Probably the primary stimulus which leads people to
visit our national parks is the change that is experienced from
familiar surroundings to those which are emphatically different. This
change involves 'air' (that is, climate), and 'scene' (topography and
vegetation). An entirely new set of conditions is encountered, and the
new reactions set up mean recreation in the physiological sensethe
exercise of faculties, both mental and physical, in kind or degree, that
are more or less dormant during the ordinary routine of the year's
program. Quick transportation between the lowlands of the San Joaquin
Valley and the upper altitudes of the Sierras carries the traveler in
either direction from one set of surroundings into a totally different
one where he is thrilled because of the great changes which he
Let us now discuss, then, these differences in
environment and their correlation with the continuous or discontinuous
occurrence of vertebrate animals in the region. The section of the
Sierra Nevada selected for faunal study is of such extent transversally
to the Sierran axis that it takes in almost as great extremes of
conditions as are to be encountered anywhere in California. Analysis of
the changes to be observed as a person traverses the section from the
west will soon show that he has witnessed not one single change, evenly
and progressively from one set of conditions to just one other set, but
that, having reached the highest altitudes, he has witnessed several
steps. There has not been a uniform and continual gradient but he
has passed through several belts, parallel roughly to the axis of
the Sierra Nevada, each characterized by a considerable degree of
uniformity as regards the plant and animal life.
A total of 231 kinds of birds are now (December 31,
1920) authentically known from the Yosemite section; there are 97 kinds
of mammals, 22 kinds of snakes and lizards, and 12 kinds of frogs,
toads, and salamanders. This makes a grand total, for the vertebrate
fauna outside of fishes, of 362 forms. This seeming richness in number
of kinds, be it emphasized, is apparent only when one takes into account
the full extent of the Yosemite section. As a matter of fact, but a
small proportion of the total number of species occur together at any
one level. And here is the remarkable thing: They are more or less
assorted and delimited in occurrence so that they help to constitute the
belts, or 'life zones,' just referred to.
Fig. 1. Cross-section of the Sierra
Nevada through the Yosemite region showing some mammals which are either
restricted to or find their maximum abundance in single
life-zones. (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
We may express the facts in another way. The large
number of kinds of animals present in the entire Yosemite section is due
to the great range of physical conditions (temperature, moisture, soil,
light, and perhaps others) with the accompanying diversity of
vegetational features. Man is able to traverse the whole gamut of these
conditions, even with benefit to himself by reason of the stimulus
change produces, adjusting his mode of dress and behavior to them and
carrying his food with him. But animals and plants are more or less
directly in contact with the conditions around them; they are, as a
rule, far less adaptable; and they are vitally affected by differences
in temperature, in moisture, in food supply, and so on. The interesting
thing is that in many species the degree of sensitiveness is so great
that they can maintain existence only within a relatively narrow range
of the critical conditions.
Such underlying reasons as those just suggested help
to explain what impresses the traveler in ascending the west slope of
the Sierras, namely, the correlation, roughly, with respect both to
animals and plants, of zonation with altitude and, therefore,
temperature. And it is because of this inter-correlation that the
student is led to the conclusion that it is the factor of temperature
which has most to do with the causation of life zones.
Reference to our map and cross-section diagram (pls.
61, 62) will show the application, to the Yosemite section, of the
system of recognizing these belts of animal and plant life as some
naturalists have worked them out and named them. Each life zone is a
belt of relatively uniform constitution with respect to species. At the
same time, we must emphasize that there is rarely an abrupt line of
demarcation between any two adjoining zones. There is, as a rule, along
the meeting ground more or less mixing or overlapping of the specific
elements. This is especially true where the slope is very gentle, broad,
and all facing in one direction. The steeper the slope, or the more
abrupt the change of exposure (say from west to north), the sharper will
be the boundary between the two adjacent zones.
