The American Rifle
At the Battle of Kings Mountain*
By C. P. Russell, Supervisor of Interpretation, Washington
PROGRESS made on the new museum at Kings Mountain
National Military Park, South Carolina, is worthy of record, and the
fact that the Service possesses a Ferguson rifle to put into that museum
constitutes special note within the record. To the average park visitor
"Ferguson rifle" means little or nothing, but to the student of military
history mention of that British weapon kindles a flame of interest. The
story of how the Ferguson rifle was pitted against the Kentucky rifle at
Kings Mountain is significant in this day of rearmament.
Maj. Patrick Ferguson was born in 1744, the son of a
Scottish jurist, James Ferguson of Pitfour. At an early age he became an
officer in the Royal North British Dragoons, and by the time the
American colonists revolted against British rule he had distinguished
himself in service with the Scotch militia and as an expeditionist
during the Carib insurrection in the West Indies. In 1776 he
demonstrated to British Government officials a weapon of his own
invention, "a rifle gun on a new construction which astonished all
The remarkable feature of the gun is its
perpendicular breech plug equipped with a screw device so as to make it
possible to lower it by a revolution of the trigger guard which serves
as a handle. When the breech plug is lowered, an opening is left in the
top of the barrel at the breech. A spherical bullet dropped into this
opening with the muzzle of the gun held downward rolls forward through
the chamber where it is stopped by the lands of the rifling. A charge of
powder then poured into the opening fills the chamber behind the bullet,
whereupon one revolution
of the trigger guard closes the breech and the weapon
is ready for priming and firing. Major Ferguson demonstrated that six
aimed shots per minute could be fired with an accuracy creditable to any
rifle. Advancing riflemen could fire four aimed shots per minute;
reloading being possible while the marksman was running. Another great
advantage of the Ferguson rifle was found in the fact that it could be
loaded while the marksman was recliningsomething quite impossible
with the American rifle. A patent was granted for the Ferguson invention
on December 2, 1776, and the weapon became the first breechloader
used by organized troops of any country.
On September 11, 1777, Major Ferguson commanded the
small unit of picked riflemen of the British Army who covered the
advance of Knyphauser and his German mercenaries at Brandywine. An
American who knew nothing of breechloading rifles, but who was possessed
of the old dependable Kentucky rifle, put a bullet into Ferguson's right
arm, shattering the elbow. The major's arm was useless thereafter and
while he was recuperating Sir William Howe jealously took advantage of
his disability, disbanded Ferguson's riflemen, and put into storage the
superior rifles which they had carried. This did not terminate the
service of Ferguson, nor did it relegate his rifle to the discard. His
command was restored, and he again took the field with his handful of
riflemen. At Stony Point, N. Y., and Little Egg Harbor, N. J., he came
out on top in the fighting with American privateers and the famous
Pulaski Legion. Had Great Britain manufactured more of the Ferguson
rifles, perhaps he would have gained further victories.
Sir Henry Clinton's expedition of 1779 against
Charleston, S. C., found Ferguson and a comparatively few of his rifles
active in the depredations of several thousand Tories organized to
terrorize the rebellious colonists of the Carolinas. They invaded the
interior and operated on the very western border of the Carolinas. For
5 months he held sway over the upcountry, enticing or intimidating the
young men of the region to enlist under the British flag. The local
militia so formed in the wild back country were drilled by him in the
ways of the British Army, and all other inhabitants, so far as possible,
were pledged to faithful Royal service. The patriots of the interior
settlements lay helpless. Any Carolinian found in arms against the King
might beand many werehanged for treason. Finally, a British
proclamation was issued requiring all inhabitants to take active part
on the royalist side, which but served to bring about a notable
uprising of the Whigs who, throughout the summer of
1780, engaged in fierce guerilla warfare against the organized
Not only did the sparsely populated settlements on
the headwaters of the Catawba, Broad, and Pacolet Rivers contribute to
the force that opposed Ferguson, but the over-mountain settlements on
the Watauga and Holston likewise sent their backwoodsmen, all of whom
were well experienced in Indian warfare. The routes followed by these
parties on their way to the Kings Mountain rendezvous cross the present
Blue Ridge National Parkway in a number of places.
The unmerciful treatment of Buford's patriots at the
hands of Tarleton had engendered savage fury on the part of the Whigs
which was as bitterly reciprocated by the Tories. Utter refusal of
quarter was usual in many battles. In the Carolinas, hand-to-hand
encounters were common, and the contest became a war of ruthless
extermination. General Greene, writing of this condition, said: "The
animosity between the Whigs and Tories renders their situation truly
deplorable. . . . The Whigs seem determined to extirpate the Tories,
and the Tories the Whigs . . . If a stop cannot be put to these
massacres, the country will be depopulated in a few months more, as
neither Whig nor Tory can live."
