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Arizona Water Commission. Proceedings of 18th Annual Arizona Watershed Symposium, Rep. 6. Phoenix, AZ, 1974. 46 pp. Barnes, Will C. "The Story of the Range, an account of the occupation of the public domain ranges by the pioneer stockmen." Reprinted from Part 6 of the Hearings before a subcommittee on Public Lands and Surveys. Senate Resolution 347. 69th Congress, 1st Session, 1926. Cliff, Edward P. "Grazing Policies on Forest LandsA Look at the Next 20 Years." Congressional Record 113(75) (May 1967): S6816-S6818. Emory, Lt. Col. W.H. Military Reconnaissance from Ft. Leavenworth, Missouri to San Diego, California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. Made in 1846-7 with the advanced guard of the "Army of the West." Doc. No. 41. 30th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, DC: Wendell and Van Berthuysen, 1848. Emory, William H. Report of the U.S.-Mexican Boundary Survey Made Under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Ex. Doc. No. 135. 34th Congress, 1st Session, 3 vols. 1857. "Forest Service Celebrates Seventy-Fifth Anniversary." Forest Service News [Release]. Southwestern Region, March 11, 1980. 10 pp. Hill, R.R. Effects of Grazing Upon Western Yellow Pine Reproduction in the National Forests of Arizona and New Mexico. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Bulletin No, 580. 1917. House Committee on The Conservation and Administration of the Public Domain. Report of the Committee, Act of April 10, 1930. 71st Cong., 2nd Sess. 1931. House Committee on Conservation of Natural Resources. Report of National Conservation Commission, 1909. Doc. No. 676. 60th Cong., 2nd Sess. 1909. Vol. 1. Ives, Lt. Joseph C. Report Upon the Colorado River of the West, Explored in 1857-58 by Order of the Secretary of War. Executive Doc. 36th Congress, 1st Session. Washington, DC. 1861. Jardine, James T. and Mark Anderson. Range Management on the National Forests. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1919. "Joint Resolution, Providing for a Careful Inquiry and Report Respecting the Operation and Administration of the National Forest Service." Senate Reports. 60th Congress, 2nd Session. January 25, 1909. Leiberg, John B.; Rixon, Theodore F.; Dodwell, Arthur. Forest Conditions in the San Francisco Mountains Forest Reserve, Arizona. Prof. Pap. 22 (Series H, Forestry, 7). Washington, DC: Geological Survey, 1904. 95 pp. McCulloch, Clay Y. Evaluation of Summer Deer Habitat on the Kaibab Region: A Final Report. Phoenix: Arizona Game and Fish Department, Research Branch, 1982.20 pp. National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, US. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Adjacent Lands Study, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. San Francisco: U.S. Department of Interior, 1981. 49 pp. Nineteenth Annual Report of the U.S. Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1897-1898, Forest Reserves. Part I and Part IV. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1898. Nineteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1897-98, Forest Reserves. Washington, DC: GPO, 1899, Part V. Plummer, F.G. Forest Conditions in the Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Arizona. Prof. Pap. 23 (Series H, Forestry 8), U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, 1904,62 pp. Plummer, F.G.; Goswell, M.G. Forest Conditions in the Lincoln Forest Reserve, New Mexico. Prof. Pap. 33 (Series H, Forestry 11), Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1904. 47 pp. Rixon, T.F, Forest Conditions in the Gila River Forest Reserve, New Mexico. Prof. Pap. 33 (Series H, Forestry 13). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1905. 89 pp. Russo, John P. The Kaibab North Deer HerdIts History, Problems and Management. Phoenix: Arizona Game and Fish Department, 1964. 195 pp. Senate Committee on Public Lands. Public Lands Commission Report, 1905. Doc. 189. 58th Cong., 3rd Sess. 1905. Senate Committee on Public Lands. The Western Range: A Great But Neglected National Resource. Doc. 199. 74th Cong., 2nd Sess. 1936. 620 pp. Steer, Henry B. Lumber Production in the United States, 1799-1946. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1948. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. National Plan for American Forestry. Doc. 12. 73rd Cong., 1st Sess. Washington, DC: 1933. 2 vols. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Personnel and Business Administration. List of Technical Workers in the Department of Agriculture, and Outline of Functions of Major Branches of the Department. Misc. Publ. 5, Washington, DC: 1927. 100 pp. U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of the Interior; Soil Conservation Service. Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona-New Mexico, Appendix I, Description of Basin. Phoenix, AZ: 1981. 142 pp. U.S. Department of the Interior. Annual Report of the Secretary of Interior, 1902, House Doc. 5, vol. 18. 57th Cong., 2nd Sess. 1902-1903. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs. BIA Profile. Washington, DC: 1981. ______. Fish and Wildlife Service. Improving Fish and Wildlife Benefits in Range Management. Washington, DC: 1977. 118 pp. U.S. Department of the Interior, Proceedings, National Park Conference, Yellowstone National Park, September 11 and 12, 1911, Washington, DC: 1912. United States Geological Survey. Bulletins 118 to 122. Washington, DC, 1895. Warren, J.; Wilson, R.A. Airborne Infrared Forest Fire SurveillanceA Chronology of the USDA Forest Service Research and Development. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-115. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 8 pp. The Western Range. 74th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Document No. 199. Wheeler, George M.; Humphreys, Brig. Gen. A.A. Preliminary Report Concerning Explorations and Surveys Principally in Nevada and Arizona. Washington, DC: U.S. War Department, 1872. Whipple. Lt. Amiel Weeks. Report of the Whipple Survey of the Southwest from the Mississippi to the Pacific Coast. Senate Doc. 78, 33rd Cong., 2nd Sess. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Vols. III and IV. Wilson, James, Secretary of Agriculture, Letter to the Forester, Forest Service, February 1, 1905. Washing ton, DC.
