The object of this report is to present the results of a search of
the geologic and paleontologic literature for facts and inferences
concerning the geological and paleontological history of the region
surrounding Scotts Bluff National Monument. The information presented
has been obtained principally from the literature, the sources of which
are frequently referred to and are all included in the bibliography.
Much of the information was obtained from personal interviews with
members of the staff of the Museum of Vertebrate Paleontology and the
Department of Paleontology at tho University of California. Free use was
made of the library of the University of California, the Geology
Library, and Matthew Library. This work was done under the direction of
the Field Division of Education of the National Park Service.
Scotts Bluff National Monument is located near the center of Scotts
Bluff County in Western Nebraska, and borders the North Platte River. It
is situated near the towns of Gering and Scotts Bluff and may be reached
by a branch of the Union Pacific System, the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy Railroad, or by an automobile road extending through the North
Platte Valley. The monument has a total area of 1,893.83 acres which
includes the conspicuous promontory of Scotts Bluff, a celebrated and
historic landmark of the early days of travel along the Oregon Trail. It
was created as a National Monument by Congress December 12, 1919.
This region is situated in the western portion of North America known
as the Great Plains, an extensive, eastwardly sloping surface extending
from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains to the western margin of the
Mississippi basin.
To the north this plain terminates in Pine Ridge, a northward facing
escarpment extending from Southern South Dakota thru Northwestern
Nebraska and into Wyoming, beyond which the old surface had been largely
destroyed by the erosive action of the White and Cheyenne Rivers. To the
south the plain has an extensive development in Western Kansas and
Texas. In Western Nebraska the surface of the high plain is confined to
the larger interstream areas such as that lying between the Niobrara
River and the North Platte River, that between Pumpkinseed Valley and
Lodgepole Creek, and that lying to the south of Lodgepole Creek. In the
region of Scotts Bluff, isolated remnants of this surface are
represented in the irregular ridge lying to the south of the valley of
the North Platte and separated from the main portion of the tableland to
the south of Pumpkinseed Valley. Although the sum it of this ridge lies
about ten miles south of the North Platte River, several lateral ridges
extend almost to the river and form conspicuous bluffs, these being
Scotts Bluff, Castle Rock, and Chimney Rock. Headward erosion of some of
the streams draining this area resulted in the removal of materials from
behind, leaving the projecting portions of former spurs standing as
isolated pinnacles or mesas. An explanation of the complete isolation of
this ridge and of the wide depression to the south now occupied by
Pumpkin Creek has been proposed by Darton. (Darton, N. H., 1905, p. 22.)
Along the sides of Pumpkinseed Valley, at levels considerably above the
present valley floor, have been found rather extensive deposits of
coarse gravels derived from the Rocky Mountains and similar in character
to those found in the terraces of the North Platte River. It seems very
probable that at one time a branch of the North Platte River flowed thru
Pumpkinseed Valley making the ridge lying to the north an island in the
midst of a wider Platte River. Subsequently the north channel of the
river became more deeply eroded causing the river to confine all of its
waters to that channel just as at present.
In the latitude of Scotts Bluff the surface of the Great Plains has
an elevation of about 4300 feet above sea level at the one hundred and
third meridian and gradually increases in elevation westwardly to nearly
5000 feet in the vicinity of the Wyoming line. In the southwest Banner
County and in the extreme portion of Nebraska, altitudes of over 5300
feet are attained, these constituting the highest land in the state.
Scotts Bluff, at one time believed to be the highest point, (Yard, R.
S., Nat. Parks Portfolio 6th ed. revised by Isabelle F. Story, U. S.
Govt. Printing Off. Washington, 1931.) has an elevation of 4662
One of the most interesting physiographic features of the Northern
Great Plains is the badland topography so extensively developed in the
Big Badlands of South Dakota and Northwestern Nebraska as well as in
numerous smaller areas such as that developed at the base of Scotts
Bluff. The name "Badlands" apparently had its origin in the literal
translation of Mauvaisos Torres of the early French Canadian
trappers who in turn derived it from the still earlier Mako Sicha
(Mako, land; Sicha, bad) of the Dakota Indians. (O'Harra,
C. C., 1920, p. 19).
Badland topography is solely an expression of erosive agoncics acting
in such a way as to produce a labyrinth of steep-side, irregular gullies
branching and rebranching into smaller and smaller rivulets until
usually little level surface remains. The region also is often studded
with symmetrical columns or with grotesque shaped mounds and tables.
Topography of this sort is the result of erosion controlled in part by
climatic conditions and in part by the stratigraphic and lithlogic
nature of the deposits. The chief factors in its formation are: a
climate with low rainfall usually concentrated into heavy showers; a
scarcity of deep-rooted vegetation; slightly consolidated and nearly
homogeneous, fine-grained sediments lying at a considerable height above
the main drainage channels and in a nearly horizontal position. Such a
country offers innumerable difficulties for travel and one can easily
understand why the name, Mauvaises Torres.