MONO CHIPMUNK. Eutamias amoenus monoensis Grinnell and
Field characters.Size
small (head and body about 4-1/2 inches, tail 3-1/4 inches long). (For
comparative measurements see footnote 15, p. 177.) Usual chipmunk
pattern of coloration; flanks light brown. (See pl. 3c).
Distinguished from frater by smaller size, paler coloration
generally, less conspicuous white markings, and yellowish rather than
reddish color on bases of tall hairs; from alpinus and
pictus by larger size, relatively longer tail and darker general
tone of coloration. Voice: Similar to that of Tahoe
common in Canadian Zone on east base of Sierra Nevada; recorded on Mono
Craters and from Leevining Creek south to Gem Lake and Silver Lake.
Altitudes of capture, 7000 to 9100 feet. Lives largely within the belt
of mountain mahogany, where it stays in brushy and rocky
The Mono Chipmunk in the Yosemite section is limited
in its range to the east slope of the Sierras. It touches or overlaps
the ranges of three other species of small chipmunks, and difficulty may
therefore be experienced in identifying the animals in the field.
The Mono Chipmunk seems to be restricted to the arid
Canadian Zone, and it there dwells chiefly within the belt of mountain
mahogany. While typically a ground dweller, like the Allen Chipmunk of
the west slope, it does sometimes ascend the smaller trees up to a
height of 6 or 8 feet. It perches commonly on the tops of boulders where
it obtains an unobstructed view over the tops of the bushes
In September, 1915, around Williams Butte, the Mono
Chipmunks were busily engaged in harvesting seed crops of one sort or
another. At Gem Lake they ranged down from the nearby brush and rocks to
the border of a meadow and were seen under the willows there pulling
down the grass heads and gathering the ripening seeds. Elsewhere they
ranged out under the sagebushes, sharing this sort of cover with the
Sagebrush Chipmunk.