MULE DEER. Odocoileus hemionus hemionus (Rafinesque)
Field characters.Size
large, mature individuals standing 32 to 42 inches high at shoulder.
Males more than one year old bear short spike-like antlers; in later
years antlers more or less branched. Ears very large, 8 to 9 inches tall
from base to tip, 4 inches across at greatest width. (See pl.
39b). Tail narrowed near base, black on outer surface, white on
under side. Adults, bright reddish brown in summer, grayish brown in
winter; rump and throat whitish; young fawns reddish brown, spotted with
white. Footprints small for size of animal, sheep-like, but sharply
pointed (pl. 40d). Droppings elliptical, 1/2 inch long or less,
Occurrence.More or less
common, according to season and altitude, almost through out the
Yosemite region; recorded from hills west of Pleasant Valley eastward
across the mountains to Mono Craters. Summer range chiefly between
altitudes of 3500 and 8500 feet; winter range, below level of deep snow,
that is, mostly below 5500 feet. Prefers chaparral country. Seen singly
or in small bands.
In the days of '49, when white men first thronged the
Sierran foothills, no less than four species of horned or antlered big
game animals inhabited the Yosemite region. At the eastern border of the
San Joaquin Valley was the Dwarf or Tule Elk; on the plains of the San
Joaquin and in Mono Valley was the American Antelope; on the highest
parts of the Sierra Nevada was the Sierra Mountain Sheep; and in the
intervening middle altitudes was the Mule Deer. Now all save the last
have vanished, probably never to return; but the Mule Deer is still
present over most of its early range, though doubtless in but a fraction
of its original numbers.
Mule Deer are most frequently seen by foot travelers
in the summer on and near the trails above the rim of Yosemite Valley,
but autoists en route to or from the Valley, especially during the fall
months, often see them along the roadsides. The deer range over
practically all of the hilly and mountainous country in the Yosemite
region, from the westernmost extension of the brush belt bordering the
San Joaquin Valley east over the crest of the Sierra Nevada to Mono
Valley. They are not uniformly distributed over the whole area, however,
nor do they occur in all portions of it at all times of the year. A
small number remain in the Upper Sonoran chaparral belt of the western
foothills during the summer season, and a few also occur on the east
base of the Sierras, but the great majority of the animals are to be
found at this time in the brush country of the higher mountains, in the
Transition and Canadian life zones, at altitudes of from 3500 to 8500
feet. Some wander up toward timber line, our highest record being 10,600
feet, near Fletcher Lake. In winter they descend to lower altitudes,
there being thus a distinct migratory movement twice each year. Those on
the western side of the mountains migrate to the region from Bridal Veil
Meadow (3900 feet) and the southern slope of Pilot Peak (at 4500 feet)
west to Forty-nine Gap (1500 feet), while the animals on the east slope
cross Mono Valley to the country east of Mono Craters. Individuals
occasionally range on the west as low as Snelling, in the Merced River
bottom well beyond the westernmost foothills.
The two factors controlling the local distribution of
deer in the Yosemite region are the presence of the right kind of brush
for food and shelter, and the absence of deep snow. Deer depend chiefly
on certain brush plants for their sustenance. When these shrubs are
covered with snow, or surrounded by snow more than 18 inches deep, the
animals are unable to feed. Their altitudinal migrations seem to be
controlled entirely by snowfall; they ordinarily remain in the high
mountains in the fall until the first snow of the season sends them
downhill and concentrates them along the western boundary of the Park.
As a rule, they do not stay where the snow lies to a depth of more than
1-1/2 feet, but, other conditions permitting, they do remain just below
this level. Their numbers in the most favorable localities may tend to
become larger than the supply of forage will support, and then
competition forces many of them still lower down, into the foothill
chaparral belt entirely west of the Park boundary. The migrant deer go
farther westward than do those animals which reside throughout the year
in the foothills. Large numbers of deer from the northern part of the
Park winter on the sunny, snow-free, south-facing slopes of Rancheria
and North mountains in the Tuolumne drainage; while those from farther
south range over the slopes within ten miles west of Chinquapin, on the
Merced watershed.
Park rangers see more deer in the early and late
winter months than during the midwinter or midsummer seasons. This is,
in part, because of the fact that in the former periods the animals are
on the move, leaving the tracts of heavy brush, and often using the
roads or trails. For example, 261 deer were seen in November, 1915, 43
being noted in a single day near Chinquapin. In December of the same
year 396 were observed, 37 being seen by one ranger in a single day. But
in January, 1916, only 8 deer were seen; storms and deep snow had driven
them far to the westward. In March, 1916, 318 deer were noted by the
rangers, 60 being seen in one day at Wawona. During the period of heavy
snow referred to above, residents of El Portal reported seeing a band of
60 to 70 deer in the hills a few miles south of that place.
