Montezuma Castle Archeology - Part 1: Excavations


We are indebted to the following persons for aid in checking the information contained in this report:

Dr. Harold S. Colton, director of the Museum of Northern Arizona, for bringing pottery terminology up to date, and for many valuable suggestions.

Dr. Emil W. Haury, head of the Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, for aid in pottery classification.

Mr. Lyndon L. Hargrave, formerly field director, Museum of Northern Arizona, for valuable suggestions and aid in classifying pottery.

Dr. John Provinse, former professor of Physical Anthropology, University of Arizona, for cranial measurements.

The late Dr. Byron Cummings, former head of the Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, for general suggestions and advice on field technique.

Dr. Edward H. Spicer and Dr. Harry T. Getty, of the Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, and Louis R. Caywood, National Park Service, who supervised excavation of Tuzigoot Ruin, now a part of Tuzigoot National Monument, and gave many valuable suggestions and much help in checking pottery and artifacts.

John Martinez for re-drawing Figures 1-6; the late James W. Brewer, jr., for re-photographing, with the help of John Cook and Lloyd Pierson, Photos 35-38, and 43-46.

Collotypes of the photographs are by Wyatt Davis, Santa Fe.

Save for revision of classification and discussion of pottery types, this report is substantially as originally written in 1934. A few of the major Conclusions were brought up to date in 1946, in line with other scientific findings of the many years since completion of the field work and preparation of this report.

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Last Updated: 04-Mar-2008
Copyrighted by Southwestern Monuments Association
Western National Parks Association