In September 1780, while this spirit of hatred was at
its height, the regiments of backwoods patriots, who were to go down in
history as "Kings Mountain Men," rendezvoused at South Mountain north
of Gilbert Town and determined to set upon Ferguson and his command,
then believed to be in Gilbert Town. The followers of the Whig border
leaders, Campbell, Shelby, Sevier, Cleveland, Lacey, Williams, McDowell,
Hambright, Hawthorne, Brandon, Chronicle, and Hammond, descended upon
Gilbert Town on October 4 only to find that the Tories, apprised of the
planned attack, had evacuated that place; Ferguson was in full retreat
in an attempt to evade an engagement. His goal was Charlotte and the
safety of the British forces there stationed under
Cornwallis. On October 6, Ferguson was attracted from
his line of march to the commanding eminence, Kings Mountain, known at
that time by the famous name that we apply today. His 1,100 loyalists
went into camp on these heights, and Ferguson declared that "he was on
Kings Mountain, that he was King of that mountain, and God Almighty
could not drive him from it." He took none of the ordinary military
precautions of forming breastworks, but merely placed his baggage wagons
along the northeastern part of the mountain to give some slight
appearance of protection in the neighborhood of his headquarters.
The united backwoodsmen, led by Campbell, had pursued
the fleeing Tories from Gilbert Town. Spies sent forward obtained
accurate information on the numbers and intentions of the Tories. It
became evident to the Whig leaders that, if they were to overtake their
quarry before reinforcements sent by Cornwallis might join them, a more
speedy pursuit would be necessary. Accordingly, on the night of October
5, the best men, horses, and equipment were selected for a forced march.
About 900 picked horsemen, all well armed with the Kentucky rifle,
traveled by way of Cowpens, S. C., marching throughout the rainy night
of October 6, crossed the swollen Broad River at Cherokee Ford, and on
the afternoon of October 7 came upon the Loyalists on their supposed
The story of the battle which ensued is one of the
thrilling chapters in our history. The Whigs surrounded the mountain
and, in spite of a few bayonet charges made by the Tories, pressed up
the slopes and poured into the Loyalist lines such deadly fire from the
long rifles that in less than an hour 225 had been killed, 163 wounded,
and 716 made prisoners. Major Ferguson fell with eight bullets in his
body. The Whigs lost 28 killed and 62 wounded.
Probably no other battle in the Revolution was so
picturesque or so furiously fought as that at Kings Mountain. The very
mountain thundered. Not a regular soldier was in the American
ranks. Every man there was actuated by a spirit of
democracy. They fought under leaders of their own choosing for the right
to live in a land governed by men of their own choice.
With the death of Ferguson, the rifles of his
invention, with which probably 150 of his men were armed, disappeared.
Some were broken in the fight and others were carried off by the
victors. One given by Ferguson to his companion, De Peyster, is today an
heirloom in the family of the latter's descendants in New York City. It
was exhibited by the United States Government at the World's Fair at
Chicago in 1893. A very few are to be found in museum collections in
this country and in England. The one possessed by the National Park
Service was obtained from a dealer in England through the vigilance of
members of the staff of the Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia,
and is now exhibited in the museum at Kings Mountain National Military
Park, South Carolina.
The Kings Mountain museum tells the story of the
Revolutionary backwoodsman and his place in the scheme of Americanism.
Here also is presented the story of the cultural, social, and economic
background of the Kings Mountain patriots, as well as the details of the
battle and its effect on the Revolution as a whole. Here lies the rare
opportunity to preserve for all time significant relics of Colonial and
Revolutionary days and at the same time interpret for a multitude of
visitors the basic elements in the story of the old
frontiera story which affected most of the Nation during the
century that followed the Revolution.
Our interest here will turn to those intriguing
reminders of how our Colonial ancestors livedtheir houses, their
tools and implements, their furniture, their books, and their guns.
Because of the significance of the American rifle in the battle of Kings
Mountain, it must be a feature of any Kings Mountain exhibit. In the
Carolinas it was as much a part of each patriot as was his good right
Light in weight, graceful in line, economical in
consumption of powder and lead, fatally precise, and distinctly
American, it was for 100 years the great arbitrator that settled all
differences throughout the American wilderness. George Washington, while
a surveyor in the back country, as scout and diplomat on his march into
the Ohio country, and while with his Virginians on Braddock's fatal
expedition, had formed the acquaintance of the hunters, Indian fighters,
and pioneers of the Alleghaniesriflemen all. These men were
drawn upon in 1775 to form the first units of the United States Army, 10
companies of "expert riflemen." The British, in an attempt to compete
with American accuracy of fire, cried for Jager, German huntsmen armed
with rifles, and begged that they might be included in the contingents
of German troops.

German Jager rifle, used in America
during the Revolution, above; as compared with the Kentucky rifle of the
Revolutionary period, below.
