INTRODUCTION The material contained herein comes from DeVoto's account of the Lewis and Clark journey; The History of North Idaho, published in 1903 by Western Historical Publishing Co.; Pioneer Days in Idaho, by Sister Alfreda; from official records; memories of previous and present employees; personal knowledge and just plain hearsay. George Bentz, A. C. Adams, C. K. McHarg, V. L. Collins, Jack Parsell, Clayton Crocker, William I. McPherson, and Howard Higgins dug deep into their memories and personal files and contributed much material. The writer was not an oldtimer on the Nezperce but, after spending 13 years on the unit, could remember many things of the past told him by those who knew or had heard. Some of the incidents have more than one version, and if the reader doesn't agree with the one given he is at liberty to substitute his own. Albert N. Cochrell