The archaeology of Sequoia Park will naturally be very meager, having
little more than occasional arrow points, bedrock mortars, and possibly
a few potsherds and pictographs.
In the lower foothills bordering the San Joaquin valley, however, are
a large number of painted rocks or pictographs which are of great
interest. Similar ones undoubtedly occur in Sequoia Park although they
have not as yet been reported. It is unfortunate that some governmental
or state agency has not seen fit to provide for the security of some of
these groups, as they are rapidly disappearing, thanks to the work of
the elements and vandals.
A great many of this type have been recorded. (See Steward, 1929;
110-139, figs. 39 to 70, pls. 52, 55, 56.) These figures are painted and
comprise queer anthropoids, insects and animals. Their purpose and
meaning are unknown, though there is slight reason to believe that they
have some connection with shamanism. The present rapid rate of
weathering indicates that they cannot be very old and therefore must
have been made by the Yokuts or Western Mono of the region.
On the opposite side of the Sierra in Owens Valley, painted pictures
are scarce; instead there occurs a large variety of petroglyphs or
pecked designs which include elaborate but unintelligible curvilinear
figures and many animals, such as mountain sheep and other quadrupeds.
There is considerable evidence that points to great antiquity for these,
and it is not unlikely that most of them, if not all, antedate the
present Paiute inhabitants of the region.
It is probable that the Sequoia museum has or will come into the
possession of some archaeological objects of the kinds that are exhumed
from the ground. As most of these originate in the San Joaquin valley,
which is relatively rich archaeologically, this would take us somewhat
afield. There is no reason, however, why these should not find a place
in the museum, for many of them are representative of certain highly
specialized California types of specimens.
The usual word of warning must be uttered in this connection,
however. An archaeological specimen is worthless unless it bears ample
data concerning its provenience. To purchase specimens which lack ample
data for the catalogue is highly inadvisable, for it is not only a waste
of money, but encourages professional collectors and unskilled amateurs
to exploit our archaeological resources. This is the greatest menace
that American archaeology has to face, for every year thousands of sites
are destroyed by such people beyond the possibility of discovering
anything of scientific importance.
Archaeological specimens from the San Joaquin valley may be of Yokuts
origin. To say this positively at the present time, is however,
impossible, as sufficient investigation has not been carried on in the
region to determine whether or not there had been a succession of
peoples or cultures. This subject has been treated by Gifford and
Schenek, 1928, who have a large number of illustrations and plates.
Recent investigations in the vicinity of Taft by the Smithsonian
Institute may contribute something to our knowledge of this subject.