If the first storm is a heavy one the deer leave the
altitudes with a rush. Mr. C. C. Bull has told us that in Hetch Hetchy
Valley after a big storm so many deer have passed a certain point in
single file as to leave a beaten trail in the 10 or 12 inches of snow
which lay on the ground. If the winter is a light one, with alternate
periods of clear and stormy weather, the deer move back and forth, going
up as the snow recedes and descending again when a fresh fall occurs.
The deer which summer on the east slope of the Sierras, in migrating to
the mountains east of Mono Craters either pass along the slopes of the
Craters or else go directly across the open plains just south of Mono
Lake. According to our experience in 1914-1916, deer are not commonly
observed on the floor of Yosemite Valley in summer, though several does
and their fawns may appear there in August; by October, and throughout
the winter, a good many frequent the lower end of the Valley. In later
years, 1919-1920, more have been seen throughout the summer in the
Valley, even bucks.
The relative deer populations of the foothills and
high mountains during the summer were probably originally determined by
food supplyas many as could be supported throughout the year by
the forage and shelter of the foothill country remained there, while the
balance were led to seek the higher altitudes for the summer season.
Habits so developed in the deer of the two different belts have
persisted even in the reduced populations of the present day. There is,
indeed, some evidence that slight differences in size and structural
features exist on an average between the deer resident in the foothill
belt (Upper Sonoran Zone) and those which seek in summer the higher
The Mule Deer which inhabit the Yosemite National
Park seem to have responded favorably to the protection afforded them;
they are remarkably tame, and will usually permit a person who moves
slowly to approach very near. Despite their size, their somber
coloration renders them surprisingly inconspicuous when in brush
thickets, but the recurrent flapping of their big mule-like ears
sometimes betrays their presence. They exhibit great curiosity and often
when frightened out of a trail will circle about the traveler and may
soon be discovered gazing at him from some new position. The following
excerpt from the notebook of the senior author describes an interesting
meeting with some of these animals.
Ridge between Yosemite and Indian creeks, June 4,
1915. Four deer, an old doe and three smaller deer without evident
horns, were walking about 50 feet from me. I first came upon them
suddenly; the three smaller ones stampeded over a rise of ground; but
the old doe was curious and even came toward me. I remained quiet, only
wiggling my fingers, and this interested her. The three young had
vanished. Presently she began to look back at intervals, and they
finally appeared again. She evidently wished to follow up the ridge, so
she walked in a half-circle around me, the other three following at a
little distance, single file. . . . They all disappeared over the ridge
a few minutes ago, but at this moment three of them are staring at me
over a log 60 yards off. The female has a (bullet?) hole through her
left ear. I can see daylight through it. The others are about two-thirds
the size of the female; probably last year's fawns (could she have had
three?). . . . The doe has just now become excited and uttered 8 rather
loud snorts in irregular succession, schfew, and has given several
stiff-legged bounds over the ridge. The young ones have vanished. They
all did a great deal of flapping of their big ears, as if the flies
bothered them.
On June 24, 1920, about 9 A.M., a company of 5 deer
were come upon in a grove of close-growing yellow pines on the floor of
Yosemite Valley near Clarke Bridge. They were all males, but no two were
of the same size. The antlers, in the velvet with knobby ends, varied
from short 'spikes' less than half the height of the ear to the big
three-forked type. These deer, the largest one in the lead, moved along
slowly, paying little attention to the human observers only 40 yards or
so off. They kept reaching up to nip off the highest sprays of
ceanothus, which here was shade-grown and sparse of leafage.
Trainmen on the Yosemite Valley Railroad told us that
deer are frequently encountered on the tracks at night. The animals seem
dazed by the glare of the headlight. The enginemen always slow up so as
to give the animals a chance to 'come to' and get off the track.
Mule Deer are browsing rather than grazing animals;
that is to say, they prefer leaves and young shoots of certain shrubs
and trees to grasses and other terrestrial plants. At all times and in
all altitudes their preferred forage is deer brush, mountain lilac, snow
bush, and other representatives of the plant genus Ceanothus.
