Theodore Roosevelt as he appeared in 1881, then a
member of the New York Legislature.
Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park was
established to commemorate the enduring contributions of Theodore
Roosevelt in the conservation of our Nation's resources and to portray
his part in developing the northern open range cattle industry, a phase
of history in which he was an enthusiastic participant. While in the
Badlands he witnessed the passing of one of the last frontiers of the
West. In 1888 he wrote, "Up to 1880 the country through which the Little
Missouri flows remained as wild and almost as unknown as it was when
old explorers and fur traders crossed it in the early part of the

ALTHOUGH Theodore Roosevelt was not an unknown public
figure when he first came to the Little Missouri region in September
1883, the facts about some of his ventures there are obscure. It is
known that he visited the Little Missouri Badlands frequently until
1886, less often thereafter. The contemporary evidences we have
concerning him during his sporadic visits are to be found in the
incomplete files of several newspapers, Roosevelt's letters to his
family and a few intimate friends, the tax records of Billings and Stark
Counties, and the books in which he wrote about his experiences there
as a hunter and a rancher.
Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858, at 28 East
20th Street, New York City. His family was well-to-do. As a child, he
was delicate, suffering from cholera morbus, and an asthmatic
condition. To overcome his physical handicaps, he early developed a
fondness for sports and an interest in natural history. Roosevelt
graduated from Harvard in 1880 with a developed interest in history,
natural history, and writing which he maintained throughout his

A typical Badlands scene.
The Dakota Badlands
This region which Theodore Roosevelt knew appears to
have sunk away from the surrounding world. The panorama of colorful
buttes and mesas, washes, and sharply eroded valleys was carved by the
Little Missouri River and its tributaries. From its source in western
Wyoming the Little Missouri River winds in a northerly direction through
the southeastern corner of Montana and the northwestern corner of South
Dakota to join the Missouri River in west-central North Dakota.
Before the Ice Age, the waters of the Little
Missouri, through the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, emptied into
Hudson Bay. During the advance of the continental glacier the outlet of
the Little Missouri was blocked by the advancing ice, which diverted its
course east to join the Missouri River near Fort Berthold. The elevation
of its new mouth was considerably lower than where it had joined the
Yellowstone east of Williston. The resulting down-cutting of the river
and its tributaries in a soil and rock cover easily susceptible to
erosion contributed to the formation of the badlands topography.
This arresting topography is the result of geological
processes operating over millions of years. The surface rocks were laid
down to 60 million years ago. At that time streams originating in the
newly uplifted Rocky Mountains flowed eastward and deposited their
sediments in lagoons, lakes, and deltas that existed then. In time,
these layers of sediment were changed to rock strata, which were later
uplifted and are now found over a large part of western North Dakota and
eastern Montana. The vegetation which flourished then was covered with
sediments and later converted by tremendous pressures and other forces
into lignite coal. Through the burning of the lignite, some of the upper
clay beds were baked into a red brick-like rock, known locally as
"scoria," which now caps many of the buttes.