A Development Program for the National Forests: Estimates of Work Needed and Costs by States. 1961. 42 pp. An Analysis of the Timber Situation in the United States, 1952-2030. For. Res. Rep. 23, 1982.499 pp. An Assessment of the Forest and Range Land Situation in the United States. For, Res. Rep. 22. 1981. 352 pp. Bell, Frank C,; Graves, Walter L.; Kirby, Malcolm W.; Norman, Kenneth P.; Schwartzbart, Gideon; Valfer, Ernest S. Size of Ranger District Study. 1968. 108 pp. Court Cases related to Administration of the Range Resource on Lands Administered by the Forest Service. 1964, 121 pp. Directives System Index. Forest Service Handbook 1109.11, Amendment No. 17, 1981. Eldredge, Inman F., Sr. Management Plans: With Special Reference to the National Forests, Misc. Pub. No. 11. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1928. 84 pp. Forest Service Atlas, 1907, Washington, DC: USDI Geological Survey. 1908. Forest Service Handbook, Filing System Handbook, 1982. Forest Service Organizational Directory. 1984. 172 pp. Forest Statistics of the U.S., 1977, 38 pp. From Challenge to Opportunity: The Forest Service in 1983. 6 pp. "F.Y. 1967 Program of Work, Chief's Office," Washington, DC, February 1966,72 pp. Gery, R.E.; Smith, John A. Report on Lieu Sections (Act of June 4, 1897; 30 Stat., 36); Sioux Half Breed Scrip (Act of July 17, 1854; 10 Stat., 304); Valentine Scrip (Act of April 5, 1872; 17 Stat,, 649), and Other Claims, Located Within That Portion of the State of Arizona Lying North and West of the Colorado River. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, District 4, 1915. 37 pp. Grand Canyon National Park. Adjacent Lands Study, Public Review Draft. 1981, 15 pp. Hendee, Clare. Organization and Management in the Forest Service: A Summary from the Manual and Handbook. 1962. 84 pp. Instructions for Appraising Stumpage on National Forests. 1914. 70 pp. Kellogg, R.S. The Timber Supply of the United States. Circular No. 166. 1909, 15 pp. Land Areas of the National Forest System. 1977-(pagination varies). Land Exchange in the National Forest System. 1967. 10 pp. Manual of Procedure for the Forest Service in Washington and on District Offices, 1908. 93 pp. The More Important Forest Insects in 1954: A Summary of Conditions, 1955. "Multiple Use," Forest Service Manual, Title 2100. n.d. [Amendments and supplements.] The National Forest Manual. General Administration and Protection. 1912. Various pagination. The National Forest Manual. Timber Sales. Administrative Use. Timber Settlement. Free Use. 1911. 90 pp. Organization and Management Systems in the Forest Service: A Summary from the Manual. 1981. 72 pp. The Outlook for Timber in the United States. For. Res. Rep. 20, 1974. 374 pp. Parker, Kenneth W. A Method for Measuring Trend in Range Condition on National Forest Ranges. 1951. 26 pp. "Performance Requirements, Forest Supervisor, GS-12 and 13." n.p., [1959]. 5 pp. Pinchot, Gifford. The Use of the National Forests. Washington, DC, 1907. Report of the Chief of the Forest Service. 1969. Report of the Forest Service, Fiscal Year 19-, 1980-date. Report of the Forester for 1902 (and see 1909-1925). Review of Forest Service Investigations. Vol V. 1913. 60 pp. Search for Solitude: Our Wilderness Heritage. 1974. 29 pp. Service Bulletin. Vol. 9. March 2, 1925. Size of Ranger District Study. 1968. 107 pp. The Use Book: A Manual of Information About the National Forests. 1918. 168 pp. Watts, Lyle F. Chief of the Forest Service. Memorandum to the Secretary of Agriculture. "National Forest Ranges Administration." Washington, DC. January 7, 1946,1 p. Woolsey, Theodore S., Jr. Western Yellow Pine in Arizona and New Mexico, Bull. 101, 1911. 63 pp.
