Historic Structures Report
Norris Soldier Station
PLATE 1. Capt. John Pitcher's plan for
soldier stations at Yellowstone. Pitcher sent the T-shaped building plan
to Capt. H. M. Chittenden as a guideline in 1901, several years before
the present soldier station was built.
PLATE 2. Plan of the existing Norris
Soldier Station, drawn by Historian Aubrey Haines. Many of Captain
Pitcher's ideas were incorporated in the structure.
PLATE 3. Side elevations of the soldier
station, prepared by the U. S. Army. The actual building varied but
little from these plans.
PLATE 4. Front and rear elevations,
also prepared by U. S. Army. The only significant changes made in the
construction were concrete foundations and a concrete front porch in
place of the logs above.
PLATE 5. The second soldier station at
Norris, built in 1897, destroyed by fire in 1908. The small structure
immediately to the left of the station was officers quarters. Also
shown is the road to the right of the structure, the bridge across the
river, a flagpole, a pole that probably was a telegraph line pole, and
steps in the river emabankment. Photograph probably taken between 1904
and 1908. (Yellowstone NP Library, Album 14, No. 1479)
PLATE 6. The present Norris station as
it appeared in 1913. The peculiar porch pillars have long since
disappeared (and should be replaced), as have the elk horns on the
gables. The main road lies in the foreground. (Yellowstone NP
Archive, Office of the QM, Building Maintenance Record Book, Fort
Last Updated: 21-Sep-2009