Special History Study
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acero = steel

acto = act; decree

administrador = administrator

aduana = customs house

aforo = appraisal

aguardiente = alcoholic spirit

alcabala = excise tax

alcalde = mayor

algodón = cotton

almacén = warehouse

almirantazgo = import duty

almojarifazgo = customs fee

almud = dry measure about .8 of a liter

alpaca = wool or cloth

anta = elk skin

aparejo = pack saddle

aprehensor = apprehender

arancel = tariff, customs duty

arbitrio = municipal or tax excise

arma = arm, weapon

arriero = muleteer

artículo = article

atajo = team of pack mules

Audiencia = Spanish colonial high court

autoridad = authority

avería = tax to cover transportation costs

ayuntamiento = municipality

bala = bolt of cloth

barril = barrel

barrio = neighborhood

baúl = trunk

bestia = animal such as horse, cow, sheep, goat

bien = property

bono = bond, note

borrador = carbon copy

buey = ox

bula de santa cruzada = tax on indulgences

bulto = bundle

burro de carga = donkey able to carry a load

caballo = horse

cabra = goat

caja = box, chest

cajita = little box

cajón = big box, chest

Camino Real = Royal road

Camino Real de la tierra adentro = the Royal road to Chihuahua and the interior of Mexico

cantidad = amount, quantity

cantina = large wallet or leather box; canteen

carga = load, burden

cargamento = cargo, shipment camero = ram; wether casa = house

castor = beaver

cátedra = college-level class

caza = hunting

chicle = chewing gum

cíbolo = buffalo; buffalo skin

ciudadano = citizen

colcha = quilt, bedspread

comerciante = merchant

comercio = commerce

comiso = seizure, confiscation of goods

común = common

conchilla = seashell

conductor = driver of a caravan

consulado = merchant guild

consumo = consumption

contrabando = smuggling, contraband

cordobán = tanned goatskin

cordón = string of people or animals

corona = blanket used with the sadlle

corte = a piece of cloth or fabric larger than a remnant

Cortes = Spanish legislative body (includes equivalent of House of Representatives and Senate)

costal = large sack for grain

costurera = seamstress

cuaderno de guías = notebook where guías were recorded

cuenta = account; bead

decreto = decree

denunciante = denouncer

derecho = right; duty

derecho de consumo = consumption fee

derecho de fundidor = smelting charge

derecho de internación = tariff; import duty

destino = destination

diezmo = tithe

diligencia = errand

dinero = money

Diputación Provincial = provincial delegation to Congress

diputado = representative to Congress; deputy

Dirección General de Hacienda = Treasury Department

districto = district

documento = document

donde me convenga = where it suits me

douceur = gift

efectos = goods, effects, merchandise

efectos del país = local merchandise

efectos extranjeros = foreign merchandise

empaque = packaging

empleado = employee

escribiente = scribe

estado = state; condition; government

estanco = monopoly on tobacco

expender = to sell

extranjero = foreign

extraordinario = extraordinary

factura = receipt

fanega = grain measure of about 1.6 bushels

fardo = bundle

feria = fair

fiador = guarantor

fierro = iron

fletero = freighter

fraudulenta introducción = illegal entry

frazada = blanket

frazada corriente = common blanket

frazada camera = blanket for the bed, bedspread

frontera = frontier

gachupín = Spaniard who settles in Latin America

gamuza = deer skin

gasto = expense

gentil = heathen, pagan

gerga = coarse woolen cloth

gobierno = government

grano = grain; monetary unit—12 granos equal 1 real

gruesa = gross

grupera = leather band part of the pack saddle

guantes = gloves

guía = commercial passport that itemized articles shipped between the various Mexican provinces

habitante = inhabitant

hacendado = owner of real estate, farm and/or cattle ranch

herramienta = tool

importación = import

importe = amount

indiana = calico

indio = Indian

interino = provisional, temporary

interna = interior, internal

jefe político = political chief

jerga = coarse woolen cloth

juez de paz = justice of the peace

juez = judge

junta = council, board

jurisdicción = jurisdiction

labrador = farmer

lana = wool

letra de cambio = letter of exchange; draft

letra de crédito = written order to pay; draft

letrado = lawyer

libranza = written order to pay; draft

lienzo = linen

maestro = teacher

mahón = nankeen

manta = coarse cotton fabric

máquina = machine

marítima = maritime

mayordomo = steward

media = sock, stocking

mejicano = Mexican

media añata = half of the first year's salary of officials

mesada = tax on appointed offices

milicia = militia

millionario = millionaire

modista = seamstress

moneda = coin; currency

mula = mule

nación bárbara = Indian tribe

negociante = trader, merchant

negocio = business; deal

nota = note, bond, bill

nulidad = error that nullifies a legal act

nutria = beaver

oficio = official document

orden de pago = order to pay

oso = bear

otros puntos en el camino = other points along the road

oveja = sheep

palmeo = trade tax based on the bulk of the merchandise

pano = type of cloth

pañuelo = scarf; handkerchief

papel = paper; official document

partida = shipment, consignment

partido = administrative unit; pastoral institution that dominated the sheep industry in New Mexico

partidario = individual who signed an agreement to care for sheep belonging to someone else

pasaporte = passport

pase = pass; permission to carry small amount of merchandise between provinces

patrón = boss, master

peón = laborer

peso = monetary unit

peso a precios antiguos = bookkeeping monetary unit worth four reales.

peso a precio de proyecto = bookkeeping monetary unit worth six reales.

peso de la tierra = bookkeeping monetary unit worth two reales.

peso de plata = silver

peso piel de oso = beaver skin

pieza = piece; unit

piloncillo = Mexican sugar

piñón = pine nut

población = population

préstamo forzoso = forced loan

promotor fiscal = district attorney

promovedor = promoter

proveniente = coming from

provincia = province

público = public

pueblo = town; people

puesto = place, post

punto = place, spot

quintal = weight measurement equals 100 lbs. or 100 kgs.

quinto = royalty on bullion

rancho = ranch

real = monetary unit—8 reales made 1 peso

rebozo = shawl

recargo = surcharge, surtax

recibo = receipt

remesa = remittance

remitente = sender

rico = wealthy individual

rúbrica = signature; category

sabanilla = linen bedspread

salvaje = savage, Indian

sarape de niño = child's sarape

sarape = shawl or blanket worn as an outer garment

sarape corriente = common sarape

sayal = coarse woolen cloth

sastre = tailor

segundo = second

serape = sarape

sisa = excise on food

sobremesa = tablecloth

sombrero = hat

subscripción = subscription

subsidio extraordinario = extraordinary subsidy

sujeto = subject

Supremo Poder Ejecutivo = Supreme Executive Power

tejido = weaving

tercio = bale, bundle; each of the bundles in a mule load; third

territorio = territory

tierra de pan llevar = irrigated land

tornaguía = document indicating that merchandise taken into Mexico had been delivered

trabajo = work

vaca = cow

valor = value; bond, stock

vara = unit of measurement that equals .835 meters (close to 1 yard)

vino = wine

vocal = deputy

voluntaria = voluntary

Vuestra Excelencia = Your Excellency

yegua = mare

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Last Updated: 30-Sep-2005