Andrews, Stuart R.; Daniels, John P. A Survey of Dwarf Mistletoes in Arizona and New Mexico. Res. Pap. RM-49, 1960. 17 pp. Barger, Roland L.; Folliott, Peter F. Physical Characteristics and Utilization of Major Woodland Tree Species in Arizona. Res. Pap. RM-83, 1972. 80 pp. Brown, Harry E. et al. Opportunities for Increasing Water Yields and Other Multiple Use Values on Ponderosa Pine Forest Lands. Res. Pap. RM-129, 1974. 36 pp. Brown, Thomas C.; O'Connell, Paul F,; Hibbert, Alden R. Chaparral Conversion Potential in Arizona. Part II: An Economic Analysis. Res. Pap. RM-127, 1974. 28 pp. Carmichael, R.S., et al. Arizona Chaparral: Plant Association and Ecology. Res. Pap. RM-202, 1978. 16 pp. Clark, Martin S. Ecology and Management of Southwestern Semidesert Grass-Shrub Ranges: The Status of Our Knowledge. Res. Pap. RM-156, 1975. 39 pp. Clary, Warren P. Range Management and the Ecological Basis in the Ponderosa Pine Type of Arizona: The Status of Our Knowledge. Res. Pap. RM-158, 1975. 35 pp. Clary, Warren P.; Baker, Malchus B., Jr.; O'Connell, Paul F.; Johnsen, Thomas N., Jr.; Campbell, Ralph E. Effects of Pinon-Juniper Removal on Natural Resource Products and Uses in Arizona. Res. Pap. RM-128, 1974. 28 pp. Harper, Earle F,; Schubert, Gilbert H. Preliminary Classification for the Coniferous Forest and Woodland Series of Arizona and New Mexico. Res. Pap. RM96208, 1979. 27 pp. Hibbert, Alden R.; Davis, Edwin A,; Scholl, David G. Chaparral Conversion Potential in Arizona. Part I: Water Yield Response and Effects on Other Resources. Res. Pap. RM-126, 1974. 36 pp. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service Regions 1,2,3 and 4. Field Instructions for Forest Inventory, Rocky Mountain Area. n.p., rev. 1957. 120 pp., state supplements. Johnson, R.R.; Jones, D.A. (tech. coord.). Importance, Preservation and Management of Riparian Habitat, Res. Pap. RM-43. 1977. 217 pp. Jones, John R. Silviculture of Southwestern Mired Conifers and Aspen: The Status of Our Knowledge. Res. Pap. RM-122, 1974. 44 pp. Krauch, Herman. Management of Douglas-fir Timberland in the Southwest. Res. Pap. 21, 1956. 47 pp. Moir, William H.; Ludwig, John A. A Classification of Spruce-Fir and Mired Conifer Habitat Types of Arizona and New Mexico. Res. Pap. RM-207, 1979. 47 pp. Patton, David R.; Folliott, Peter F. Selected Bibliography of Wildlife and Habitats for the Southwest, Tech. Rep. RM-16, 1975. 39 pp. Price, Raymond. History of Forest Service Research in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountain Regions, 1908-1975, Tech. Rep. RM-27, 1976. 100 pp. Reppert, Jack N,; Francis, Richard E. Interpretation of Trend in Range Condition from 3-Step Data, Res. Pap. RM-103, 1973. 15 pp. Rich, Lowell R.; Thompson, J.R. Watershed Management in Arizona's Mixed Conifer Forests: The Status of Our Knowledge. Res. Pap. RM-130, 1974. 15 pp. Schubert, Gilbert H. Silviculture of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine: The Status of Our Knowledge. Res. Pap. RM-123, 1974. 71 pp. Senn, Ronald A., Jr. A Descriptive Inventory of Ponderosa Pine in National Forests in the Salt-Verde Basin, Arizona, Tech. Rep. RM-26, 1976. 8 pp. Springfield, H.W. Characteristics and Management of Southwestern Pinyon-Juniper Ranges: The Status of Our Knowledge. Res. Pap. RM-160, 1976. 32 pp. Stokes, M.A.; Dieterich, J.H.; Mutch, R.W., tech. coords. Proceedings of the Fire History Workshop. Tech, Rep. RM-81, 1980. 142 pp. Thill, Ronald E.; Folliott, Peter F.; Patton, David R. Deer and Elk Forage Production in Arizona, Mixed Conifer Forests. 1983. 4 pp.
Annual Report, 1935-1952. Glendening, George E. Some Factors Affecting Cattle Use of Northern Arizona Pine-Bunchgrass Ranges. Rep. 6. 1944. 9 pp. How Cattle May Use Cut-Over Ponderosa Pine-Bunchgrass with Minimum Injury to Reproduction. Res. Note 15. 1937. 3 pp. How to Handle Sheep on Cut-Over Ponderosa Pine-Bunchgrass Ranges to Keep Injury to Reproduction to a Minimum, Res. Note 16. 1937. 2 pp. McGinnies, W.G.; Parker, K.W.; Glendening, G.E. Southwestern Range Ecology. Rep. 211, 1946. 8 pp. Pearson, G.A.; Wadsworth, Frank. Timber Management in the Fort Valley Experimental Forest, Wing Mountain Unit. Rep. 1, 1940. 21 pp. Ponderosa Pine Management Conference, Fort Valley Experimental Forest. September 19-22, 1944. 40 pp.
