Prince William Forest Park
An Administrative History
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Special Use Permit Issued 16 March 1972, Authorizing the Department of the Navy to Occupy and Use a Portion of Prince William Forest Park

1. Paragraph Number 11 of the Special Use Permit is hereby deleted with the following new paragraph substituted therefore:

11. This permit shall remain in effect until terminated by the mutual consent of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Navy.

2. All other terms and conditions of the Special Use Permit remain unchanged.

Issued this______day of______1984

For the Department of the Interior


Accepted for the Department of the Navy
this   9th   day of   August   1984




The watershed of the Quantico Creek is defined as including those areas of drainage as outlined by the U. S. Geologic Survey mylar produced in 1983. Approximately 57% of the watershed lies within the boundaries of Prince William Forest Park. Thirty percent (approximately 3,500 acres) lies on the Marine Corps Development and Education Command, Quantico, Virginia adjacent and west of the park. The headwaters of the South Branch are on Marine Corps land and activities conducted in that area of the Base directly affect the water quality as it enters the park.

I. Objective

The Departments of Navy and Interior share a common concern for the quality of the water resources of the Quantico Creek. Public Law 736, approved June 22, 1948, directs the Secretary of the Navy to "guarantee the potability and the undamaged source of water of the South Branch of Quantico Creek to the lands lying east of Route 619....".

The Department of Interior is mandated to protect the resources of Prince William Forest Park in order to provide recreational opportunities in a natural setting. The park represents a prime example of a protected watershed in a Piedmont Hardwood Forest which is utilized by educational institutions and scientists for the study of a natural stream ecosystem.

II. Provisions

The stream, surrounded by land with highly erodible soil, is fragile and is vulnerable to sedimentation. In order to reduce the likelihood of damage to the Quantico Creek, while providing a suitable military training environment and otherwise comply with the directions of Public Law 736, the following provisions for the management of the watershed of the Creek are hereby established:

A. Water quality, including the level of sedimentation, nutrients, and metals will be monitored by both agencies where Quantico Creek crosses Route 619 on a regular basis. The two agencies will work together to effect an immediate solution to any water quality problems which should occur.

B. The use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals will be kept to absolute minimums. The types of products used and methods of application shall be in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards as well as State and local practice. A listing of products which may be used will be provided from time to time as an addendum to this plan. The Marine Corps will notify the Department of the Interior if at any time it would become necessary to use products not previously identified in the Plan.

C. The disposal of petroleum products or other wastes in the watershed shall be prohibited. Accidental spillage of any significant amount of chemicals and/or fuel which should occur will be cleaned up immediately and park officials will be notified. Reasonable measures will be taken to prevent unauthorized dumping and littering.

D. Forest Management will be carried out in accordance with the Virginia Best Management Practices for Forestry. The Secretary of Interior or his designated representative shall be notified in advance of any logging operations.

E. No agricultural out-leasing will be permitted in the watershed.

F. Special precautions will be taken to monitor the area for wildfire during the fire season (October 15 - December 31 and February 15 - May 15), as well as during training exercises in which flares or other incendiaries are utilized. Wildfires will be suppressed immediately. Appropriate fire fighting methods which protect the water resources and assure stable streambank vegetative cover will be applied. Controlled burns determined to be necessary in the watershed will be coordinated with the Department of the Interior and the Virginia Division of Forestry.

G. No ordnance destructive to the water resources will be used in the watershed. Deliberate use of forest resources as targets will be limited to specified areas of specialized training such as the Combat Village area. The use of flares and tear gas will be kept at the minimum level necessary for Marine Corps training purposes.

H. The Secretary of Interior or his designated representative shall be notified of any permanent structures or roads planned for construction in the watershed. Construction will be conducted in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Virginia Sediment and Erosion Control Act. The clearing of wooded areas for construction will be kept to a minimum.

I. Subject to the availability of funding, existing paved roads and roads with graded improved surfaces will be maintained in accordance with the State Highway Standards. Unimproved dirt roads, paths, and trails over which vehicles travel will be maintained in accordance with the Best Management Practices for Forestry as outlined in the chapter on Woodland Access Roads and Trails (Std. and spec.l.0). Vehicular travel through wooded areas not containing a road, path or trail for their use will be kept at the minimum level necessary for Marine Corps training purposes. Where vehicle use has detrimental effects on water quality, immediate corrective action will be taken.

J. The Secretary of the Interior or his designated representative will be notified in advance of the establishment of any utility corridors in the watershed.

K. Fish species not native to the Quantico Creek will not be stocked in the creek. Park officials will be notified prior to the stocking of native species.

L. Settling ponds to contain sediments resulting from military use of the watershed will be provided on the advice of the Soil Conservation service subject to availability of project funding.

III. Administration

A. It is understood and agreed that the Superintendent of Prince William Forest Park is the designated representative of the secretary of the Interior as referred to in the above provisions. The Commanding General, Marine Corps Development and Education Command (MCDEC) is the representative of the Secretary of the Navy.

B. The Secretary of Interior, or his authorized representative, will be allowed access for routine inspection of the watershed. Access/admittance will be coordinated with Marine Corps Development and Education Command, principally the Range Control Officer.

C. An exchange of information shall be maintained between MCDEC and Prince William Forest Park. A continuing dialogue will be maintained concerning significant environmental problems which may occur, including wildfires, forest pests, etc., in the area covered by this agreement. The park will be provided with copies of the Marine Corps Development and Education Command Long Range Natural Resources Management Plan upon request.

D. Should the Department of Navy at any time determine that there is no longer a need for the 3,500 acres in the watershed of the Quantico Creek (or any part of the watershed) for military purposes, and it is declared excess, it will be offered to the Department of Interior for inclusion in Prince William Forest Park to the extent then allowed by Federal Statute and Property Management Regulations.

E. Significant cultural resources known to exist in the area herein defined shall be protected from destruction as far as is practical for possible future interpretation.

F. The Secretaries of Interior and Navy, by their signature below, approve the provisions of this plan, to be effective as of the date signed. The plan will be reviewed at least every five years.


EVERETT PYATT August 09, 1984

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