CALIFORNIA GRAY FOX. Urocyon cinereoargenteus californicus
Field characters.Form
and size suggestive of a small collie dog; tail bushy; head and body 22
to 27 inches (549-690 mm.), tail (without hairs at end) 13 to 16 inches
(330-410 mm.), height of ear 2-3/4 to 3-1/8 inches (68-78mm.); weight 7
to 10 pounds (3.2-4.5 kilograms). Coloration of body and tail chiefly
iron gray; stripe down middle of back and along tail to tip, black;
breast, sides of body, and much of legs, rich yellowish brown; chin and
middle of belly white. Voice: A sharp bark; captive individuals
sometimes make growling sounds. Droppings: Doglike, but smaller,
1/2 inch in diameter.
resident in Upper Sonoran and Transition zones on west slope of Sierra
Nevada. Recorded from Pleasant Valley eastward to floor of Yosemite
Valley. Lives chiefly in chaparral. Solitary.
The California Gray Fox is the predominant
carnivorous mammal in the great tracts of chaparral which clothe the
western flanks of the Sierra Nevada. While it ranges somewhat outside
the brushland, it is as characteristic a member of the fauna there as is
the wren-tit or the California Thrasher among birds.
Indications of the presence of Gray Foxes were
observed at every camp which we made in the foothills. Tracks in the
dust of roadways, droppings in the trails through the chaparral,
accumulations of feathers in clearings where birds had been eaten, and
even momentary glimpses of the foxes themselves, all testified to the
abundance of the species. In fact we were led to suspect that the
paucity of small mammals in certain places might be due in part to the
relatively large numbers of Gray Foxes present. Estimates as to the
actual population of foxes are difficult to make, but there must be, in
favorable situations, at least two pairs to a square mile.
The Gray Fox is often active during the daytime; the
members of our party saw at least three individuals at large during the
midday hours. Two explanations may be suggested for this peculiarity of
behavior: (1) In the chaparral a fox would usually be as well screened
from view as though it were operating under cover of darkness. (2) At
certain seasons vegetable materials predominate in the diet of this fox,
and it is quite as easy to forage for such food during the daylight
When moving about, a Gray Fox usually travels at a
rapid trot, a gait which carries it over the ground with considerable
speed, but without obvious effort. To judge from the tracks seen in some
places, individuals do considerable scouting. In Yosemite Valley on the
snowy day of December 10, 1914, the tracks of at least three foxes were
observed between Mirror Lake and the foot of the Tenaya trail. They had
covered a great deal of ground, mostly off the trail, going over and
under boulders and through the brush thickets in their search for
In general outline, the track of the Gray Fox
resembles a dog's, but it is much smaller, being about an inch in each
dimension. In the soft dust of roadways imprints of the claws are often
made in addition to those of the four toes and the foot pad.
In silhouette the Gray Fox presents a slender body,
relatively large ears, and a bushy tail, though that member is not quite
so large proportionately as it is in the Red Fox. The presence of much
steel-gray or iron-gray in the body coloration readily distinguishes the
Gray Fox from the Red Fox, which is of similar general size but has
larger ears, and from the coyote, which is much larger.
The most common note heard from the fox is a sharp
bark, dog-like in character, and never prolonged like the wail of a
coyote. A trapped fox sometimes makes growling sounds when a person
approaches. It is probable that in the wild a fox gives voice just about
as a dog would do under similar circumstances.
The Gray Fox is classed as a carnivore (flesh-eater)
by reason of its structure and relationship, yet it partakes extensively
of food that is vegetable in nature. During the fall and early winter
months we saw many fox droppings along the trails which consisted
largely and often exclusively of the hulls and seeds from manzanita
berries (Arctostaphylos mariposa). These berries when ripe are
notably sweet to the human taste and must be highly nutritious. This
easily gotten food is also abundant and the berries are available over a
long season, from the first of August to at least December. On the
brushy slopes of the hills a fox would need to do much skilful hunting
to get a sufficient supply of meat daily from cottontail rabbits, wood
rats, mice and small birds; plenty of berries are to be had, however,
simply for the eating. As to other vegetable food, we may note that in
the stomach of a fox trapped at El Portal we found, among other items,
some blades of grass; another stomach contained some finely chewed
material which looked like oak-mast.
As to animal food, we are able to definitely report
that one stomach contained the remains of a pocket gopher; another had
claws of some carnivore (which, however, may have been used as bait for
traps). One lot of droppings included ribs and vertebrae of a small
rodent, probably a white-footed mouse. Local trappers told us that Gray
Foxes would come readily to traps baited with 'cracklings,' even though
this material was buried in the ground. The members of our field party
used successfully, in addition to bacon scraps, the bodies of small
birds and mammals whose skins had been removed for specimens. In only
one instance were we able to affirm that a fox had devoured a quail. In
Yosemite Valley on the morning of December 24, 1914, one trap in a
setting put out for foxes contained the leg of a Mountain Quail. Beside
the trap were fox droppings and quail feathers. The bird had
accidentally gotten into the trap; then the fox had come along and
Foxes evidently prey upon small birds to some extent,
though our evidence on this point is rather inferential in character.
For example, while the senior author was walking along a road through
the chaparral near Pleasant Valley, on May 25, 1915, there came to his
ears, from a nearby cañon bottom, the reomonstrant chirping of a
pair of Rufous-crowned Sparrows concerned over some marauder near their
nest. A Bell Sparrow and a male Lazuli Bunting nearby lent voice to the
demonstration. The observer approached cautiously and soon a Gray Fox
was jumped in the ravine bottom. At Blacks Creek, near Coulterville, in
May, 1919, a fox crossed the creek near our camp. At the instant the fox
appeared a male Valley Quail, standing guard nearby, uttered a series of
explosive sputtering notes indicative of great concern.
Judging from specimens obtained in the foothill
country, the breeding season of the Gray Fox occurs in the spring
months. No data were obtained locally as to the number of young, but
elsewhere it has been ascertained to average four in a litter.