Historic Structures Report
Norris Soldier Station
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In June 1967, Nan V. Rickey examined the museum collections at Yellowstone National Park. She identified those objects that are suitable for a historic refurnishing of the Norris Soldier Station. The collection is now stored at the Midwest Regional Office, Omaha, Nebraska. The following list of items suitable for Norris is extracted from Mrs. Rickey's report. Those items marked with an asterisk were identified by Mrs. Rickey as things that "probably wouldn't appear in a refurnished Norris Soldier Station, but are good and should be kept for use in other interpretive developments at Yellowstone."

1 oak (?) two drawer kitchen (?) table
1 pine slant top desk, homemade storage inside hinged top
1 pine table, champfered leg ends, no drawers
1 homemade ladder
9 single paneled clothes cupboards
2 double paneled clothes cupboards
1 cast iron plate stove for wood. "Army Heater #1, Rock Island Arsenal, 1883"
1 Round sheet iron coal stove. "Space Heater, U.S. Army, #1" Chromed wire handle
1 steel rod poker
*1 pr. bird beak skis
*1 pr. Yellowstone Special skis
*1 pr. ski poles
*1 movie (?) camera in carrying case
*1 tripod in carrying case, also extra lens, reflector
*1 camera in case
*1 early interpretive sign, "Paint Pot"
*1 small 1/2 cylinder sheet iron camp stove, strap legs
*1 "U.S.E.D." canvas message (?) bag, leather mounts
1 coal scuttle
1 carrying lamp, camphene (7)
*1 large early interpretive sign "National Park Service. 500 yards . . ."
*1 Sibley stove
*1 telegraph insulator on wooden mount. Ceramic, Bennington type
1 Army cook stove. "Army Range #5, The John Van Range Co., Cincinnati," and lid lifter
1 case iron plate stove for wood. "Army Heater #1, Rock Island Arsenal, 1882"
1 round sheet iron coal stove. "U.S. Army Space Heater, No. 1"
1 steel rod poker
Ironstone Ware, all marked QMD on bottom, some marked "Shenange":
   2 large platters
   4 vegetable bowls
   2 soup bowls
   3 sugar bowls (no lids)
   1 shaving mug
   2 flat soup plates
4 "Mission" style side chairs (if marked QMD)
4 "Mission" style arm or host chairs (if marked QMD)

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Last Updated: 21-Sep-2009