Fig. 2. Cross-section of the Sierra
Nevada through the Yosemite region showing some birds which, in the
breeding season, are limited to single life-zones. (click on image
for an enlargement in a new window)
To enter here into a further discussion of the
life-zone concept is not necessary. We will simply refer the inquiring
reader to some of the literature relating to the subject1 and
confine the present treatise to the particular state of affairs found in
the Yosemite region. Since all animal life is more or less directly
dependent upon plant life for its existence, the zoologist who seeks to
explain the distribution of animals must concern himself attentively
also with the botany of the region he is studying. A very useful essay
on the distribution of plant life on the upper western slope of the
Yosemite section is contained in Professor and Mrs. Hall's Yosemite
Flora2; and further valuable data on the distribution of
plants in the Sierras will be found in a report by Dr.
1C. Hart Merriam, Life
Zones and Crop Zones of the United States (U. S. Dept. Agric., Div.
Biol. Surv., Bull. no. 10, 1898), 79 pp., 1 colored map. C. Hart
Merriam, Results of a Biological Survey of Mount Shasta, California (U.
S. Dept. Agric., Div. Biol. Surv., N. Am. Fauna, no. 16, 1899), 179 pp.,
5 pls., 46 figs. in text. H. M. Hall, A Botanical Survey of San Jacinto
Mountain (Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., vol. 1, 1902), pp. 1-140, pls. 1-14.
J. Grinnell, An Account of the Mammals and Birds of the Lower Colorado
Valley, with Especial Reference to the Distributional Problems Presented
(Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 12, 1914), pp. 51-294, pls. 3-13, 9
figs. in text. J. Grinnell, A Distributional List of the Birds of
California (Pac. Coast Avifauna, no. 11, 1915), 217 pp., 3 maps. H. M.
Hall and J. Grinnell, Life-Zone Indicators in California (Proc. Calif.
Acad. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 9, 1919), pp. 37-67.
2H. M. Hall and C. C.
Hall, A Yosemite Flora (Paul Elder, San Francisco, 1912), pp. viii +
282, 170 text figs., 11 pls.
3F. J. Smiley, A Report
upon the Boreal Flora of the Sierra Nevada of California (Univ. Calif.
Publ. Bot., vol. 9, 1921), pp. 1-423, pls. 1-7.
All of the six life zones in the Yosemite region are
represented in full measure on the western slope of the section. There
the distance involved in the slope is so great, over seventy miles, that
there is plenty of room for the development of a separate representation
of species, both plant and animal, in each zone. But on the eastern
slope the situation is somewhat different; and we find the zonation
there obscure. Indeed, in our field work below the Hudsonian Zone we met
with much trouble in diagnosing many of the localities; for instance,
whether to call the upper meadows on the Farrington ranch (pl. 19a),
Canadian or Transition; the south face of Williams Butte (pl. 19b),
Transition or Upper Sonoran.
On the basis of the facts obtained within the eastern
boundary of our Yosemite section alone, the situation would be
exceedingly difficult, even impossible, of explanation. But when we take
into account the east-Sierran region generally, especially toward the
southern end of the Sierran ridge in the vicinity of Walker and
Tehachapi passes, it becomes fairly easy to see why conditions are as we
find them between Mono Lake and Mono and Tioga passes.
Base-level in the Mono Basin is high, averaging 7000
feet in altitude. Furthermore, the distance between Mono Lake and the
high Sierran crest, which is 10,000 to 13,000 feet in altitude, is
short. In other words, this slope is abrupt; in fact, close to the
divide, a declivity. The life zones, in so far as characteristic
representatives of them are to be found, are crowded
togethertelescoped, as it were. There is a well established law
that a sequestered faunal area can be too small to support a permanent,
distinctive fauna of its own, even though conditions be otherwise wholly
propitious. The Sierra Nevada, which by area is of mainly western slope,
supports a large mass of 'boreal' plant and animal life; the Great Basin
area to the east is the metropolis of a highly developed 'austral'
assemblage of species. These two major areas adjoin one another at the
steep eastern declivity of the Sierras. On the long western slope where
austral adjoins boreal there is not only a well-marked belt of
overlapping (comprising the Transition Zone) but in this belt there are
numerous species closely restricted to it. On the eastern slope,
however, Canadian and Upper Sonoran are jammed so closely together by
reason of the steepness that the belt of intermingling of elements is
very narrow or at best indistinct; there is scarcely if any room for the
existence of restrictedly Transition Zone species.
