The Coordination of Southeastern
Archeological Studies*
By A. R. Kelly, Chief, Archeologic Sites Division, Branch of
Historic Sites, National Park Service.
DURING the last few years, archeological
exploration in the eastern United States, particularly in the southeast
portion, has flourished under sponsorship of numerous local and State
scientific organizations in cooperation with the Smithsonian Institution.
In several instances, involving both National and State park
developments, the National Park Service has served as sponsor.

(click on map for an enlargement in a new window)
At Ocmulgee National Monument, Macon, Ga., there has
been developed the first national monument east of the Mississippi River
which is predicated primarily or solely on American pre-history.
Interest created by archeological exploration and restoration projects
at Ocmulgee has led to the demand from many parts of the Southeast that
a museum be established which would serve as a center of prehistoric
research and survey for the whole region. Tentative plans were drawn for
a museum and initial work on a small unit of the structure was started
under the Emergency Relief Act. [A modern administration-museum building
which will cost approximately $280,000 is in progressED.]
At Mound State Monument, Moundville, Ala., another
smaller park museum is in process of erection. [An excellent structure
has been completedED.] A State-wide archeological survey was
initiated to catalog the prehistoric resources of Alabama. Similarly,
the University of Georgia and the Georgia Department of Natural
Resources have combined to sponsor a State-wide archeological
In Tennessee, the University of Tennessee has carried
out extensive archeological investigations in an effort to salvage
valuable sites and information from destruction as a result of the
impounding of waters under the Tennessee Valley Authority program.
The largest scale archeological operations under
emergency relief auspices have been those directed by Prof. W. S. Webb,
Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky. Work is
still going on in connection with an extended TVA program to salvage
many valuable sites which will soon be under water.

NOTE.The five prehistoric
cultural distributions can be indicated only approximately because
their periods of development in the Southeast took place over a span
of 700 to 1,000 years. The clue to these cultures consists of distinctive
pottery types found on the sites assigned to the different horizons of prehistory.
Areas as suggested by Dr. A. R. Kelly and compiled by Gordon R. Willey.
(click on map for an enlargement in a new window)
At Louisiana State University, James A. Ford,
Research Associate in Archeology, a former assistant in directing
archeological explorations at Ocmulgee and later a collaborator in the
restoration of the Macon ceremonial earth lodge, is continuing an
archeological survey, begun several years ago, which resulted then in
extensive surface collection of study sherds from many village sites in
Louisiana and Mississippi.
All these institutions in the southeastern United
States sent representatives to the Ceramic Repository at the University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., to discuss the problem of obtaining
uniform terminology and essential agreement in classification of
pottery, regarded as the best criteria available to the archeologist in
working out problems of cultural relations.
As a result of the Ann Arbor meeting, it was decided
to establish a uniform pottery nomenclature involving a trinominal
classification referring to pottery types perceived to be distinctive
and widely distributed in the Southeast. This trinominal
system of classifying Indian pottery promises to have wide usage as
pottery types agreed upon in discussion are to be recognized as standard
among the group of specialized workers in the southeastern area. The
method of standardization allows for a maximum interchange between the
respective field workers with results coordinated in annual or
semiannual conferences.
All archeological field workers in the region will
have opportunity to see and become acquainted with the new pottery
types, as proponents of the types will send representative examples to
each of seven centers where archeological survey is going on. After a
period of discussion, criticism, and correspondence on the pottery
types, the members in joint conference will decide upon the selection of
approved types. Full descriptions, with pen drawings of these types,
will then appear in mimeographed form, put out under the editorship of
Mr. Ford at Louisiana State University. Copies will be supplied to the
cooperating field workers in archeology. The same institutions have
expressed, individually, a desire to see the coordination of pottery
studies carried further in a uniform systematization of methods of
archeological survey in the Southeast.
These preliminary agreements between cooperating
institutions in the southeastern United States will facilitate the
program of surveying historical and archeological sites under the
sponsorship of the National Park Service. It is recognized that the
administrative difficulties of undertaking a Nation-wide survey of
historical and archeological sites would be extremely complex and
unwieldy. For this reason, a regional breakdown in supervision is
contemplated, with the Southeast serving as a testing ground for initial
efforts to realize objectives in survey. The following institutions,
either now engaged in archeological survey or planning surveys in the
near future, have expressed an interest in the plan: Louisiana State
University, and the Universities of Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and
Ocmulgee National Monument has become a center of
archeological survey activity. Throughout the Southeast, other
collaborating institutions, as named, have expressed individual concurrence
and support for the projected plan to establish at Ocmulgee an
archeological museum of regional character, which will serve the area in
much the same manner that the Laboratory of Anthropology at Santa Fe,
N. Mex., acts as a research center to unify survey and research
activities in archeology in the Southwest.
Recent additions to our knowledge of southeastern
prehistory, coming from extensive explorations undertaken in several
parts of the region, strongly suggest a number of distinctive localized
cultural manifestations, whose character must be perceived at present on
the basis of specialized pottery traits. These cultural subdivisions of
the Southeast have some geographic distinction, and seem to be separate
hearths or centers which nourished distinctive cultural developments,
and that, as centers of diffusion, they influenced widely and at
different times the prehistoric settlements in central Georgia on the
Ocmulgee. Specifically, it appears that the Ocmulgee site was influenced
from afar by several of these centers, and that the central Georgia area
was peripheral to such influences.
The following cultural subareas might be defined
tentatively as showing appreciable localized or specialized cultural
developments in the southeastern archeological area regarded as a
(1) The lower and middle Mississippi;
(2) The Piedmont or Southern Appalachian section,
comprising north Georgia, with extension into the mountainous sections
of neighboring States;
(3) The South Atlantic littoral, which includes the
coastal plains and confluent major drainage in the Carolinas, and the
Savannah Basin with a long Atlantic coastal sweep south into
(4) The Florida Gulf Coast, which extends west
into Alabama;
(5) The fall-line region of central Georgia, with
Macon on the Ocmulgee as a central point whose cultural position might
be connoted by geographical reference as the southeastern marginal
The strategic position of the last-named cultural
subarea, the central Georgia fall-line, finds Macon and Ocmulgee
National Monument situated in the precise spot where cultural influences
were being received from the greatest number of developing cultural
centers. This makes Ocmulgee an ideal museum location for the Southeast,
and also makes it an advantageous center from which to initiate a
southeastern archeological survey.
It may not be generally recognized how much
responsibility is invested in the National Park Service to conduct such
a survey of archeologic and historic sites. The Historic Sites Act of
1935 specifically embodies the national policy as applied to the
preservation of historic sites, and fixes the duty of surveying historic and
archeologic sites directly upon the Secretary of the Interior, through
the National Park Service. The duty and functions of the Service in
section 2 of this act definitely impose the obligation to undertake a
survey and to carry out research investigation needed to evaluate the
various sites.
In pursuance of the conditions created by the
Historic Sites Act of 1935, an interbureau agreement defining
objectives and working relationships has been reached between the
Branch of Historic Sites of the National Park Service and the
Smithsonian Institution regarding survey planning and the
coordination of Government activities in conducting archeological
*From The Regional Review
(National Park Service, Region One, Richmond, Va.), Vol. I, No. 1, July 1938, pp.