Zuni Mountain Railroads Cibola National Forest, New Mexico
Albuquerque Daily Citizen
1892 May 23
1892 May 24
1892 June 21
1892 June 26
1892 July 1
1892 July 16
1892 August 10
1892 August 19
Albuquerque Journal
1929 August 23
1929 September 3
1929 September 7
1930 February 21
1939 June 25
1941 January 25
1941 January 27
1941 May 15
1941 May 28
Albuquerque JournalEvening Edition
1926 July 9
1931 May 4
1931 September 12
1931 October 13
Albuquerque JournalDemocrat
1903 July 9
1903 July 23
1903 July 24
1903 October 7
1903 October 26
1903 October 27
1903 September 13
Albuquerque Morning Democrat
1892 February 26
Albuquerque Morning Journal
1903 October 7
1907 January 3
1907 March 17
1907 April 6
1907 September 2
1907 September 12
1907 September 14
1907 September 16
1907 October 19
1908 January 19
1911 July 1
1911 July 7
1912 November 13
1923 August 11
1923 August 24
1923 September 2
1923 October 17
1908 February 15
1908 March 10
1910 May 17
1910 November 9
1914 May 6
1914 May 20
1914 June 3
1914 June 24
1914 July 14
1919 May 20
1919 May 25
1919 May 30
1919 June 3
1919 June 18
1920 June 5
1920 July 18
1920 October 10
1920 October 11
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Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
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1903 Contract (#3933, October 1) with American Lumber Company: Haulage
of logs from Thoreau to Albuquerque and return of empties.
1904 Contract (#18083, February 28) with American Lumber Company:
Industry track to Albuquerque factories.
1907 Contract with American Lumber Company; to furnish timber to A. B.
McGaffey Company to saw into ties for AT&SF under an agreement
between McGaffey Company and AT&SF (#20928A, January 1).
1907 Contract with McGaffey Contracting Company (January 20).
1909 Renewal of the 1903 contract for additional five years as #3933A
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1909 Renewal of the 1907 contract as #20928C
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n.d. Corporations Classified
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Peterson, Charles S.
1973 Take Up Your Mission. University of Arizona
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1927 Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United
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Popelish, Linda
1986 A Cultural Resources Survey of the Bluewater Creek Watershed
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Prestridge, R.L.
1969 Letter to D.I. Rees, dated November 10.
Prestridge and Seligman
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1906 April 6
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Randles, Quincy
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1931 May
Southern Iron & Equipment Co., Atlanta, Georgia
n.d. General Information. Unpublished ms., Railway & Locomotive
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Sunshine Magazine
1905 August 4
Swain, George R
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Telling, Irving
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Tietjen, Gary L.
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The Timberman
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1920 Directory of the Logging Industry
1921 Directory of the Logging Industry
1923 Directory of the Logging Industry
1924 Directory of the Logging Industry
1925 Directory of the Logging Industry
1927 Directory of the Logging Industry
1930 Directory of the Logging Industry
1939 Directory of the Logging Industry
1941 Directory of the Logging Industry
1942 Directory of the Logging Industry
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1924 August
1924 October
Twitchell, Ralph Emerson
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U. S. Forest Service
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U.S. Geological Survey
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Worley, E. D.
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Pacific Railroad Company.
Last Updated: 02-Sep-2008 |
Electronic edition courtesy of the Forest History Society.