Acciavatti, Robert E. Biological Evaluation, Western Spruce Budworm, National Forest, National Park, Indian Reservation, State, and Private Lands, Region 3. Forest Insect and Disease Management, 1977. Acciavatti, Robert E.; Geils, Brian W. Biological Evaluation, White Fir Needle Miner, Alpine Ranger District, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona. Forest Insect and Disease Management, 1975. 10 pp. Alamo National Forest. Alamo Advisor. February 1912- [newsletter]. Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest's Recreational Opportunities. 21 pp. Bailey, Robert B. Historical Firsts in the U.S. Forest Service. Cultural Res. Rep. 26, 1978. 71 pp. Baldwin, J.J. "Timber Management Plan, Tonto National Forest, Southwestern Region, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1983," 1974. 68 pp. Carson National Forest. Canjilon Ranger District. "Trespass Report, Alianza Federal de Mercedes, October 15-26, 1966, Echo Amphitheater Campground." 12 pp. ______. Draft Carson Forest Plan and Environmental Impact Statements. April 20, 1979. n.p. ______. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Carson National Forest Plan. 1984. 353 pp. ______. Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Western Spruce Budworm Management Program for High Use Recreation Sites and Visual Corridors on Taos & Questa District of the Carson National Forest, Taos County, New Mexico. 1985. 360 pp. ______. Proposed Carson National Forest Plan. January 1983. Sections F1-F6. Cibola National Forest. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Cibola National Forest Plan. July 1984. 372 pp. ______. Memorandum for Forest Rangers. 1948. 6 pp. forms. ______. Proposed Cibola National Forest Plan. July 1984. 249 pp. Cibola National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. 1983. 279 pp. Cliff, Edward P., Chief, U.S. Forest Service, to Regional Foresters, Directors, and Area Directors, April 28, 1971, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. File 1685. Coconino National Forest, Arizona. 1939. 26 pp. Coconino National Forest. A Report on the Coconino National Forest and the Coconino Experimental Forest. 1910. No. 33. 8 pp. ______. The Coconino National Forest Multiple Use Guide. 1974. 76 pp. ______. Extensive Classification. 1921. (atlas) ______. Flagstaff Working Circle Inventory (1961) Data. 1962, 1963. ______. Forest Management Plan. 1923. 40 pp. ______. Management Plan, Flagstaff Working Circle. 1927. 55 pp. ______. Management Plan, Flagstaff Working Circle, 1933-1942. 50 pp. ______. Map Atlas. n.d. (8.5 x 11 inches) ______. Periodic Reanalysis, Flagstaff Federal Sustained Yield Unit. 1979. 118 pp. ______. Pulpwood Survey. 1959 ______. Supplements to Timber Management Plan, Flagstaff Working Circle, 1943-1952. ______. Draft Environmental Statement, A Proposed Timber Management Plan for the Coconino National Forest, 1972. ______. Roosevelt, Theodore. "A Proclamation Establishing the Coconino National Forest, Arizona." July 2, 1908. Exec. Doc. No. 818. ______. Timber Atlas. ______. Timber Management Plan, Flagstaff Working Circle. 1965. 82 pp. ______. Timber Sale Control Maps. ______. Timber Stand Improvement Atlas. Cohoon, A.E. Proposed Addition to the Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Arizona. A Part of the Verde Withdrawal. 28 pp. Coronado National Forest, Arizona. 1942. 20 pp. Coronado National Forest. Ames, Charles R. Coronado History. n.d. 7 pp. ______. Doran, Clyde W. Proposed History Program. Inventory of Coronado National Forest History Items. 1972. 2 pp. ______. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Coronado National Forest Plan. 1982. 173 pp. ______. Fire Control Activities from 1961-1972. 2 pp. ______. Little, Harry G. History-Wilcox Ranger District. 1972. 2 pp. ______. Predmore, Ellen, Summary of the History of Coronado [National] Forest, 1983. 5 pp. ______. Proposed Coronado National Forest Plan. 1984. 38 pp. ______. Smith, Frank J.; Jones, Dale A. Report on Functional Inspection-Range and Wildlife Management, Coronado National Forest, March 17-19, 1967, and April 29-May 3, 1968. Crook National Forest. Bronson, D.D. Report on Proposed Elimination from the Crook National Forest, Globe Division. 1909. 24 pp. ______. King, Rex, Policy Statement, 1931. 19 pp. ______. Recknagel, A.B. Plan of Management for the Timber on the Mount Graham Division of the Crook National Forest, Arizona. 1911. 51 pp. ______. Swift, Theodore T. Report Recommending a Small Elimination from the Globe Division, 1920. 