Although presenting a strongly Great Basin aspect,
the Mono basin, doubtless because of its high altitude, does not show a
pure representation of austral life. It does contain a number of
elements (that is, species) which from a study of their entire ranges we
know to belong predominantly to the upper division of the austral,
namely Upper Sonoran. But there are also present about as many, or as
dominant, boreal elements.
Frankly, we found difficulty in assigning some parts
of the Mono portion of the Yosemite section to one life zone rather than
to another. This was particularly true of the south, sun-facing slope of
Williams Butte (pl. 19b), which is clothed with piñon. This tree
to the southward along the Sierras forms a belt which through Walker
Pass is continuous with the digger pine belt of the west slope of the
Sierras; and as a rule we can safely diagnose this belt by reason of
this one plant indicator as Upper Sonoran. But on Williams Butte the
piñons are mixed with western junipers, Jeffrey pines, mountain
mahogany, and certain shrubby plants which are accepted as diagnostic of
Transition, Canadian, or even Hudsonian. We found in this anomalous
assemblage of plants such 'good' Upper Sonoran birds as bush-tits and
Woodhouse jays in close association with mountain chickadees and Clark
nutcrackers. This was after the breeding season; and, of course, there
was a chance that in the case of the last-named species, at least, the
individuals observed had moved down from the higher altitudes but a very
few miles to the westward. In the case of small mammals, which are
incapable of quickly traversing considerable stretches of territory, we
found, on Williams Butte, True white-footed mice, which are typically
Upper Sonoran, in the same trap-line with Mono chipmunks, which find
their metropolis in the Canadian life zone.
Another tract in the Mono country which was for
similar reasons perplexing occupies the lower slope down toward the lake
shore from Mono Mills. There, pale-faced kangaroo rats, Stephens
soft-haired ground squirrels, and desert jack rabbits were found,
species which belong to groups whose habitats lie chiefly within the
Upper Sonoran Zone, but here were found in company with animals and
plants of more northern, Transition or even Canadian, predilections. The
sage-hen, to cite one of these latter, is a 'good' Transition bird.
In the nature of the case, as regards these
exceptional localities, we trust that the reader will understand why it
is impossible for us to make positive statements with regard to their
zonal complexion. Two persons, with some difference in
perspectivethat is, with a different understanding of the
'importance' of indicatorswould very probably weight their
findings differently. Our conclusion, as shown on our map and in our
life-zone table, namely, to call the western part of the Mono Lake
basin, that part included within the Yosemite 'section,' Transition, is
therefore presented tentatively. The margin of determination is so
small, with regard especially to Williams Butte and the tract
immediately south of Mono Lake, that someone else, working the territory
more intensively and listing the critical species statistically (by
individual composition, which we did not), might find adequate
grounds for mapping it as Upper Sonoran.
Returning to the Sierran divide: The Hudsonian Zone
is found to be well characterized on the east slope down to an average
of about the 9500-foot contour. This zone simply mantles the Sierras,
save for the Arctic-Alpine 'islands' which rise above timber line. Below
the Hudsonian, good Canadian is represented, with marked resemblance
florally to that on the western slope, in the lower part of Bloody
Cañon. Moisture conditions are there more exactly as they are on
the west flank of the Sierras. Elsewhere, Canadian is rather different
in aspect from what it looks like on the western slope, because of the
prevailing aridity. Jeffrey pines and mountain mahogany predominate in
the place of red firs and aspens. The steepest declivities, close to the
Sierran divide, involve a lowering of altitude to about the 8000-foot
contour; thence east to Mono Lake the slopes involved in the long,
lateral moraines are gentle, and the blending of Canadian through
Transition with 'austral' takes place gradually over several miles of
territory. Here is where most trouble was experienced in fixing upon a
boundary between Canadian and Transitionand for the same reasons
as given above with respect to the Transition-Upper-Sonoran boundary.
