YELLOW-HAIRED PORCUPINE. Erethizon epixanthum epixanthum
Field characters.Size
larger than that of Sierra Marmot; tail less than half head and body;
pelage very long; upper surface and sides of body and tail with many
barb-pointed yellow quills which can be raised at will. Head and body
21-1/2 to 27 inches (545-682 mm.), tail 7 to 9 inches (175-225 mm.),
hind foot 3-3/4 to 4-3/4 inches (95-120 mm.), ear about 1 inch (27 mm.);
weight 15 to 20 pounds (estimated). [Measurements from California
specimens taken outside Yosemite region.] Body coloration blackish, a
few long hairs and the quills yellow except for black tips.
Workings: Areas on coniferous trees denuded of bark and showing
paired marks of incisor teeth, each mark about 1/4 inch (6 mm.) broad
(pl. 37a). Droppings: Found on ground beneath 'barked'
trees, about 1 inch long, 3/8 inch in diameter, rounded and slightly
curved, composed of undigested wood pulp.
common resident in boreal region on Sierra Nevada. Workings noted from
Porcupine Flat eastward to Tuolumne Meadows. Individuals occur (rarely)
on floor of Yosemite Valley and are reported at even lower stations.
Lives in coniferous trees, chiefly lodgepole pines. Solitary.
The Yellow-haired Porcupine is perhaps one of the
best known of our native mammals, by reputation at least, though not all
the stories which are current concerning it are accurate. Being of
sluggish disposition and active by day as well as night it gives
visitors in the high Sierras many opportunities to observe it at close
range. And should these fail, the work of the animal is evident in many
In general, the porcupine is to be found in the high
Sierras above the level of Yosemite Valley; its range is practically the
same as that of the lodgepole pine. Occasionally, however, individuals
are observed at much lower levels. We were told, for example, of one
trapped on the floor of Yosemite Valley in September, between 1916 and
1918. We have been told of individuals seen on Bullion Mountain. And at
Snelling one resident told of a porcupine which he had shot in the river
bottom a mile from town, and of two or three others, possibly castaways
brought down the river in drift, which had been observed in the same
Fig. 26. Quill from Yellow-haired
Porcupine showing details of tip and base. At the tip are numerous small
barbs which when the quill penetrates skin or flesh keep it from being
pulled out; at the base is the slender and weak connection which makes
for ready separation of the quill from the skin of the Porcupine.
The porcupine's chief claim to attention lies in its
covering of sharp-pointed hollow quills which are especially developed
on its back and tail. These quills are specialized or modified growths
which supplant some of the underfur normally present on a mammal's body.
(See fig. 26.) Individually, a quill consists of a hollow tube, closed
at both ends, about 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter and 1 to 3 inches in
length. The tip is supplied with a great number of backward-projecting
small barbs which upon touching the flesh of another animal instantly
engage and hold fast. The bases of the quills are constricted and are
weakly held in the porcupine's skin so that they become detached readily
when the barbs are imbedded in some victim.
When a porcupine expects attack from another animal
it draws its head down, and erects the quills of its back; if the enemy
approaches too closely, it also sweeps the tail quickly to one side or
the other. This is sufficient warning for most animals, but certain
species, and particularly young and inexperienced individuals of those
species, do venture to attack porcupines. Often the attacker receives a
load of quills for his pains. We have seen a coyote with jaws and feet
literally filled with the barbed quills of a porcupine. Occasionally
wildcats are found with porcupine quills imbedded in their flesh,
particularly about the head and forelegs. Local information is rather
scant as to the exact measure of success attained by those species which
prey or attempt to prey upon the porcupine.
The Yellow-haired Porcupine is a bark feeder, that
is, it subsists on the soft growing tissues (cambium) found at the
junction of the inner bark and outermost wood in a growing tree. Its
preferred food tree in the Yosemite region is the lodgepole pine,
probably because least effort is required to obtain the cambium in that
thin-barked tree. This sort of food is available at all seasons of the
year and the porcupine therefore has no need to lay up a food supply nor
to hibernate, or migrate, as do many of the other herbivorous mammals.