4 pp. Cultural Resources, Automated Information System. Looseleaf Binder, 1983. Description of Demonstration Areas Used in the 1944 Program of Training Forest Officers in the Art of Appraising Range Conditions, [1944] 15 pp. District Forester, District III. "Silviculture Handbook." Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1916, 58 pp. District Forester, General Selling Prospectus of National Forest Timber, Arizona and New Mexico, n.p., [1914]. 23 pp. Drake, Willard M. Report of the Coconino National Forest, 1910. (Northern Arizona University Library, Flagstaff.) Facts About the National Forest System in the Southwest. 1983. 37 pp. Facts: Southwestern Region, National Forests of Arizona and New Mexico, Albuquerque: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Science, 1958. 37 pp. Final Environmental Impact Statement, Western Spruce Budworm Management, Kaibab National Forest and Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona. 1981. 127 pp. Final Environmental Statement, Vegetation Control by Mechanical, Chemical, and Fire Treatment in the States of Arizona and New Mexico. 1974. 165 pp. Forest Insect and Disease Management. Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the Southwest, 1976. 1976. 19 pp. The Forest Pioneer. 1920-1941. General Selling Prospectives of National Forest Timber, Arizona and New Mexico. 1914. 23 pp. Gila National Forest. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Gila National Forest Plan, 1985. 353 pp. ______. Gila Monster, [Newsletter.] July 1920-? ______. Gila Newsletter. 1911-? ______. Interesting Facts About the Gila National Forest, n.d. 4 pp. ______. Moore, Barrington. A Working Plan for the Mogollon Division of the Gila National Forest, Rep. 93. 1911. 39 pp. ______. Timber Sales Records, 1903-1925, [Card file.] Glover, Vernon J. Logging Railroads of the Lincoln National Forest, Cultural Resources Management Report No. 4. 1986. Goddard, W.H., Forest Supervisor, Letter to Forest Officers (Magdalena, NM), March 3, 1910. Hassell, Jean. "Change Management Essential." Southwestern Region Administrative Bulletin, December 1984. Hickey, Wayne C., Jr. A Discussion of Grazing Management Systems and Some Pertinent Literature, 1895-1966. n.p. Holsmeyer, S.J. Report on the Proposed Verde River Forest Reserve, Arizona, 1904. 26 pp. How to Obtain Forest Service Maps. 1984. 4 pp. Importance of Forestry and the National Forests, A Handbook of Information for the Social and Civil Organizations in the Southwest, 1923. n.p. Jones, John D. "Past and Present Recreational Use, National Forests-Southwestern Region." Southwestern Region, Forest Service. 1937. Kaibab National Forest. Annual Wildlife Report. 1944. 7 pp. ______. Fire Plan, 1956. 54 pp. ______. Forest Recreation Plan. [Atlas.] 1940. ______. Forest Supervisor's Album [Early Photos of Nation al Forests]. n.d. ______. Gee, Merle A. Timber Management Plan, North Kaibab Working Circle, No. 46. 1948. 4 pp. ______. Kaibab Deer Investigating Report, October 1, 1924. n.p. ______. Kaibab Reconnaissance. [Atlas.] 1913. ______. Kaibab Timber Estimates. [Atlas.] n.d. ______. Lang, D.M. and S.S. Stewart. Reconnaissance of the Kaibab National Forest, 1909. 37 pp. ______. Multiple Use Maps. [Atlas.] n.d. ______. North Side Timber Sale Atlas. n.d. ______. Origins of Kaibab National Forest. n.d. 2 pp. ______. Proposed Kaibab Canyon-Sandrocks Wilderness Study Area, Environmental Analysis Report. 1972, n.p. ______. Range Management Plan. July 12, 1930, 1944, 1946, 1952, 1953. ______. Record of Timber Stand. [Atlas.] n.d. ______. Roeder, Wilfried E. Chronological Record of the Kaibab National Forest, n.d. 12 pp. [Notes.] ______. Sale Prospectus of National Forest Timber, Arizona. 1913. 20 pp. ______. Timber Management Plan, Williams Working Circle. Rev. 1962-1966. ______. Timber Sale Control Map. [Atlas.] n.d. ______. Tusayan Logging Units. [Atlas.] n.d. ______. Kent, W.H.B. Clifton Addition to the Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Arizona. 1905. 14 pp. Krauch, Hermann. Increment and Mortality in Cutover Stands of Ponderosa Pine as Based on Records of Permanent Sample Plots. 1933. 17 pp. Land and Resource Management Planning: Issues, Concerns, and Opportunities, Arizona's National Forests. 1980. 71 pp. Lessard, Gene. The Occurrence and Control of the Western Spruce Budworm in the Southwestern Region. Forest Insect and Disease Management. 1975. Lincoln National Forest. Cloudcraft District Multiple Use Plan. 1960. ______. Leopold, Aldo. General Inspection Report, Lincoln National Forest. 1921. 36 pp. ______. Mayhill District Multiple Use Plan. 1960. ______. Recreation Survey. 1959. ______. Timber Management Plans, Sacramento Working Circle. 