Among all of these, Ceanothus integerrinus, the big-leaved,
sweet-flowered bush of middle altitudes, is the favorite. When several
other shrubs such as manzanitas and scrub oaks are available, ceanothus
will be the only one showing bite marks. A deer nips at the foliage with
a diagonal movement of the head and neck, and leaves the bark of the
twig ends raveled out instead of cut off evenly. Deer are known to eat
the bark of the incense cedar, particularly from young trees, and
occasionally leaves of the black oak. In spring they nibble young shoots
of dogwood along streams where they come down to drink. When the supply
of acorns or chinquapin burrs is large, the deer feed on them with
evident relish. At times, as when browse is scant or of poor quality,
the deer feed on grass. This is notably true in the semi-barren
Hudsonian Zone, where brush of any sort is almost wanting. They may also
take willow leaves there. A buck seen at Forty-nine Gap, in the lower
foothills, in December, 1915, was feeding on grass, even though several
kinds of brush plants were available nearby; but this was an exceptional
The deer of this region have profited, to some
extent, through civilization. At the Chinquapin barns they frequently
pick up hay which has been scattered when bales are being unloaded, and
the men employed there and at Eight-mile have attracted and tamed the
deer by putting out salt for them. Deer also visit the salt licks
established by cattle men for their stock both inside and outside the
western boundary of the Park. Hunters, however, take advantage of this
habit and often lie in wait for the animals at these artificial licks.
Finally, deer have been seen consuming the remains of lunches. A doe
seen near a garbage can above Yosemite Falls one afternoon in late June,
1915, was munching a discarded sandwich with evident satisfaction.
Deer may be seen moving about at any hour of the day
or night, but they are active chiefly during the late afternoon and
early evening hours. Then the brush is free from dew and presumably more
relished by them. On moonlight nights they have been seen foraging on
the scanty growth of grass to be found on the forest floor; and they are
often heard running at night. They are least active during the heat of
the day. Then they are lying down, in their 'beds,' resting and
A deer bed is nothing more than a slight depression
in the surface of the ground, 2 to 3 feet in diameter, sometimes scraped
free of such surface litter as pine needles. It is usually placed in the
shade on a sidehill some distance below the top of a ridge, from which
the animal can have unrestricted view for a considerable distance. The
situation most favored is a small clearing in the brush, sheltered by
some small coniferous tree. Certain warm, south-facing slopes near the
crests of the higher ridges are much frequented for resting places by
large bucks. Park rangers term these animals "granite bucks" and say
that they are unusually large individuals and that they are able to
winter at higher altitudes than do the other deer.
Aside from actual sight of the animals, the presence
of 'sign' (characteristic droppings and footprints) is, of course,
dependable evidence of the presence of deer in a region. Footprints of
deer are much smaller than those of cattle and more pointed than those
of either calves or sheep. The largest hoof mark which any of our party
saw was that of an old buck. It measured 2 by 2-3/4 inches. In general
the tracks of does (pl. 40d) are smaller and more acutely tipped
than those of bucks, but, in examining many individual tracks, it has
proved impossible to say whether they were made by a buck or by a doe.
In late summer the river-side sand bars in the vicinity of Merced Lake
are in some places literally plowed up by the little tracks of fawns
which have been led down there by their mothers to drink.
Deer take more notice of noise than of motion. If the
observer moves quietly and slowly the deer usually will not become
frightened, but should a twig be broken under foot or any other sharp
noise be made, they are apt to be off at once. The relatively large size
of their ears (pl. 39b) probably means that, as a rule, they
depend on hearing rather than on sight for the detection of enemies.
When frightened or excited, Mule Deer utter a sharp
snort, and when running away often 'flash' the tail and rump so as to
form a white 'flag' against the darker color of the rest of the body,
reminding one of the appearance of a cottontail rabbit. Possibly this is
a warning sign, to other deer, of the proximity of danger, or a signal
for fawns to flee. When, however, two or more deer are alarmed and
retreat from the vicinity of the observer, they usually separate and go
in different directions, reuniting when they again feel safe. This is
commonly true of does with young fawns, although sometimes the fawns
accompany their mothers closely in a retreat.
By passing back and forth over a preferred route
through the brush or forest, deer often make distinct trails. These are
easily distinguished from horse or cow trails by the facts that they are
narrower and do not continue for any great distance in a given
direction; they end as soon as a good browsing area is reached. Deer do
not follow man-made trails consistently but often take short-cuts. On
the zigzags between Ilillouette Creek and Glacier Point we have seen
both deer and bear tracks in abundance. The bears had plodded along,
following every twist and turn, while the deer had taken short-cuts up
or down steep slopes.