From the numerous written comments on the American
rifle and riflemen made by British leaders, it would be possible to
quote at length regarding the effect of American rifle fire upon British
morale and casualty lists. We may call attention again to the statistics
on the Kings Mountain dead: British, 225; American,
28. Draper records that 20 dead Tories were found
behind certain protruding rocks on the crest of the hill, and that each
victim was marked by a bullet hole in his forehead. Col. George Hanger,
British officer with Tarleton in South Carolina, provides the following
observation on the precision of American rifle fire:
I never in my life saw better rifles (or men who shot
better) than those made in America; they are chiefly made in Lancaster,
and two or three neighboring towns in that vicinity, in Pennsylvania.
The barrels weigh about six pounds two or three ounces, and carry a ball
no larger than thirty-six to the pound; at least I never saw one of the
larger caliber, and I have seen many hundreds and hundreds. I am not
going to relate anything respecting the American war; but to mention
one instance, as a proof of most excellent skill of an American
rifleman. If any man shew me an instance of better shooting, I will
stand corrected.
Colonel, now General Tartleton, and myself, were
standing a few yards out of a wood, observing the situation of a part of
the enemy which we intended to attack. There was a rivulet in the
enemy's front, and a mill on it, to which we stood directly with our
horses' heads fronting, observing their motions. It was an absolute
plain field between us and the mill; not so much as
a single bush on it. Our orderly-bugle stood behind
us, about 3 yards, but with his horse's side to our horses' tails. A
rifleman passed over the mill-dam, evidently observing two officers,
and laid himself down on his belly; for, in such positions, they always
lie, to take a good shot at a long distance. He took a deliberate and
cool shot at my friend, at me, and the bugle-horn man. (I have passed
several times over this ground, and ever observed it with the greatest
attention; and I can positively assert that the distance he fired from,
at us, was full four hundred yards.)
Now, observe how well this fellow shot. It was in the
month of August, and not a breath of wind was stirring. Colonel
Tartleton's horse and mine, I am certain, were not anything like two
feet apart; for we were in close consultation, how we should attack with
our troops, which laid 300 yards in the wood, and could not be perceived
by the enemy. A rifle-ball passed between him and me; looking directly
to the mill, I observed the flash of the powder. I said to my friend, "I
think we had better move, or we shall have two or three of these
gentlemen, shortly, amusing themselves at our expence. The words were
hardly out of my mouth, when the bugle horn man, behind us, and directly
central, jumped off his horse, and said, "Sir, my horse is shot." The
horse staggered, fell down, and died. He was shot directly behind the
foreleg, near to the heart, at least where the great blood-vessels lie,
which lead to the heart. He took the saddle and bridle off, went into
the woods, and got another horse. We had a number of spare horses, led
by negro lads.
The rifle had been introduced into America about 1700
when there was considerable immigration into Pennsylvania from
Switzerland and Austria, the only part of the world at that time where it was
in use. It was then short, heavy, clumsy, and little more accurate than
the musket. From this arm the American gunsmiths evolved the long,
slender, small-bore gun (about 36 balls to the pound) which by 1750 had
reached the same state of development that characterized it at the time
of the Revolution. The German Jager rifle brought to America during the
Revolution was by no means the equal of the American piece. It was
short-barreled and took a ball of 19 to the pound. With its large ball
and small powder charge its recoil was heavy and its accurate range but
little greater than that of the smoothbore musket. It was the same gun
that had been introduced into America in 1700.
The standard military firearm of the Revolutionary
period was the flintrock musket weighing about 11 pounds. Its caliber
was 11 gauge, that is, it would take a lead ball of 11 to the pound. At
100 yards a good marksman might make 40 percent of hits on a target the
size of a man standing. The musket ball, fitting loosely in the barrel,
could be loaded quickly. The fact that the military musket always was
equipped with a bayonet made it the dependable weapon for all close
fighting. As was so convincingly shown on the occasions of the futile
bayonet charges of Ferguson's regulars on Kings Mountain, however, the
bayonet was not effective if enemy lines did not stand to take the
punishment of hand-to-hand fighting.
Each Whig on Kings Mountain had been told to act as
his own captain, to yield as he found it necessary, and to take every
advantage that was presented. In short, the patriots followed the
Indian mode of attack, using the splendid cover that the timber about
the mountain afforded, and selecting a definite human target for every
ball fired. Splendid leadership and command were exercised by the Whig
officers to make for concerted action every time a crisis arose. This
coordination, plus the Kentucky rifle and the "individual power of
woodcraft, marksmanship, and sportsmanship" of each participant in the
American forces, overcame all the military training and discipline which
had been injected into his Tory troops by Ferguson.
*From The Regional Review,
National Park Service, Region One,
Richmond, Va., Vol. V, No. 1, July 1940, pp. 15-21.