In the matter of subsistence interesting and significant differences
exist between the peoples of the western and eastern slopes of the
Sierra. Those Yokuts who lived within the flats of the San Joaquin
valley are of no great moment in this connection, for their subsistence
exhibits many features which are not generally representative of
California nor characteristic of those tribes which are of interest from
the point of view of Sequoia National Park. Of far greater importance to
museum exposition is the food getting activities of the foothill Yokuts,
Western Mono, and Tubatulabal who, living in a region which abounded in
the acorn, made use of this food in a typically California manner, and
the Owens Valley Paiute, who, living in the arid Great Basin, utilized
the pine nut in characteristic Shoshonean manner. Therefore the concern
of the museum should be to point out that the peoples on both sides of
the Sierras were non-agricultural, seed gatherers who specialized in
utilizing those native species which were most abundant. In each case a
complex or set of practices developed around this species.
Among the Yokuts and no doubt also the Western Mono and Tubatulabal,
the manner of gathering and preparing acorns was also extended to the
buckeye (Aesculus) and probably to several other plants. They
were collected in conical baskets, stored in large elevated basketry
granaries (See Kroeber, 1925, pl. 36 for a similar Miwok granary end
Gifford, 1932, p.20-1, and plate 4-a for a Northfork Mono Granary) and
prepared by a method of leaching. The nuts were broken and soaked for a
few days, then crushed with pestle. For this, the bedrock mortar and
occasionly the wooden mortar with a counter-sunk pit was used (for
photos of these see Kroeber, 1925, plate 45, and Gifford, plate 3-b,
illustrating the sun shade) The poison or bitter was extracted by lining
a crater of sand with evergreen boughs, filling it with the ground nuts,
then pouring hot water through ten times. This process for the Northfork
Mono is described by Gifford, 1932, pp. 21-2. It was then boiled into
mush, being placed in a pottery or possibly steatite vessel, stirred
with a looped stick (illustrations of looped stick, Kroeber, 1925, fig.
38) and heated with hot stones. Or it was made into a kind of loaf; or
boiled with other ingredients, such as seeds or meats. (Kroeber,
The Owens Valley Paiute gathered pinenuts (Pinus monophyla) in
conical carrying baskets after beating them off the trees with poles.
These were stored in brush lined pits. Sometimes they were roasted in
the cones or beaten out and ground on a flat slab (metate) with a
rubbing stone (mane or muller). (The metate is typical of the Great
Basin and Southwest, the mortar and pestle of California west of the
Sierra. A few mortars may be found in Owens Valley and more in Death
Valley.) The seeds were then winnowed with a flat winnowing basket.
Sometimes they were parched by shaking in a winnowing basket with e few
coals. They were generally cooked in a pot with other seeds and meats
into soup or were ground after roasting and eaten as flour. The Owens
Valley people had virtually no acorns except those secured through
trade. The western Sierra tribes frequently received pinenuts in trade.
Steward, 1933:241-2)
In addition to these, all peoples in the vicinity of Sequoia Park
used every other edible plant. Seeds were gathered on both sides of the
Sierras by beating with a seed beater into tightly woven conical
carrying baskets, then ground, winnowed, and variously cooked. These
included grasses, sages, compositae, berries, etc. For a list of these
and their uses among the Owens Valley Paiute, see Steward, 1933:242-246.
Roots were dug with the practically universal digging stick, which was
made, among the Owens Valley Paiute, of mountain mahogony
The usual treatment of these foods among both peoples involved
leaching, parching and boiling. (See Kroeber, 1925; 527, 814-5). The
metate was rarely used by the Yokuts. (See illustration, Kroeber, 1925,
pl. 66, for Northfork Mono treatment of manzanita berries, see Gifford,
1932, pp 22-3 and plates 4, 5.)
The tribes in the vicinity of Sequoia Park were also practically
omnivorous with respect to animal foods. The Yokuts ate all large
mammals, excepting the dog, which was strictly tabu here, although
generally eaten in northern California, the grizzly bear, and coyote.
They even relished the skunk when properly killed. They also ate all
small mammals, grasshoppers, ants, etc., but drew the line at reptiles,
which were tabu. (Kroeber, 1925:526) The Western Mono and Tubatulabal
probably shared these customs.
The Yokuts took deer by nooses set in trails over pits, or hunters
stalked them in deer headdresses. Antelope, and frequently elk, were
taken by surrounds of people on foot. Pigeons were snared with decoys
and fish speared from booths which concealed the hunter. Eagles were
attracted by decoys and captured with nooses. Fish were taken with
basket scoops or were stupified with ground buckeye nuts or with crushed
leaves of some species, and removed from the stream with a dip net.
(Kroeber, 1925:528-530.)
The Owens Valley Paiute stalked deer in disguise, used a surround
with people, trained dogs, and sometimes fired brush. Mountain sheep and
antelope were taken by driving into corrals or between rows of rockpiles
and hunters, or in narrow canyons. Bear were tabu, being said to
resemble human beings. A very characteristic Great Basin hunt was the
rabbit drive, in which all the men, women, and children at the large
fall gatherings went out equipped with sticks, bows, and long nets about
three feet high. They placed the nets in a huge semi-circle, end to end
(each was 100 feet or more long), the horde of people driving the
rabbits into it. Small mammals were taken with traps. Water fowl were
shot from blinds. Fish were taken by diverting the stream; by
stupifying, using crushed slim solomon (Smilacina sessilifolia
Nutt), by shooting with arrows, by spearing, by means of bone hooks, by
means of scoop baskets, or by nets, made of Indian hemp, Apocynum
cannabium L. A general tabu on dogs, coyotes, buzzards, eagles, and
hawks prevailed. Other species eaten were the caterpillar of
Coloradia pandora Blake, the larvae of Ephydra hians Say.,
breeding in alkaline lakes, snakes, lizards, etc., and such insects as
ants and grasshoppers. Even horses, when first introduced, were eaten.
(For details see Steward, 1933:250-257.)
It is suggested that a museum exposition of subsistence bring out two
facts. First, that peoples on both sides of the Sierra lacked any one
food that was all-important, as was the bison to the Plains, the salmon
to the Northwest coast, etc., and that they were therefore largely
omniverous, eating all kind of foods secured by a great variety of
means. Pictorial displays should thus represent such things as the very
important digging stick in use, deer hunting by stalking, seed gathering
by means of the seed beater and conical basket. For the Great Basin
people a sketch could show the communal rabbit drive or possibly an
antelope or mountain sheep drive. Second, it should be brought out that
the acorn was most important to the western people, the pinenut to the
eastern. The process involved in each case should be explained. The
acorn complex would portray through artifacts, and sketches or
photographs, the gathering, storing, grinding (in mortars), leaching,
and cooking. The pinenut process would similarly show gathering,
storing, grinding on a metate, roasting or parching in a basket, and
In connection with trans-Sierran trade, it could be brought out that
salt was greatly coveted by the mountain people and therefore
constituted an important article of trade from the Paiute and Shoshoni
to the east.