The summer coat of the Mule Deer, which is worn from
about June until October, is of a reddish brown color and the hairs are
sparse, short, and straight. The winter coat, which is worn during the
remaining portion of the year, is much darker, being grayish brown
("blue," in the hunter's language), and composed of longer, much more
numerous, and slightly crinkled hairs. The greater number and length of
the hairs and their irregular form are probably for the purpose of
furnishing a greater number of discontinuous air spaces in the coat,
which help to keep the animals warm during the cold of winter.
The ground color of the coat of a newborn fawn is
reddish brown heavily marked with large (1/2 inch) white spots. The
original brilliant contrast of this pattern persists only a short time,
as the spots soon become dulled and finally disappear. Such evidence as
we have indicates that this change is accomplished by wear and also by
the appearance of numerous long reddish hairs. Thus by mid-August the
fawn is reddish brown, similar in color to the summer coat of its
parents. This in turn gives way in October to the regular gray winter
coat. The hair of all these pelages is much softer, and in the first
winter coat less crinkled, than is that of the adults.
Mule Deer have three gaits, all of them stiff-legged.
When foraging or moving quietly along they walk with a peculiarly
individual movement of the legs, each foot being lifted and set
vertically down. This, combined with the very small size of the hoofs,
results in a surprisingly quiet tread. In fact we are led to the belief
that the smallness of the hoof is an adaptation in the direction of
quiet movement. The second gait is a stiff-legged trot, in which the
feet move alternately; and the third is a gallop, or "peg-legged lope,"
in which the fore and hind feet move in pairs simultaneously. This last
is the gait which is used when the animals are beating a hurried retreat
after being thoroughly frightened, and the speed which they make over
short distances is surprising. This bounding gait serves two further
purposesto permit the animal to clear the brush in which it
characteristically lives, and, with each upward leap of the animal, to
enable it to see above the brush and thus to extend considerably its
field of vision. Does, especially when carrying young, are said to lope
with an easier carriage of the body than the bucks.
Every adult male deer normally possesses antlers and
these are used for display and combat during the mating season. These
are solid bony structures borne on the skull, grown and shed each year,
and entirely different in form and origin from the permanent 'hollow'
horns of cattle and sheep. The antlers begin to grow out in early spring
and when first in evidence are nothing more than short knobs on top of
the head between and a little above the eyes. While growing they are
covered with a thick densely haired skin called 'velvet,' and this skin
is richly supplied with blood vessels which serve to bring the materials
necessary for growth. While growing, the antlers are very sensitive to
touch and the deer are then notably careful of them; usually they forage
in the open where there is less danger of coming in contact with limbs
of trees or with other objects. The development of the antlers is rapid;
by late May or mid-June they are one-third to one-half longer than the
ears though still blunt-ended; by August their growth is complete, and
they have become sharp-pointed. The blood supply ceases, the velvet
dries, and the deer gets rid of it by rubbing the antlers against trees
and shrubs. At this season bucks are often seen with pieces of dried
velvet dangling loosely from their antlers. The bucks retain their
antlers through the autumnal mating season and until early winter, when
they shed them. A buck seen by Mr. C. C. Bull on March 16, 1916, was
still carrying its antlers; but this was exceptionally late.
The number of 'points' or 'tines' on each one of a
pair of antlers is commonly thought to be an index to the age of the
animal bearing them. Yearling males with simple, unbranched antlers are
called 'spike bucks,' while older animals are termed 'two-point bucks,'
'three-point bucks,' and so on, according as each of their antlers bears
two, three, or more tines. Very old bucks are said not to have the
number of points their years would prescribe. The largest number of
points seen by us on any deer in the Yosemite region was six, but
Lawrence Souvelewsky reported seeing a seven-point buck in the vicinity
of Merced Lake.
The mating or rutting season occurs chiefly in
October. Very little is known about the mating habits of the Mule Deer
save that the animals are then very wary. Two does seen in Ten Lakes
basin on October 10, and a buck and a doe at Aspen Valley on October 15,
were all very wild. By November this wildness has passed and the animals
may again be closely approached. Soon after this the bucks shed their
The fawns are born about the first of July, but the
does keep their charges hidden in the brush for a month or more before
permitting them to forage in the open. In 1915 the first one was seen on
July 27, and by early August fawns were observed almost daily. Two
constitute the usual number although sometimes there is only one and
occasionally there are three. By the time they are seen regularly with
their mothers the young animals are about one-fourth to one-third grown,
and pretty well able to take care of themselves. The fawns run with
their mothers through the first year. Early in June we saw many groups
comprising a doe and 1, 2, or 3 fawns which were about two-thirds grown.
