A History of the Daniel Boone National Forest
1770 - 1970


By the President of the United States of America


WHEREAS certain forest lands within the State of Kentucky have been or may hereafter be acquired by the United States of America under the authority of sections 6 and 7 of the act of March 1, 1911, ch. 136, 36 Stat. 961, as amended (U.S.C., title 16, sections 515, 516); and

WHEREAS it appears that it would be in the public interest to reserve and designate such lands as the Cumberland National Forest:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 24 of the act of March 3, 1891, ch. 561,26 Stat. 1095, 1103, as amended (U.S.C., title 16, section 471), and by section 11 of the said act of March 1, 1911 (U.S.C., title 16, section 521), do proclaim that there are hereby reserved and set apart as the Cumberland National Forest all lands of the United States within the following-described area, and that all lands there in which may hereafter be acquired by the United States under authority of said act of March 1, 1911, as amended, shall upon their acquisition be reserved and administered as a part of the Cumberland National Forest:

Beginning at a point where the Southern Railroad crosses the Kentucky-Tennessee State line at Jellico, Tennessee; thence with the Kentucky-Tennessee State line in a westerly direction to where the Little South Fork of the Cumberland River crosses said line; thence down Little South Fork to the South Fork; thence down South Fork to the mouth of Cain Branch on the north side of the Martin Bend; thence up said Branch to a point in road about one-fourth of a mile southeast of Grace Hill Church; thence along road passing Grace Hill Church to United States Highway No. 27; thence easterly along said highway to Sugar Tree Road; thence along said road to Sugar Tree Hollow; thence down said Hollow to Cumberland River; thence up said River to the mouth of Baker Spring Creek; thence up said Creek to point in Dixie-Haynes Road near Dixie School; thence along said road to Ford across Cumberland River at a point between Dixie and Haynes Bends; thence up said River to the mouth of Buck Creek; thence up said Creek to the mouth of Whetstone Creek; thence up Whetstone Creek to a point in Whetstone road near head of said Creek and about one-half of a mile south of Acorn, Kentucky; thence along said road to Mount Victory-Acron road; thence along last named road passing Acron, Kentucky, to State Highway No. 80; thence along said highway in a northeasterly direction about two and one-half miles to Conrard-Squibb road; thence along said road to Conrard, Kentucky; thence along a road lending northerly, crossing Line Creek, to and up Buffalo Creek, and crossing West Fork of Skagg Creek to the East Fork of Skagg Creek at a point in road about one-half mile above its junction with the West Fork thereof; thence along road up said East Fork about three and three-fourth miles to junction of roads at forks of said Creek; thence along road northeasterly to U.S. Highway No. 25 at Pine Hill, Kentucky; thence along said Highway to the Brush Creek road which leads to Orlando, Kentucky; thence along said road to the Louisville & Nashville Railroad at the Junction of Brush and Roundstone Creeks; thence along said railroad to Langford road a point about one-fourth of a mile north of Langford, Kentucky; thence along said road to Clear Creek road; thence along said road to Lowman Hill road a point about one-fourth of a mile north of Disputanta, Kentucky; thence along Lowman Hill road to Climax-Three Links Road; thence along said road to Old Jackson Road; thence along said road to Pine Grove road; thence along said road to Clover Bottom road; thence along said road to State Highway No. 21; thence along said State Highway to Dry Fork road; thence along said road to Brazil-Kerby Knob road; thence along said road to Kerby Knob, Kentucky; thence with a road leading northwesterly to the headwaters of Rock Lick Creek, and northeasterly to the headwaters of Shirley Branch to the road paralleling Red Lick Creek; thence along said road, to the second crossing of Nellie Henderson Branch near its mouth; thence along the foot of the hill on the southeast side of Red Lick Creek to bend in a road about one-fourth mile south of the mouth of Red Lick Creek; thence along said road, crossing Middle Fork of Station Camp Creek, to a point in curve of road about one-eight of a mile southwest of where said road crosses Station Camp Creek; thence along the foot of the hill on the west side of Station Camp Creek to a point opposite and about one-half mile west of the mouth of Searcy Creek; thence a straight line to a point where Station Camp Creek road crosses Searcy Creek near its mouth; thence along said road, crossing Jones Branch to River Road a point near South Irvine School; thence along said road, crossing Little and Big Doe Creeks, to the Kentucky River; thence northeasterly along a road crossing Kentucky River near the mouth of Buck Creek, to Pryce, Kentucky; thence along Pryce Road crossing Miller Creek to State Highway No. 52; thence along said highway about three-fourths of a mile to a road leading southwesterly; thence along said road, passing Millers Creek, Kentucky, to Cow Creek near its mouth; thence up Cow Creek to State Highway No. 52; thence along said highway in a northeasterly direction about one-half mile to Old Cow Creek Road; thence along said road, crossing Cow Creek, Cottage Fork and Campbell Fork to the corporate limits of Irvine, Kentucky; thence with the corporate limits thereof to brow