958. Where there is no number in italics it means this list did not conflict with visitation numbers provided in Heaton's and/or Zion National Park's reports. 1 No official figure has been located for this year. The Operations Evaluation report filed in May 1972 stated that year's visitation was "over 34,000" but the travel year was not yet over. 2 There was no Annual Report filed in 1970 or 1971. This figure was cited in the 1978 Master Plan and is probably more accurate than an estimate given by Bernard Tracy in the Superintendent's Annual Report for 1972: "about 40,000.".
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