1962, 1963-1981. [Varying pagination.] ______. Weed District Multiple Use Plan. 1960. Winter Sports in Your National Forests. Albuquerque, NM. Winter 1954-55. Lindh, C. Otto. "Land Management in the Southwest." Albuquerque, NM: July 10, 1950. n.p. Mann, Walter C. "The Kaibab Deer: A Brief History and the Present Plan of Management." n.p., 1931, amended 1936 and 1941, 56 pp. May, Milton D. "General Functional Inspection." 1968, Memorandum of Understanding Between Sharlot Hail Museum and Forest Service, Southwestern Region. 1982. 4 pp. Multiple Use Management Guide. (Forest Service Handbook, FSH 2121.4.) 1967. Various pagination. Multiple Use Management Guide for National Forest Administration. 1959. 10 pp. National Forest Facts, Southwestern Region, Arizona and New Mexico, 1945. 1945. 39 pp. National Forest Facts, Southwestern Region, Arizona and New Mexico, 1953-54. 1954. 39 pp. Prescott National Forest, Arizona. 1941. 24 pp. Prescott National Forest. Analysis of the Management Situation, Prescott National Forest. 1983. n.p. ______. Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Prescott National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan [Proposed]. March 9, 1985, computer printout, various pagination. ______. Draft Environmental Statement, Timber Management Program, Prescott National Forest, Prescott, AZ, 1976. 71 pp. ______. Outline of Field Methods Used in Reconnaissance Studies, Prescott, AZ. n.d., 2 pp. ______. Final Environmental Statement, Prescott National Forest, Timber Management Plan. Prescott, AZ, 1976. 89 pp. ______. Report on Range Condition, Verde Division. 1914. 32 pp. Proposed Carson National Forest Plan. 1984. 230 pp. Proposed Lincoln National Forest Plan. 1985. 227 pp. Rare II, Arizona: Supplement to Draft Environmental Statement, Roadless Area Review and Evaluation, No. 73. 1978. 29 pp. Rare II, New Mexico: Supplement to Draft Environmental Statement, Roadless Area Review and Evaluation, No, 77. 1978. 27 pp. Rare II, Roadless Area Review and Evaluation, Final Environmental Statement and Arizona State Supplement. 1979. Recreation Sites in Southwestern National Forests, 1983. 47 pp. Region 3 Timber Management Handbook, 1950. Rogers, T.J.; Wulf, N. William. Western Spruce Budworm Silvicultural Demonstration Area Project, Carson National Forest, New Mexico. Forest Pest Mgmt. Rep. 2, 1982. Santa Fe National Forest. Eastman, Clyde and James R. Gray. "Social Analysis, Model for the Santa Fe National Forest." June 1979. 80 pp. ______. Elliott, Michael L. Large Pueblo Sites Near Jemez Springs, New Mexico. Cultural Resources Report No. 3. ______. Final Environmental Impact Statement, Santa Fe National Forest Plan, 1982. 90 pp. ______. Gillio, David A. An Historical Perspective for Management. Cultural Resources Report No. 30. 90 pp. ______. Management Area Map Supplement, Santa Fe National Forest Plan. 1982, 90 pp. ______. Santa Fe National Forest Plan. October 1982, 154 pp. Sharlot Hall Museum. 1984. [Folder.] Silvicultural Handbook, 1916. 58 pp. Sitgreaves National Forest, Forest Atlas, 1908. Statistics, Southwestern Region, Arizona and New Mexico, March 1, 1939. 47 pp. Timber Management Handbook, 1948. [Annual amendments.] Tonto National Forest. Courtney, R.E.; Baldwin, J.J. Modifying Chaparral Brushland on the Tonto National Forest to Improve Resource Values, 1964. 10 pp. ______. Croyon, Fred W. History of Grazing on the Tonto National Forest, 1926. 12 pp. ______. Extensive Land Classification. [Atlas.] 1916. ______. Intensive Land Classification. [Atlas.] ______. Leopold, Aldo. General Inspection Report. 1922. 38 pp. ______. McAllister, Martin E. and J. Scott Wood. Eleven Thousand Years on the Tonto National Forest: Prehistory and History in Central Arizona, Cultural Resources Report 81-70. 1981. 21 pp. ______. Mesa Ranger District. Fire Management AnalysisSoldier Fire, July 3, 1970. 20 pp. ______. Randall, Frank C. A History of the Tonto Basin, n.d. 12 pp. ______. Timber Management Plan, Payson Working Circle, rev. 1962-1971. Tusayan National Forest, Allison, J.H. A Working Plan for Grand Canyon Division of the Tusayan National Forest. 1910. 36 pp. ______. Randles, Quincy. Management Plan Report for the Sawtimber Type on the Tusayan National Forest, Arizona. 25 pp. Walters, James W. A Guide to Forest Disease of Southwestern Conifers. Forest Insects and Disease Management, 1978, 36 pp. ______. Biological Evaluation, Dwarf Mistletoe, Mistletoe Timber Sale, Tusayan Ranger District, Kaibab National Forest, Arizona. Forest Insect and Disease Management, 1976. 28 pp. Wilderness and Primitive Areas in Southwestern National Forests. 1983. 48 pp.