Good Canadian extends east along the cold streams, where it is marked
conspicuously by thickets of aspen, well down toward the shores of Mono
Laketo as low as 7000 feet; Transition extends west up toward the
foot of the east Sierran face, especially along the south-facing slopes
of glacial ridges, to 9000 feet. Thus at Walker Lake one finds the
interesting situation of the Canadian Zone occupying the cool, shaded
bed of the glacial groove, with Transition on the south, sun-facing wall
above it: the usual zonal relationship is reversed. Facts such as
this strengthen our belief that the prime physical factor accounting for
zonation is not altitude, or moisture, or soil, per se, but
As is clearly set forth in some of the literature we
here cite for perusal by the inquiring reader, the limitation of species
on the basis of the life- zone concept is not the only sort of
segregation which occurs. Indeed, locally, as in Yosemite Valley proper,
often a far more conspicuous manner of delimitation is manifest, the
delimitation which takes place on the basis of 'associations.' These
minor units involve each a certain type of environment within one zone;
furthermore, closely similar or even identical associations may recur,
or be continuous in two or more adjacent zones. Not rarely,
associational restriction seems to be transcendent over zonal
restriction, as in the case of the badger, western chipping sparrow, and
rock wren. Appropriate discussion of these cases will be found in the
chapters (pp. 92, 452, 550) treating of these species.
Some of the more important associations of animal
with plant or substratum conditions that it has proved useful to
recognize in the Yosemite section are as follows, classified by zones.
The names chosen are those of some predominating feature, usually of the
vegetation. (Consult plates 13 to 19, 36a, and figure 21.)
Open-water (two types, River and Slough)
Riparian (Willowcottonwood)
Hog-wallow prairie
Rock outcrop
Riparian (Willow)
Chaparral (two types, Adenostoma and Ceanothus cuneatus)
Dry grassland
Riparian (two types, Willowcottonwood and Alder)
Dry grassland
Chaparral (two types, Sticky-manzanita and Buckthorn)
Riparian (Willow)
Riparian (two types, Willow and Cornus pubescens)
Chaparral (three types, Red-cherry, Arctostaphylos patula, and Huckleberry-oak)
Granite outcrop
Riparian (Willow)
Talus (or Rock-slide)
Dry grassland
Talus (Rock-slide)
Within each general association there is often
plainly to be seen still further restriction in the habitat preferences
of species. For example, in the major association, "coniferous forest,"
in its minor division (within the Canadian Zone) known as the red-fir
association, we find several species of birds and of mammals, each
adhering closely to a yet smaller division of the general environment.
The Sierra Creeper keeps to the larger tree trunks, the Short-tailed
Mountain Chickadee to the smaller twiggery, the Western Golden-crowned
Kinglet to the terminal leafage, and the Hammond Flycatcher to the most
prominent twig-ends and the air-spaces between branches and between
trees. The Tahoe Chipmunk is largely arboreal, the Allen Chipmunk
In final analysis, no two species well established in
a region occupy precisely the same ecologic space; each has its own
peculiar places for foraging, and for securing safety for itself and for
its eggs or young. These ultimate units of occurrence are called
"ecologic niches." If two species of the same ecologic predilections are
thrown into the same environment, one or the other will quickly
disappear through the drastic process we call competitive replacement.
Thus it comes to pass that the amplitude of the general
environmentthe number and extent of distinct ecologic niches it
compassesdetermines the richness of the fauna, both as regards
number of species, and the number of the individuals to the unit of area
representing each species. This principle may be abundantly verified by
any student who will carry on active field observations a season or two
over even a small part of the Yosemite section.