It is essential in all historical studies to discover the order in
which events have succeeded one another, for this permits an analysis of
cause and effect. Although time is continuous it is punctuated by
important events, so for convenience we divide it into separate units
for easy reference. A study of the rocks over large areas of the earth's
crust have led to the discovery of a chronological series of events
through which our planet has passed. In working out this history in any
particular region the superposition of beds is greatly relied upon to
furnish the sequence of events of the time during which they were being
deposited. As is well shown in Scotts Bluff, where a series of
horizontal beds may be seen, one bed overlying another in succession,
the lowest formation is known to be the oldest and succeeding strata,
are of successively younger age. In other words each formation has its
peculiar group or assemblage of species which is known as its fauna. In
regions such as that surrounding Scotts Bluff, where the formations are
not seriously disturbed by earth movements, a study of the fossils
contained in superimposed beds reveals a faunal succession.
Since the beginning of geologic time no region on the continental
areas has been the site of continuous deposition. The rocks in any one
region may give a portion of geologic history or several portions,
separated by breaks during which time no sediments were being deposited.
These fragments of different regions may be pieced together by various
means of correlation, either by the use of faunas or faunal succession,
by tracing key beds, or by using some inorganic means of correlation. As
a result, the major events in the history of the earth have been
arranged into a chronologic chart called the Geologic Time Scale.
The only clock the geologist has to go by in estimating the length of
the periods of geologic time which offers any degree of accuracy is that
of the disintegration of radioactive minerals found in certain rocks. By
this means he has estimated the earth to be at least two billions, of
years old. An older method commonly used until the discovery of
radioactivity was the determination of the present rate of deposition
for various kinds of sediments and the application of this to the known
thickness of the older formations. Breaks in the record and
discrepancies in the rate of deposition introduced great errors in this
method, the age of the earth being estimated at 500,000,000 years.
The formations so excellently exposed at Scotts Bluff and in the
surrounding area were found to have been deposited during the most
recent era of geologic time, the Cenozoic. The almost horizontal beds
represent extensive sheets of sandstone, shale and conglomerate
deposited in this region as sediments by streams which drained the
higher land to the west. Underlying this thick blanket of Cenozoic
deposits are older formations representing much of Mesozoic and
Paleozoic time. They are hidden from view in the Scotts Bluff region but
exposed in the Black Hills and Rocky Mountains where folding and uplift
have occurred followed by erosion. From detailed studies of these rocks
in the surrounding regions a great deal may be inferred as to what was
happening in the Scotts Bluff locality. As a background for the more
important events of the Cenozoic which are so magnificently represented
in this region, it may be well to review briefly the history leading up
to the mere important Cenozoic Era.
The early and middle Paleozoic history of this region is very
incomplete. It is believed that the extensive invasions of the sea which
extended over a large part of the interior of North America during the
Late Cambrian, the Ordovician, the Silurian, and Devonian did not cover
this region. (Schuchert, Chas., 1933, pp. 125, 146, 175, 196-197.
Darton, N. H., U. S. Geol. Sur. Folio No. 87, Scotts Bluff Folio, states
that the Late Cambrian sandstone may underly this region). The Silurian
and Devonian are very thin or absent in the region to the north and
west, their presence here being doubtful.
Carboniferous limestones, shales, and sandstones are believed to
underly all of Nebraska. They are known to the north and northwest about
the Black Hills and on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains as well as in
Eastern Nebraska where they form cliffs along the Platte River from
Ashland to Plattsmouth. The deposits consist of limestones, shales and
sandstones and contain thin coal beds in some localities.
During the Carboniferous, widespread transgression of the ocean
extended over the Central Great Plains region in which were deposited
thick beds of limestone. In the later portion of this period uplift
occurred, diminishing the extent of this sea and causing it to shallow
so that coarse sediments appear in the record represented by sandstones,
sandy limestone and red shale. Emergence was even greater during the
Permian when an extensive inland basin was formed across the western
portion of the Central Great Plains and extended far to the northwest
however, it remained above sea level. In it was deposited great masses
of red shale and gypsum, products of an arid climate. These conditions
of deposition and aridity continued into the Jurassic.
In late Jurassic time a sea covered this region again and its
deposits are known to occur in the Laramie and Big Horn Mountains, in
the Black Hills and probably extended beneath the younger formations
over Northwestern Nebraska. Mostly fine materials were deposited, but
locally, red beds occur indicating the position of old shore lines. In
some regions there was a short return to continental conditions during
the Middle Jurassic. However, during the Upper Jurassic there was a
return of the sea, for we find thick deposits of shale, and thin beds of
limestone indicative of deeper water. (Sundance formation)
This incursion of the sea was of short duration however, for it was
followed by widespread uplift in the latest Jurassic time. In the region
extending from Montana to Oklahoma the deposits consisted principally of
clays of the Morrison formation. It is probable that the Morrison
formation was deposited over Western Nebraska, but the eastern margin of
this formation has not been definitely located. The Morrison is known to
contain more than one hundred and fifty kinds of terrestrial animals and
plants including the greatest of all dinosaurs.
Pleistocene |
Alluvium Sand hills Loess Drift Equus beds |
Pliocene |
Ogalalla formation - Snake Creek beds, etc. |
Miocene | Arikaree formation |
Nebraska beds Harrison beds Rosebud Monroe Creek beds |
Gering formation |
Oligocene | Brule clay |
Protoceras beds Oreodon beds |
Chadron formation | Titanotherium beds |
Cretaceous | Laramie formation Pierre clay
Niobara formation Benton shale Dakota sandstone |
Paleozoic Carboniferous | Permian limestone
Cottonwood limestone Wabaunsee formation |
The Jurassic was followed by a long period of non-deposition and
erosion, but in Middle Cretaceous time the seas again inundated the
region. The first deposits, formed as the sea encroached over the land,
were rather coarse sandstones known as the Dakota Sandstone. This
formation underlies the entire central northern Great Plains and is a
source of artesian water supplies. Sandstone was followed by a rapid
change in the deposition to clays, even more extensive in their
distribution than the Dakota Sandstone. These make up the Benton,
Niobrara and Pierre formations which record the maximum extent of the
seas throughout this region. These clays are finally capped by more
sandstones indicating a return of shallow waters and a final retreat of
the sea from this region. Marine waters have never since spread over
this region. In the wake of the retreating sea brakish water lagoons and
bays formed, which in the course of time finally became entirely fresh
water. The deposits formed in them represent the transitional state of
time between the Cretaceous and Cenozoic.
Extensive crustal unrest marked the closing stages of the Mesozoic
Era. The floor of the greater part of the basin which has so recently
been covered by the Cretaceous became the scene of folding and thrusting
on a colossal scale, resulting in the Rocky Mountains and the Black
Hills. This mountain belt extended from Alaska to Mexico, and was
approximately five hundred miles wide from east to west in the United
States. This great disturbance of the earth's crust is known as the
Larimide Revolution. Its effects were not felt in the Great Plains
region, for here the older beds still lie in almost a horizontal