By the latter part of the same month the does desert these yearlings in
anticipation of the arrival of the next litter. It is a common belief,
substantiated by known facts, that fawns which are born at low altitudes
remain there throughout their lives, while those born in the mountains
migrate up and down every season.
Coyotes, especially the big Mountain Coyotes,
occasionally 'pull down' fawns or sickly adults. If caught in snow more
than 18 inches deep, even adult and able-bodied deer are apt to be run
down by these predators. The coyotes run easily on the top crust of the
snow, but the deer break through and flounder helplessly in the deeper
drifts. In the Yosemite region, however, the chief wild enemy of the
Mule Deer is the Mountain Lion. The way in which lions capture deer is
described in another chapter (p. 97), where also the numbers probably
killed each year are estimated.
The interrelation of Mountain Lion and Deer has
naturally become an important subject of discussion and concern among
sportsmen, to whom a deer is something to be sought after, both for its
flesh and as a trophy. In a very definite sense the Mountain Lion is, in
territory open for hunting, the sportsman's rival; hence, from the
sportsman's standpoint, the lion should be eliminated. But in the
Yosemite National Park, where the aim is to preserve free from human
interference all the animal life, it is the hunter who is
eliminated, and so the situation is altogether different.
The close grazing of cattle in the territory to the
west of the Park, which is comprised in the wintering grounds of a good
proportion of the Yosemite deer population, has inevitably reduced,
especially in hard years, the number of deer which can be carried over
there through the winter. Not only the grasses, but most especially
certain thin-leafed kinds of deer brush, have been browsed down by
cattle and goats to mere vestiges of their former quantity; and the deer
are hard put to it when the snow lies far down on the west Sierran
slopes. In last analysis, counting out man, the important factor in the
reduction of the numbers of deer is the reduction in the quantity of
food available to them at the most critical time of the year, rather
than the levy upon their numbers by lions.
Except as the factor of hunting and poaching in the
territory along the western edge of the Park also affects the deer
population of the Yosemite, we do not see that the permanent existence,
in relatively normal numbers, of Mountain Lions within the area in
question can be expected to reduce the total population of the deer
which will be maintained from year to year. In other words, if the
Yosemite Park is administered as a true 'refuge' for its animal as well
as its plant life, then primitive conditions should be maintained
absolutely, to the end that all the constituent species persist in the
same relative numbers as they did in early times. The maximum numbers of
any and all herbivores which can exist will be determined by the amount
of plant food available at the season of least supply; and the numbers
of carnivores which can exist will be determined by the amount of animal
food available to them at the season of scantiest supply.
Occasional purely fortuitous accidents happen to
deer. One of the Park rangers found a deer held fast by one of its
forefeet in the crotch of a young black oak. The animal had twisted its
leg nearly off in its attempt to free itself.
Within the boundaries of the Yosemite National Park
the Mule Deer receive every possible protection. The rangers are careful
of the interests of the deer and little if any poaching takes place. But
in the area lying immediately to the west little regard seems to be paid
to the game laws. Some residents of this region believe that they have a
vested right to kill deer "whenever and wherever they please." When
confronted with the statement that there is a State law protecting the
animals, they ask, "Can you blame a man for going after a deer [despite
the law] when meat is scarce?" To this we answer, "We most certainly
do." The doctrine that our wild game belongs to all the people
(to be conserved in the interests of all) and not just to those
residing in the immediate vicinity seems not to have reached them as
yet. A resident of El Portal openly boasted to one of our field party
that he had been on a deer hunt during the first week in December,
nearly two months after the close of the legal season for killing
Certain residents stated that deer are not now more
than 50 per cent as numerous as in earlier years. When pressed for the
reasons why deer have decreased the replies were:
1. The deer have moved back.
2. Mountain Lions and other "varmints" have of recent
years made disproportionate inroads on them.
3. The closed season on deer has favored the increase
of "varmints."
4. "Of course a lot have been shot" (but little
stress was laid on this).
Despite all statements to the contrary the most
relentless enemy of the Mule Deer is man. The persistence or elimination
of the animals in the Yosemite region rests entirely with him. Since
many of the deer in the Park proper move out into unpatrolled territory
in winter it would seem that complete protection ought to be provided
throughout this adjacent territory, at least until there is a sufficient
natural increase to warrant reopening a hunting season there. At the
present time, so far as the Yosemite National Park is concerned, the
greatest potential value of the deer lies in their esthetic appeal; in
observing them the visitor is thrilled with delight, and his mind and
senses are acutely stimulated.