of mountain; thence along brow of mountain overlooking Irvine, Kentucky, and around head of Sweet Lick Branch to a point opposite and northeast of the junction of Sweet Lick Branch and White Oak Creek; thence along divide between said streams to a point on State Highway No. 89; thence along said highway to road up White Oak Creek; thence along road, up White Oak Creek, down Little Hardwick Creek, and up Hardwick Creek to Estill Furnace, Kentucky; thence northerly along road down Cat Creek to State Highway No. 15 near mouth of Cat Creek; thence along said highway to Middle Fork Road about one-fourth of a mile east of Cow Creek; thence along said road, crossing South Fork of Red River, to a road rear the Louisville and Nashville Railroad; thence along said road and up Red River to a point opposite the mouth of Dunwoody Branch; thence along the foot of the hill on the south side of Red River to a point opposite the mouth of Spaas Creek; thence a straight line to a point where road crosses Spaas Creek near its mouth; thence along said road down Red River, crossing Short Creek, Dunwoody Branch and Cane Creek to forks of road on west side of Cane Creek; thence along Cane Creek road to forks of road; thence along Right Fork of Cane Creek road to Hawkins Branch; thence easterly along a road up Hawkins Branch to Fagan, Kentucky; thence along a road down Leatherwood Fork to Leatherwood School; thence along Indian Creek road passing Tabor, Kentucky, to State Highway No. 40, about one and one-fourth miles west of Frenchburg, Kentucky; thence along said highway about two and one-half miles to Old State road leading westerly; thence along said road to Slate Fork; thence along a road up Slate Fork, crossing East Fork, to head of and down Mill Creek and up hill of forks of road on divide between Mill Creek and Blue Bank Creek; thence along road to Blue Bank Creek; thence down Blue Bank Creek passing the mouth of Pond Lick Branch, to a branch coming into said creek from the southeast about one mile south of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad; thence along the height of land, crossing the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad about one and one-eighth miles west of Olympia, Kentucky, and crossing State Highway No. 36 about one mile northwest of Olympia, Kentucky to the forks of Rose Run; thence down said run about one-half mile to a bend in same; thence along the height of land of Flood Mountain to U. S. Highway No. 60 about one and one-fourth miles northwest of Salt Lick, Kentucky; thence along said highway to Salt Lick Creek; thence up Salt Lick Creek to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad; thence along said railroad to Midland, Kentucky; thence along Midland-Yale road up Licking River to a point about one-fourth of a mile west of Hog Hollow; thence a straight line north, crossing Licking River, to a point in road at Carey School; thence northerly along said road to U. S. Highway No. 60 at Farmers, Kentucky; thence along said highway, crossing East Fork of Triplett Creek to Bluestone, Kentucky; thence along the North Fork Triplett road to State Highway No. 32; thence crossing said highway northeasterly along the old North Fork Triplett road to Kiser Branch; thence crossing said branch and along the Martins Branch road to the North Fork Triplett road; thence along said road to Old Johnson road; thence along said road to Johnson Branch; thence along the lower slope east of Big Brushy Creek to Humphrey Branch about one-fourth of a mile above its mouth; thence a straight line to Big Brushy road at the mouth of Colt Branch; thence along said road to Brushy-Cane Creek road; thence with said road to the Fleming-Rowan County line a point near U.S.G.S. Triangulation Station Sand; thence along the Rowan-Fleming, Rowan-Lewis and Rowan-Carter County lines to a point on Rowan-Carter County line between the heads of Holly Fork and Hays Branch; thence along the divide between Holly Fork and Hays Branch, and Little Perry Branch and Hays Branch, to East Fork of Triplett Creek about one-half mile west of Hayes, Kentucky; thence up East Fork of Triplett Creek to the mouth of Buffalo Branch; thence along road, up Buffalo Branch and down Patties Lick Branch to State Highway No. 32; thence along said highway to Vale, Kentucky; thence along road up Walker Branch to ridge and along ridge to Crix Ridge road; thence along said road to Wagoner road; thence along said road to Minor-Poplar Grove road; thence along said road crossing Minor Creek to State Highway No. 173; thence southerly with said highway to Blairs Mills Road a point on the Rowan-Elliott County line at the head of Devils Creek; thence along said road to Blairs Mills Station (leisure P.O.) Kentucky; thence along a road crossing North Fork of Licking River to Yocum Creek road at Balize, Kentucky; thence along said road to Caudill Ridge road at Zag, Kentucky; thence along said road to Licking River; thence along a road crossing Licking River at Blackwater Ford to Dan Ridge Road at Dan, Kentucky; thence along said road to State Highway No. 40 at Wellington, Kentucky; thence along said highway to a road leading southerly along Lothan Branch; thence along road down and east of Lothan Branch to Mill Fork Branch; thence down Mill Fork Branch to the cliffs; thence along cliffs east of Mill Fork Branch, around Goss Fork and east of Hiram Brown Branch to a road near the head of Hiram Brown Branch; thence along said road on divide to forks of road near head of Osborne Branch; thence along road to cliffs near the head of Osborne