Ames, Charles R. "Reclamation of Old Forest Service Pick up." 1969. 1 p. "Arthur Cuming Ringland. September 29, 1882-October 12, 1981." 4 pp. Bailey, Vernon; Bailey, Florence M. "New Mexico: San Mateo Mountains, Laguna to Acoma, September 20-23, 1906." (Filed at the Cibola National Forest.) n.p. Brown, Virginia M. "Magnificent Land." (Filed at the Prescott National Forest, 1976.) 93 pp. Croxon, Fred W. "Duties and Experiences as District Ranger, Munds Park-Sedona District, Coconino National Forest." n.d. 11 pp. Drake, Willard M. "Coconino National Forest." (Box 2, Frederick Winn Collection, Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, AZ.) Eldean, Fred. "The Case of the 98,000 Acres," An address to the Corral, Scottsdale, AZ, March 25, 1981. (Filed at the Coconino National Forest.) Gross, L.S. "Timber Management Plans on the National Forests." Alameda, CA. 1950. Gutierrez, Cifredo R. "Hall Comes Back." 1980. Harrison, Anne E. "The Santa Catalinas, A Description and History." Coronado National Forest, Arizona, Santa Catalina Ranger District, Sabino Canyon Visitor Center. 1972. 212 pp. Hendee, Clare. "100th Birthday Celebration for Arthur Ringland." October 8, 1982. Cosmos Club, Washington, DC. 1 p. Hollister, N. "BirdsAugust 7-20, 1905." Cibola National Forest, n.p. ______. "MammalsNew Mexico: Laguna, August 7-20, 1905." Cibola National Forest. n.p. ______. "PhysiographyNew Mexico: Wingate, June 18-29, 1905." "History Notes." (Filed at the Kaibab National Forest, 1680.) Kellogg, Royal S. "Report on an Examination of the Graham Mountains in Arizona," 1902. 11 pp. Lange, D.S. and S.S. Stewart, "Reconnaissance of the Kaibab National Forest." (Filed at the Kaibab National Forest.) n.d. 17 pp. Lindh, C. Otto. "Administration of National Forest Lands." (Filed at the Southwest Region, Albuquerque, NM, 1960.) 15 pp. McArdle, Richard E. "Memorandum to Regional Foresters and Experiment Station Directors, re Regional Conservation Center at the Denver Library." 1961, 7 pp. Merkel, Fred. "Management Plan, Flagstaff Working Circle, Decade 1933-1952." (Filed at the Coconino National Forest, 1934.) 24 pp. Pearson, G.A. "The Oldest Forest Experiment Station." (Filed at the USDA Forest Service, Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM) 1936. Peplow, Edward H., Jr. "The Mogollon Rim." n.d. 5 pp. Reynolds, James J. "Report on Water System: San Francisco Mountain, Flagstaff, Arizona." (Filed at the Prescott National Forest.) 1915. Sawyer, Greg. "This History and Effects of the New Deal on the Coconino National Forest," (Filed at the Coconino National Forest.) April 21, 1976. Tainter, Joseph A. "Native American Use of the Cibola National Forest." (Filed at the USDA Forest Service, Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM.) 1982. n.p. Tucker, Edwin A. "The Forest Service in the Southwest: A Chronicle of and by the Men Who Qulte Literally Blazed the Trail, and of the Fulfillment, Frustration, and Fun They Found Along the Way." (Filed at the USDA Forest Service Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM), [1968-70]. 1569 pp. Weeden, Norman P. "Coronado's Gold." n.d. 7 pp. Wilson, Bruce M. "A History of The Crown King Area." n.d. 8 pp.
Albuquerque Morning Journal. 1907-1926. Albuquerque Journal. 1926-1985. Arizona Democrat. Phoenix, AZ. 1901-1913. Arizona Journal Miner. Prescott, AZ. 1909-1920. Barnes, Will C. "Up the Arizona Sheep Trail." The Breeders' Gazette. July 27, 1922. Breeders' Gazette. Flagstaff, AZ. 1922. "Coconino National Forest." Coconino Sun-Flagstaff (June 7, 1912). Coconino Sun. Flagstaff, AZ. 1891-1920. The Courier. Prescott, AZ. 1985. Cosulich, Bernice. "U.S. Forest Service Reserves Brought on Real War." Arizona Daily Star. July 7, 1940. Prescott Evening Courier. 1921. Region 3 Newspapers: Carson Pine Cone. Taos, NM. 1911-1913. Coronado Quarterly. Tucson, AZ. 1911-present. Datil Tri-Monthly. Magdalena, NM. Feb. 1911-Jan. 1912. El Cibollero. Albuquerque, NM. Sept. 1935-Feb. 1938. Forest Pioneer. Albuquerque, NM. 1920-1941. Manzano Ranger. Albuquerque, NM. Mar. 1930-Nov. 1931. Seven Cities of Cibola. Albuquerque, NM, Feb. 1932-May 1932. Southwestern Region News. Albuquerque, NM, 1967-1985. Tonto Bulletin. Phoenix, AZ. 1937-1941. Santa Fe New Mexican. 1909. "[Walter] Mann Celebrates 100th Birthday." William News, Williams, AZ. February 2, 1984. p. 5. "What Pinchot Had to Say." The Santa Fe New Mexican (March 15, 1909). p. 7. Williams News. Williams, AZ. 1984.
