CENOZOIC (continued)
At the close of the Oligocene tho Rocky Mountains and Black Hills
were slightly uplifted, this time without folding. The rejuvenated
streams again began to deposit great quantities of sandstone and clays
over the Great Plains, and there appears to have been a recurrence of
conditions similar to those during the Upper Oligocene. This series of
sediments represent the Miocene epoch and has been divided by various
workers into several distinct time intervals. Due to the more or less
lenticular nature of the Miocene deposits they are not easily traced
from one region to another so that the various divisions have received
different names in different areas. (See generalized section).
The Miocene beds occurring in Scotts Bluff region have been called by
Darton the Gering Formation below, and the Arikaree Formation above.
Both these formations are exposed in the nearly vertical face of Scotts
Bluff, the Gering having a thickness of about 60 feet and overlying the
Brule clays, while the Arikaree has a thickness of 220 foot, capping the
bluff. Although the Gering formation is rather sharply distinct from the
Arikaree in this region studies made over a broader area seem to show
that much of the material comprising the Gering is little more than
non-continuous river sandstones and conglomerates, contemporaneous in
origin with the lower Arikaree formation.

The Arikaree formation consists (Darton, 1903, p. 25) mainly of fine
sand containing characteristic layers of hard, fine grained, dark-gray
concretions, often consisting of aggregations of long, irregular,
cylindrical masses. These are commonly called 'pipy concretions" and
vary in thickness from a few inches to several feet. Owing to the
presence of these, the formation is very resistant and generally gives
rise to ridges of considerable prominence.
Among the interesting structures of the Arikaree formation, few have
given rise to more speculation concerning their origin than the so
called "Devil's corkscrews." These consist of usually upright, tapering,
spirals, twisting to the right or left indiscriminately. The spirals
sometimes enclose a cylindrical body known as the axis. The spiral may
end abruptly below, or may have one or two obliquely ascending bodies
placed much as the rhizomes of certain plants. The size varies
considerable, the height of the "corkscrew" portion often exceeding the
height of a man. (Illus. O'Harra, 1920, p. 47 and figs. 13 and 15).
"Devil's Corkscrews' or Daemonelix, as they are technically
called, occur in the Upper Arikaree beds and in some of the overlying
formations. They are not distributed throughout the formations but occur
at certain localities. Some of the largest and best developed forms
occur in Sioux County, Nebraska. The origin of these structures is still
the subject of much debate. Barbour, among others, considers them to
represent some kind of plant life, either in the form of algae growths
or higher plants in which all has decayed away except the cortical
layer. Professor Peterson seems to offer a well founded explanation in
that at least some of them may have been the burrows of fossorial
rodents. Numerous cases have been observed whore fossil remains of
burrowing rodents have been found within the corkscrews."
According to Stirton (Stirton, R. A. Unpub. Manuscript U. C.), who
has been working on these rodents; no rodent is known which makes a
burrow as symetrically and vertically spiralled as some of the specimens
of Daemonelix, and it may have been that rodents lived in some of
the structures and yet were not responsible for their formation.
There are several well marked faunal zones in the Miocene deposits,
each zone being characterized by a rather distinct faunal assemblage.
The Lower and Middle Miocene zones are pretty well established, and the
faunas are well known. The faunas from the Upper Miocene, Lower
Pliocene, and Middle Pliocene are still in need of much revision. The
exact occurrence of many of the forms listed from these horizons is
One of the most interesting of the Miocene faunas is that from the
Agate Springs fossil quarry in Sioux County, Nebraska. (Desc. of Quarry
and Fossil Remains from Matthew, W. D., 1923, p. 368) This quarry was
discovered by James H. Cook in 1877 and is one of the greatest fossil
quarries in America. The bones are in a layer from six to twenty inches.
thick, packed closely together. The bones are seldom articulated, but
most of the bones of a single skeleton lie near together. The quarry is
in the Lower Harrison Formation of Early Miocene age.
Matthew attributes the great accumulation of bones here to an eddy in
the old river channel. A pool probably formed at this eddy with
quicksand at its bottom and many animals that came to drink at the pool
in dry seasons would be trapped and buried in the sand. The covering of
sand would protect the bones from decay and prevent them from being
rolled and waterworn. However, the shifting sand disarticulated and
displaced the bones, but would leave the skeletons complete and
The bones from this quarry almost wholly belong to three species, the
dwarf pair-horned rhinoceros, Diceratherium cookii the
calicothere, or clawed ungulate, Moropus elatus; and the
entelodont, or giant pig, Dinohyus hollandi.
The rhinoceros is by far the most abundant. A block, five and
one-half by eight feet, taken from this quarry in 1920, and now on
exhibition in the American Museum, contains twenty-two skulls, an
uncounted number of skeleton bones, all of the little rhinoceros. This
form had a pair of horns placed side by side on the nose instead of the
single horn of the Indian rhinoceros, or the "tandem" arrangement of the
horns seen on the two African rhinoceroses. This species was a little
larger than a pig with somewhat the same proportions of body but very
different head. The horns were probably not long and pointed but were
stout, blunt nubs.
Moropus belongs to the Calicotheroidea, an extinct
family of mammals of the order Porissodactyla and about equally
related to the horse, the rhinoceros, the tapir, and the titanothere.
The neck and general shape of the head remind one of the horse; the
short arched back, sloping hips, and the rudimentary tail suggest the
tapir. The limbs and feet resemble the proportions and construction of
the modern rhinoceroses, except that the fore-limbs are longer. The
grinding teeth are most like those of the extinct titanothere, while the
front teeth are those of a ruminant. The toes are the most remarkable of
this old beast for they are tipped with claws instead of hoofs. This
feature, in an animal, that certainly is one of the ungulates, as shown
by every other character of its skeleton, is unique and difficult to
explain. Calicatheres are scarce among the fossils of Europe and Asia,
and very rare in North America except in this quarry. A number of
incomplete skeletons were obtained by the Carnegie Museum, and seventeen
complete skeletons by the American Museum.
Dinohyus is the largest of the entelodonts. These extinct
animals are commonly called giant pigs, although they are not very
pig-like in appearance and were not related to the pigs any more closely
than the ruminants. They were tall, but compactly proportioned, with two
toed feet like a bison's, very large heads with long muzzles and large
powerful tusks. The tusks and all the front teeth are much more like
wolves, or other large carnivores, than like those of any living
herbivores, while the back teeth are of omnivorous type. These beasts
were probably omnivorous but well equipped to pursue and attack animal
Another quarry two or three miles from the Agate Quarry and of the
same age has yielded great numbers of skeletons of the gazelle-camel,
Stenomylus, a small slender creature of the size and proportions
of the vicuna. No other animals are associated with it in this quarry.
Matthew states that there are good reasons for believing that the
Stenomylus quarry was the bedding ground of this extinct animal. Many of
the skeletons are completely articulated, suggesting an entirely
different means of preservation than that in the Agate Springs
The camels originated in North America and it is here that the
earliest and most primitive forms are found. This group of animals, so
foreign to North America at present, had nearly the whole of its
development on this continent, and did not migrate to other countries
before late Miocene or Pliocene time. The whole family, however,
disappeared from North America in the Latter Pleistocene or at the time
of the great Ice Age. The Miocene forms, Procamelus, has long
been known and is believed to have been the ancestor of the camels and
llamas of today. In general it may be said that the Miocene forms became
increasingly more cameloid became larger, the side toes disappeared, the
metarsal bone became more fully united, and rugusites of the hoof bones
indicate the presence of a small foot pad. (See check list for more
complete list of animals known from this epoch).