Branch; thence along cliffs east of Osborne Branch and north of Clifty Creek to a point about one-fourth of a mile southwest of Piney Branch; thence crossing Clifty Creek and along the cliffs to the south thereof to a point in road near the head of Solomon Branch; thence along road to the Tut Ford (across Red River); thence crossing Red River and along Calaboose road, passing Calaboose school to Swift Camp Creek about one and one-half miles north of Campton, Kentucky; thence southerly along a road crossing Page Branch about one-half mile to Duff Ridge Road; thence with said road to a point on State Highway No. 15 about two and one-half miles northwest of Campton, Kentucky; thence along said highway to its intersection with State Highway No. 11 near Pine Ridge, Kentucky; thence along Highway No. 11 to a point over the tunnel of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad at Torrent, Kentucky; thence along the Louisville and Nashville Railroad to Fincastle, Kentucky; thence along Fincastle road, passing Shumaker School and crossing Hell Creek to State Highway No. 11; thence along said highway to its junction with State Highway No. 52 at Beattyville, Kentucky; thence along Highway No. 52 about one mile to road down a hollow; thence along said road to Kentucky River; thence up said River to Kentucky State Highway No. 11 at forks of River; thence along said highway to Heidelberg road leading to Idamay, Kentucky; thence along said road, passing Idamay, and down Duck Fork to Sturgeon Creek; thence up Sturgeon Creek to a point about one-fourth of a mile above the mouth of Travis Creek; thence along the divide between Travis Creek on the north and Grassy Creek on the south to a point in Brushy Mountain road along north and south divide; thence along said road to point in intersection of Old Jack Branch road about three-fourths of a mile south of Nantz Triangulation Station; thence along said road crossing Warfork Creek and passing Smith School to State Highway No. 21 near Bradshaw, Kentucky; thence along said highway, passing Gray Hawk, Kentucky, to Old Gray Hawk-Annville road; thence along said road to Gray Hawk-Vicker's road; thence southwesterly along said road to McKee Annville road; thence along said road to Letter Box road a point near Dabolt, Kentucky; thence along said road to crossroads at Parrott, Kentucky; thence westerly along road down Black Lick to South Fork of Rockcastle River; thence down said South Fork to its junction with the Middle Fork of Rockcastle River; thence down Rockcastle River to old State road a point on the Old Crewe's Ferry Crossing; thence along said road to Mershons, Kentucky, a point on U.S. Highway No. 25; thence southerly along said highway to Old Livingston road; thence westerly about one and one-half miles along said road to a road leading south; thence southerly with said road to Arthur Ridge road a point near Hazelpatch Creek; thence along said road crossing Hazelpatch Creek to Johnson Ridge road; thence along said road to Crab Orchard road; thence along said road to Gillis Branch road; thence along said road to Camper road; thence along said road to State Highway No. 80 at Bernstadt, Kentucky; thence easterly along said highway to Highmore road a point near Dees Store; thence along said road to Sinking Creek road; thence along said road to Abutment road a point near Pine Top School; thence along said road to Sublimity road a point near Benges Store; thence along said road to a point where the center of said road crosses the Castle Craig Coal Company Tract 1520-II on the line between corners 4 and 5 at 0.45 chains S 40° 30' E of corner 4 of said tract; thence with the eastern boundary of tract 1520-II and meanders thereof S 40° 30' E 3.32 chains to corner 5; thence S 31° 00' W 14.18 chains to corner 6; thence S 22° 00' W 6.52 chains to corner 1 which is also corner 1 of the Castle Craig Coal Company tract 1520-I; thence with part of the boundary of said tract and meanders thereof S 57° 30' E 1.15 chains to corner 2; thence S 27° 15' W 4.67 chains to corner 3; thence S 51° 00' W 3.96 chains to corner 4; thence N 40° 45' W 0.54 chains to center of Sublimity road; thence along said road to Corbin-Somerset road; thence along said road to Old Sinking-Woodbine (old Burton road) road; thence with said road passing Bartons Mill to Scuffletown road; thence with said road to State Highway No. 90; thence along said highway to Old Cumberland Falls road; thence along said road to Devils Creek road; thence along said road to Henry Young road; thence along said road to State Highway No. 90; thence easterly along said highway about one-eighth of a mile to Redbird Lane; thence along Redbird Lane to Redbird Bridge across Cumberland River; thence along Redbird Road to a point in forks of road about one-half mile northwest of Williamsburg, Kentucky; thence along road to State Highway No. 92; thence along said highway to spur railroad leading to Bon Jellico, Kentucky; thence along said railroad to the Louisville and Nashville railroad about one and one-fourth miles south of Williamsburg, Kentucky; thence along the Louisville and Nashville railroad to the Southern railroad; thence along the Southern railroad to the beginning.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.


DONE at the City of Washington, this 23d day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-first.


By the President:
          Secretary of State
               (No. 2227)

(F.R. Doc. 37-564; Filed, February 24, 1937; 1.11 p.m.)

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