No city ever was built for wildlife; yet every city anywhere
accommodates wildlife of come kind, and any city abandoned by mankind
tilts immediately toward providing habitat for a succession of
The Mentor in Frank Herbert's classic science fiction novel
Dune tells the young prince not to waste time studying
"things"that the only knowledge with survival value is knowledge
of how things act over time. If you know enough about processes you can
predict things, and when you can do that, you can be where and when you
want to beor you can arrange to be out of the way.
Wildlife in cities is one of those "things" that indicates processes
at work; in this case, it is a thing that can tell us a lot about the
health of the urban environment, its "ambience," its quality, its
ability to take in energy, organize and maintain structure, and rid
itself of wastes. Measured over a long enough time line to provide a
parallax view, a city's wildlife can indicate the direction of urban
processestoward healthy diversity and balance, or toward sickness
and stagnation.
Beginning in the late 1960's, human concern for the environment has
turned our attention away from the mere naming of things (taxonomy) and
in the direction of inquiring how they interact, with one another and
with their surroundings. As the accent shifted to process, the potential
for improving the quality of habitat for both humans and wildlife
increased by many orders of magnitude.
As the most fabulously successful of the socalled "higher" life
forms, human beings have continued to act in accord with the ecological
recipe for success; namely, to grab and use all the energy you can
command in the all endless competition with other species for life. We have used
that energy to build cities, to maintain elaborate commerce, to prolong
our own lives, and even to appropriate other species and alter them
genetically to suit our whimsical fancies.
Having arrived at the present pinnacle of biosphere dominance,
mankind can even reflect humorously on in own arrogant conduct, as in
the case of the dog show patron who gazed deep into the wistful eyes of
a shortlegged basset hound and mused "To thinkyou used
to be a wolf"
Some life forms are too tough, too adaptive, to be manipulated
successfully. They will and do survive wherever man does and without
making any concessions to human needs or desires. Cockroaches and Norway
rats come readily to mind.
The natural ecosystems of the biosphere have been limited only by the
genetic potential of the species that occupied the earth and by the
range of climatic conditions that influenced the explosion of those
genetic potentials.
As a consequence of millenia of adjustment,
evolution, modification, change, specialization and extinction, species
have tended to groups that captured and used most efficiency the
incident and resident energy in those environments. Under such
circumstances, ecosystems tended to grade into one another. Boundaries
were sharp only where even slight climatic changes had brought about
changes in the life forms of the species occupying the ecosystem. Where
prairies interfringe the forest, the transition zones are clearly
discernible since there is a remarkable difference between grasses,
which are the climax species of the prairie, and trees, the climax
species of the forest.
The transition between forest and alpine tundra and between forest
and arctic tundra also is easy to see, since radically different life
forms are favored by the slight changes in the overall climatic
conditions that mark these different ecosystems.
Many ecosystems, however, have boundaries not so easy to discern. The
merging of tall grass with midgrass and midgrass with short grass is not at
all easy to see. Similarly, the transitional phases of all the various
forest ecosystems, mixed oak and oakchestnut, oak hickory and
maple basswood, again are not readily visible to the untrained eye. Yet
in every case, whether they differ dramatically or merely shade
at the edges, ecosystems are definableeach has a distinct area with its
unique cast of most successful competitors that reproduce themselves in
a holding pattern.
In times of favorable conditions the ecosystem may extend its
boundaries. When boundaries are extended, the occurrence is usually on
an individual by individual basis, although some communities may persist
or extend their borders through natural catastrophic events, such as
fire or severe wind or ice storms.
In any event, natural communities tend to be limited by climatic
conditions at work over long periods of time. The species that comprise
such communities tend to be either elastic or rigid in their life
support requirements depending upon the extent end opportunity of their
genetic intermixing and the environment factors that bear on their
survival and reproductive potential. The populations that occupy an
ecosystem reflect the vegetative base that supports their own genetic
requirements for survival . . . an intricately interactive process,
always in a state of actual or potential flux.
Mobile animal populations have more opportunity to exploit such a
resource than do sedentary or sluggish animal populations. Indeed,
migratory animals may make only temporary or seasonal use of such
ecosystems. The net result of these processes has been to produce a
patchwork quilt of ecosystem types. The edges of the patches are easily
discernible if the adjacent ecosystems feature such different life
forms as, for example, grasslands end forests. Differentiation is
more difficult where the boundaries are intergraded. Where ancient
ecosystems did not intergrade, as in island situations or where geologic
barriers existed genetic isolation and distinctly divergent evolution
As ecosystems developed over the face of the earth through geologic
time, the species that comprise them evolvedeach within the
context of its own place in the ecosystem. Their presence and abundance,
their dominant form and such characteristics at their tolerance to
light, evolved through the genetic interaction of the breeding
populations and the conditions of the ecosystem they were part of.
As a consequence of this process, plants at well as animals have
developed "ranges;" the resultant genetic elasticity or rigidity has
determined how these resident species responded to the variety of
climatic conditions to which they have been subjected.
The overall result of these genetic and ecosystem processes has been
the evolution of both plant and animal species that vary widely in their
climatic and environmental requirements, and their subsequent ability to
occupy niches also will have been determined by these same
It can be seen, then, that the areal extent of neighboring ecosystems
will haves great influence upon the number and kinds of habitats that
occur within them; and the contiguity of habitats will affect the
availability of breeding individuals and determine the possibilities for
genetic diversity. Species diversity tends to stabilize ecosystems, with
greater diversity leading to greater stability. It follows, therefore,
that ecosystems occupying less area will tend to be less diverse and
therefore less stable, while those occupying large areas are more stable
and less subject to change. This is not to say that local change is not
continually occurring in large mature ecosystems, but such charges are
more easily absorbed within the normal ecosystem processes without
changing the fundamental ecosystem processes themselves.
Man for the greater part of his existence on the earth occupied
niches in various ecosystems and acted as part of and in concert with
such ecosystems. He was part of the predatorprey relationship;
his effect on the ecosystem itself was no different from any other
consumer species dependent upon the ecosystem in which it lives.
In short, man like other higher animals had a territory and a home
range, and groups from time to time may have migrated between summering
and wintering grounds, in natural rhythms with the migrations of animals
they preyed upon.