The abundance of easily obtained food probably accounts in large measure
for the porcupine's sedentary nature. At several points in the Yosemite
region we saw trees whose condition indicated that a porcupine had
wintered in a very restricted area, and had probably spent many days in
each one of the few trees which had been peeled. To get at its food the
porcupine shells or scales off the outer bark and then actively gnaws
off the tender growing tissue.
A most favorable locality in which to study the work
of this animal is the place on the Tioga Road called Porcupine Flat. The
territory comprising Porcupine Flat was once occupied by one or more
glaciers, and the terminal moraine of one small glacier forms a lake
there. This glaciation cleared the surface down to bedrock. Since the
glaciers have disappeared only a small amount of soil has accumulated on
the surface of the rock. All the trees are therefore shallow rooted and
may be easily struck down by storms. The trees newly prostrated provide
easily accessible food for the porcupines.
Porcupine Flat is well named, to judge from the
amount of the porcupine work which we saw there. The forest on parts of
the nearly level floor is purely of lodgepole pine ranging from well
spaced trees as much as 3 feet in diameter down to small saplings in
dense groves of an acre or so in extent. There was, in June, 1915, much
fallen timber, including scores of trees which had been downed the
preceding winter or possibly within three months, for much of the
foliage was still green. These trees showed that the porcupines had been
very busy; they bore marks of incisor teeth on trunks, on large
branches, and even on twigs down to half an inch in diameter. (See pl.
37a). These gnawed places were all 'bleeding' much pitch at the
time of our visit. Evidently, for years, the porcupines had regularly
taken advantage of these local circumstances, and so avoided the
necessity of climbing trees, for other downed trees in various stages of
decay indicated that some trees had probably fallen in the storms of
each year. Only one standing tree was seen upon which recent work had
been done.
An intensive study of the work of the porcupines on
one particular tree developed the following facts and inferences. The
peelings were confined to the upper, younger half of the tree; the bark
there is thinner, and there are fewer rough outer layers; hence the
porcupine was able more easily to get at the nutritious parts. The
gnawings were further restricted to the sides of such branches as could
be reached from some convenient resting placethe ground, or
another branch, or a log. The tooth marks were all vertical; if a branch
was resting in a horizontal position, the pairs of grooves marking the
paths cut by the incisor teeth would cross the grain, and then the bark
and outer wood for a distance of from 1 to 4 inches along the grain
would be stripped off. Each incisor tooth (in this particular set of
gnawings) cut a strip about 1/4 inch (6 mm.) wide, and there were of
course always two such strips side by side. One branch 9 inches in
diameter had been peeled all around.
Ordinarily when working on a standing tree the
porcupine makes use of branches or stubs as supports for its body while
it gnaws off the bark. If the branches of a tree are so placed that the
animal can work all around the tree at one level the tree will be
girdled and so killed, unless one of the lower branches is able to take
on the function of a new top. An interesting and rather unusual
departure with respect to a feeding place was observed on a split tree
at Tuolumne Meadows. The porcupine had climbed up by holding to the
sides of the crevice and had gnawed off the bark on each side of the
The factor which keeps the number of porcupines
within bounds is not obvious, but it does not seem to be that of food
supply, so potent with most other animals. The lodgepole pine forest
could to all appearances support a much larger population of these
animals. Possibly the check is occasioned by those of the larger
carnivores which remain in the mountains through the winter and, in dire
necessity or otherwise, prey upon the slow-moving porcupine. The
identity of these effective enemies has already been intimated (p. 153).
To judge from the frequency with which we found the remains of
porcupines, a good many individuals must come to grief in some way or
another. A factor apparently figuring here, however, is the relative
imperishableness of the quills; they withstand the usual processes of
decay for a long time, much longer than the bones do. In some cases only
a mat of quills was to be found, as if every other part of the animal
had decayed or possibly been made away with by mice. After all, then,
despite the frequent remains found, porcupines, as compared with most
other rodents, probably enjoy an 'expectation' of long life.