Introductory Note
A statement of the ethnography of the tribes of Sequoia National Park
has been requested as a working basis for a museum exhibit. There are
four tribes whose customs and artifacts are of vital importance to the
story. Many of the data on these tribes are unpublished and could be had
only through personal contact with the investigators who are, at the
present, living in the east. An urgent request for this story, however,
has come, giving only a fraction of the time necessary to prepare a
properly detailed account.
Further information of value can be secured from Dr. Hune Gayton
(Mrs. Leslie Spier) and Dr. and Mrs. Carl Vogelin, to be reached through
the graduate School, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and Mr. Theodore
McCown and the, author, to be reached through the Department of
Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, California.
The following paper embodies the outstanding facts now available
about these tribes. It is necessarily incomplete and lacking in detail.
Moreover, there has been time to offer only the barest hints concerning
specific museum devices that could be employed in the interpretation of
these stories to the public.
This bulletin produced with assistance of personnel provided through