Barrier Island Ecology of Cape Lookout National Seashore and Vicinity, North Carolina
NPS Scientific Monograph No. 9
The use of vehicles on the Outer Banks has other
environmental consequences. One is positive: the tracks on the beach
often catch wind blown seeds and start long double lines of Uniola
paniculata and Spartina patens, some of which may become.
dunes (Fig. 119). The seeds of Uniola, in particular, require
burial before they can germinate (Wagner 1964) and when blown into the
tracks are soon covered over by drifting sand. Another effect is not so
desirable. Sand roads cut deeply into the grassland, and if they lead
from the beach straight back to the sound, they serve as channels for
excessive overwash (Fig. 120). High water which would otherwise have
spread out harmlessly over the grassland becomes a torrent in the
channel and sometimes badly erodes the island surface (Figs. 121 and
122). Uncontrolled vehicular use in dune areas can lead to destruction
of vegetation and increase the rate at which the dunes migrate. Running
vehicles on the beach can play havoc with shorebirds and other organisms
that depend on the beach system for their livelihood. Heavily used
beaches have few nesting shorebirds since the birds require a certain
degree of solitude to raise young. Where vehicles constantly churn up
the sand, there may also be significant changes in the functioning of
the beach ecosystem, which includes innumerable, minute interstitial
organisms as described earlier. We note that ghost crabs are commonly
seen foraging in the daytime on the relatively wild beaches of Cape
Lookout National Seashore, while doing so only at night on Bogue Banks
and Cape Hatteras. Such behavioral differences may be the result of
human interference.
Fig. 119. Young Uniola plants
from seeds trapped in car tracks.
Fig. 120. This road running at right
angles to the Core Banks beach became an overwash channel during
Hurricane Doria in 1971.
Fig. 121. The same road, with
downcutting by the channelized overwash.
Fig. 122. The other end of the road. The
water broke through a dune line and pushed sand into Barden
Solid waste is a problem on all the islands. The
attitude of many visitors toward pop bottles and beer cans is "the sea
will take care of it," and heaps of nonbiodegradable containers are left
wherever they are emptied. Even if visitors would properly dispose of
their rubbish, every drift line on the islands contains quantities of
trash washed up with the dead eelgrass and Spartina. Some of this
has been thrown overboard from boats, which are hard to police. More
comes from dumps on the mainland. Salt marshes are a favorite site for
rubbish disposal, and a high tide floats the trash out into the sounds
and distributes it along the Outer Banks. If the Cape Lookout islands
are to be kept safe and presentable, the National Park Service will have
to employ crews to pick up trash for the foreseeable future.
Various permanent installations on the islands have
been sources of solid waste. The more remote outposts simply dumped
trash among the sand dunes, whence it was scattered about by every
overwash. Noticeable pollution has also resulted from careless disposal
of waste lubricating oil. In addition, oil pollution from ships at sea
is becoming a problem of increasing concern. On numerous occasions we
have found oiled sea birds dying on the beach and nearly every walk
along the beaches turns up globs of solidified oil. If offshore oil
production in this region becomes a reality, the hazards of pollution on
the Outer Banks will be greatly increased.
Dredging to improve navigation in the sounds
generally serves a useful purpose, although if a new channel is dug
parallel to the back side of the islands and close to the marsh edge,
new marsh growth into the sound is stopped and marsh erosion is
encouraged. Another apparent difficulty with channel dredging is
illustrated in Barden Inlet, which opened in 1933 and has been dredged
ever since. The navigation channel is aimed directly at the back side of
Core Banks, following the natural deep-water channel which is migrating
into Core Banks, and thence out to the mouth of the inlet. Due to the
natural tendency of flowing water to meander, outgoing tides are tearing
away the island behind the lighthouse and the dredging probably
exacerbates this problem (Fig. 123). Cape Lookout Lighthouse (Fig. 124)
is perhaps in more danger of falling into the water from the sound side
than from the ocean side, as the channel keeps moving toward the
lighthouse at a rate of about 20 ft (6 m) per year, clearly an untenable
situation (Fig. 125).
Fig. 123. Barden Inlet, October 1965,
with a dredged channel aimed at the lighthouse. Superimposed is the 1942
Fig. 124. The resultant eroding shore of
Barden Inlet.
Fig. 125. (A) The land end of the
dock in the preceding figure, 1970. (B) The same in 1971, with
considerable further erosion.
Any type of dredging increases the turbidity of the
water, cutting down photosynthesis and giving filter-feeding
invertebrates more silt load with which to cope (Fig. 126). In the past,
dredge spoil has often been dumped on the nearest salt marsh, obviously
a bad practice ecologically, but recently more constructive uses for it
have been found. Spoil that was made into small islands, which now have
low dunes and vegetation, is being used as rookeries by gulls, terns,
skimmers, and herons in the Barden Inlet area (Fig. 127). Many similar
spoil islands are becoming important rookeries as former beach habitat
on the Outer Banks is disturbed, modified, or destroyed by human
activities. If spoil is spread out at the correct intertidal elevation,
it may be planted with Spartina alterniflora and will speedily
become healthy salt marsh. This has been done successfully in The
Straits behind Harker's Island (Fig. 128).
Fig. 126. A dredging operation in
Carteret County, filling part of the estuary and making the rest
Fig. 127. The Harker's Island-to-Cape
Lookout channel. The spoil islands flanking it are important bird
Fig. 128. (A) In 1970, the island
being created in Fig. 126 was experimentally planted with Spartina
alterniflora by scientists from North Carolina State University and
the National Park Service. (B) The same in 1971, showing the
successful growth of the grass.
One positive aspect of man's presence on the islands
has been the new habitat created by jetties and docks. The rocks and
pilings are a solid substrate for numerous interesting marine creatures
which require it and which would otherwise be very rare in North
Carolina waters (Figs. 129-132). The fishing is good in these places,
and educational field trips and scientific researchers make continuous
use of them. The organisms on jetties and pilings need only to be
protected from overly predatory SCUBA divers.
Fig. 129. Cape Lookout in 1965. The Cape
owes its present shape largely to the jetty built in 1915; the former
outline is shown by the large dunes visible in the photograph.
Fig. 130. Charts from 1888 and 1965 show
the changes in the shape and orientation of Cape Lookout. Compare with
Fig. 129.
Fig. 131. Like other jetties in the
area, this one on the sound side of Shackleford Banks harbors plant and
animal communities which delight marine biologists.
Fig. 132. A sessile community on a
piling near Cape Lookout is dominated by barnacles (Balanus
amphitrite) and tunicates (Styela plicata).
Last Updated: 21-Oct-2005