Abbott, James R. Forest Supervisor, Lincoln National Forest, Alamagordo, NM. August 7, 1985. Allen, S. Larry. Coronado National Forest, Tucson, AZ, January 4, 1985. Armijo, Lou. Public Affairs Specialist, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM, December 28, 1984. Baertlein, Daniel. Engineer, Kaibab National Forest, Williams, AZ. December 31, 1984. Bain, Doyle. Administrative Officer, Kaibab National Forest, Williams, AZ. December 31, 1984. Bolander, Donald. Forest Supervisor, Prescott National Forest, Prescott, AZ. July 26, 1985. Borens, Michael. Land Officer, Coronado National Forest, Tucson, AZ. January 4, 1985. Bumstead, Roger S. Wildlife Specialist, Albuquerque, NM. August 8, 1984. Cottam, Louis F. Retired Ranger and Forest Service Administrative Officer. Taos, NM. August 16, 1985. Courtney, Robert. Retired Forest Supervisor, Albuquerque, NM. May 10, 1985. Cutler, Dean. Retired Forest Supervisor, Albuquerque, NM. May 10, 1985. Dyksterhuis, Eksko J. Professor Emeritus, Range Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. January 28. 1986. Folweiler, Alfred D. Director Emeritus, Texas Forest Service. College Station, TX. November 19, 1985. Forbis, Larry. Biologist, Tonto National Forest. Phoenix, AZ. January 2, 1985. Gillio, David. Associate Regional Archeologist, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. August 8, 1984; December 28, 1984. Graves, Walter. Retired Forest Supervisor, and Assistant Regional Forester, Albuquerque, NM. May 10, 1985. Hassell, Milo Jean. Retired Regional Forester, Albuquerque, NM. May 10, 1985. Henderson, Ronald. Recreation, Lands & Minerals, Gila National Forest, Silver City, NM. August 10, 1984. Holmes, Bill. Retired Ranger & Staff Officer, Coconino National Forest, Flagstaff, AZ. July 26, 1985. Hurst, William D. Retired Regional Forester, Albuquerque, NM. July 28, 1984; May 10, 1985. Johnson, Richard. Retired Forest Supervisor, Albuquerque, NM. May 10, 1985. Larson, Noel. Director, Watershed and Air, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM, August 8, 1984. Lund, R. Dennis. Recreation, Lands & Minerals, Kaibab National Forest, Williams, AZ. December 31, 1984; July 26, 1985. Magidson, Joyce. Public Information Officer, Tonto National Forest, Phoenix, AZ. January 2, 1985. McAllister, Martin. Archeologist, Tonto National Forest, Phoenix, AZ. January 3, 1985. McDuff, Clifford. Retired Forest Supervisor, and Assistant Regional Forester, Albuquerque, NM. May 10, 1985. Nicholls, Wayne. Director, Office of Information, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. December 29, 1984. Overbay, James. Acting Regional Forester, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. August 20, 1985. Partido, Robert. Range Management, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. August 8, 1984. Pilles, Peter, Jr. Archeologist, Coconino National Forest, Flagstaff, AZ. July 26, 1985. Ringland, Arthur C. Conserving Human and Natural Resources, an Interview, University of California Regional Oral History Office, Berkeley, CA. 1970. Schmeckpeper, Thomas. Deputy Regional Forester, State and Private Forests, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. December 28, 1984. Scoggin, Kenneth. Forest Supervisor, Gila National Forest, Silver City, NM. August 10, 1984. Sellars, Richard. National Park Service. Santa Fe, NM. July 15, 1984. Smith, Chester P. Forest Supervisor, Cibola National Forest, Albuquerque, NM. August 9, 1984. Spray, Dick. Recreation, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. August 19, 1985. Tainter, Joseph. Archeologist, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM, August 19, 1985. Thompson, Floyd A. Albuquerque, NM. August 20, 1985. Wallace, Stanton. Albuquerque, NM. May 10, 1985. Wasser, Allyn S. District Ranger, Cibola National Forest, Albuquerque, NM. August 8, 1984. Wood, Edward. Acting Forest Supervisor, Lincoln National Forest, Alamagordo, NM. August 7, 1984. Zarlingo, Vernon. Range and Wildlife, Kaibab National Forest, Williams, AZ. December 31, 1984. Zeedyk, William. Wildlife Science, Region 3, Albuquerque, NM. August 8, 1984.
Federal Archives and Records Center, Denver, CO. Record Group 95Records of the Forest Service (Region 3). ______. Laguna Niguel, California. Record Group 95Records of the Forest Service (Region 3). ______. Fort Worth, Texas, Record Group 95Records of the Forest Service (Region 3).
Anderson, Cleo J., Cave Creek, AZ, August 5, 1985 Carlton, Floye W., Tempe, AZ, April 10, 1985 Cutler, Dean A., Albuquerque, NM, May 16, 1985 Graves, Walter S., Albuquerque, NM, April 1, 1985 Groesbeck, Edward C., Albuquerque, NM, March 29, 1984 Hansen, Q. David, Salt Lake City, UT, March 25, 1985 Hurst, William D., Bosque Farms, NM, August 21, 1985, January 2, 1986 Kallaus, A.R., Albuquerque, NM, March 8, 1985 Kartchner, Lafayette S., Mesa, AZ, August 19, 1985 Latimore, Robert E., Albuquerque, NM, October 12, 1985 Olson, O.J., El Paso, TX, August 5, 1985 Smith, Zane G., San Diego, CA, August 1, 1985 Swetnam, Fred R., Espanola, NM, February 2, 1985
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