Social Organization
The matter of social organization will remain of little importance or
interest until means are found to publish descriptive pamphlets of these
tribes. Even then, it should await the accessibility of more complete
data on the Tubatulabal and Western Mono.
The Yokuts and Western Mono in general were organized in
exogamous and patrilineal societies which cut completely
across tribal groupings, and each tribe comprised totemic patrilineal
families. Curiously, the Yaudanchi and Yauelmani Yokuts seem to have
lacked the moieties, but the Western Mono (at least some of them)
possessed totemic moieties. As the totems of social groups are animals
and birds, the list would be of considerable interest if available. (See
Gayton, 1930-a; Kroeber, 1925:493-496.) The Tubatulabal seem to have
lacked any moiety or clan organization, but the catching and rearing of
young eagles practised by them is a ceremony carried on by the tribes
nearer the valley in connection with moiety ceremonialism, while the
association of certain birds with the eagle and of lizards, vermin,
etc., with Coyote suggests the totemic associations of moieties
elsewhere. (Kroeber, 1925:605-610.) The Owens Valley Paiute lacked even
a vestige of clan, moiety, or totemism, having only more or less
patrilinear and patrilocal families, thus typifying the Great Basin.
Each Yokuts and Western Mono village had a chief and it is probable
that each tribe had one. This was fixed by heredity, passing to the son
or a daughter if a son were lacking. A chief of personality and judgment
might extend his influence over neighboring groups, but there is no
reason to believe that leagues of Yokuts tribes were ever formed. Each
chief was supposed to have two heralds whose position was also
hereditary. In addition to these, there was an official clown and
transvestite. (Kroeber, 1925:496-7.) (For a detailed description of
political organization and the shaman's place in it among the Yokuts and
Western Mono, see Gayton, 1930-a.)
Tubatulabal chieftainship, like the Yokuts, descended in the male
line, the incumbent selecting a son with the approval of the community.
Lacking a son, a daughter was chosen. Wealth was of some importance.
(Kroeber, 1925:609.)
In Owens Valley each tribe of Paiute had its headman, the position
tending definitely to be patrilineal, but passing out of the family if
suitable successors were lacking. Each village also had its leader. But
the system of chief's herald, clown and transvestite were lacking
(Steward, 1933:304-5). Thus, there is again greater simplicity.
It is possible that some Yokuts or Owens Valley Paiute money will
find its way to a museum collection. This, among the Yokuts, will
generally be strings of shell discs, measured, as described by Kroeber,
1925:498, around the hand, or possibly cylinders from the columellae of
univalves or from clams.
As all these shells originated on the coast, only the discs seem to
have reached Owens Valley, where the measure of money was a somewhat
similar turn around the. hand. (Steward, 1933:258.)
Other Social Customs
Other social customs such as marriage, birth, naming, etc., will be
found described in Kroeber, 1925:492-499 and Steward, 1933:278-305.
There is little point in giving these data here as they are scarcely
adapted at present to museum representation. When the time is ripe to
interpret them to museum visitors through pamphlets, it is hoped that
fuller data on the Western Mono, Tubatulabal and Yokuts will have been
In order, however, to allay any misapprehension on the subject of war
it may be said that the California tribes were in general very
peaceable, the tribes in question here being no exceptions, Squabbles
did occur, but warfare never become a great pursuit as among other
tribes in the east, noteably, those in the Plains. There seems to have
been no scalp ceremony or victory dance among the peoples on either side
of the Sierra. In fact, the very idea of taking a scalp was scarcely
known. (Kroeber, 1925:497-8; Steward, 1933:306.)