Col. Alfred Rhett.
From Johnson, The Defense of Charleston Harbor.

Bvt. Maj. Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore.
From Johnson, The Defense of Charleston Harbor.
The Morris Island
Approach to Fort Sumter
Folly Island and Cole's Island, next south of Morris
Island, had been occupied by Northern troops just prior to the naval
attack. In June and July, the northern end of Folly Island was
fortified. In a remarkable operation, 47 guns and mortars were secretly
placed "within speaking distance of the enemy's pickets." Some 11,000
men were concentrated on the island. Brig. Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore, the
"breacher" of Fort Pulaski, assumed command on June 12. Rear Adm. John
A. Dahlgren superseded Admiral Du Pont on July 6.
During that time the Confederates mounted guns at the
southern end of Morris Island and built up the earthworks at its upper
endBattery Gregg at Cummings Point and Battery Wagner some 1,400
yards to the south. The latter work, commanding the island at its
narrowest point, was made into a formidable "sand fort" mounting about
15 guns.
Fort Sumter, 1,390 yards distant from Battery Gregg,
prepared for siege, too. Brick and stone masonry "counterforts," already
built at each extremity of the esplanade as protection for the
magazines, were now strengthened, and much of the remaining gorge
exterior was sandbagged, or otherwise protected. The casemates on the
right flank ("sea front") were filled with sand, and the rooms on the
gorge were filled with damp cotton bales laid in sand. The upper-tier
magazines were abandoned and filled with sandbags to protect the
magazines below. Protective revetments and defensive devices of various
sorts were introduced at various points throughout the fort. During this
period the garrison was host at frequent intervals to officers on leave,
citizens of Charleston, and even many ladies, who came to see the scars
of the April battle, to admire the drill, or to observe the
preparations. At the end of June 1863, Fort Sumter was garrisoned with 5
companies (perhaps 500 men) of the First South Carolina Artillery, under
the command of Col. Alfred Rhett. Its armament, meanwhile, had been
reduced to 68 guns and mortars, many of the finest pieces having been
removed to strengthen other fortifications about the harbor.
On the morning of July 10, 3,000 Union infantrymen,
supported by the artillery on Folly Island and the guns of 4 monitors,
descended on the southern end of Morris Island. Brig. Gen. Truman
Seymour, a company commander at Fort Sumter 2 years before, commanded
the assault. Within 4 hours, three-fourths of Morris Island was in his
hands. Hopelessly outgunned and outmanned, the Confederate forces fell
back to Battery Wagner. The guns of Fort Sumter helped to cover the
A "desperate" assault upon Wagner the following
morning failed, though the parapet was briefly gained. General Gillmore
established counterbatteries and tried again on the 18th. From noon
until nightfall that day "without cessation or intermission," Federal
guns poured a "storm of shot and shell upon Fort Wagner ... perhaps
unequalled in history"; then, some 6,000 troops assaultedin the
van, the 54th Massachusetts, "the first colored regiment of the North to
go to war." In a short savage struggle, Seymour's force suffered 1,500
casualties. Though one angle of the fort was gained and held for a time,
the attack was repulsed.
Thwarted in his plan to secure easy possession of
Morris Island as a base for breaching operations against Fort Sumter,
General Gillmore now determined to attempt that fort's reduction from
the ground already in his possession. Batteries Wagner and Gregg would
be taken by protracted siege operations. At Fort Sumter, removal of guns
and ammunition continued apace. Anticipating that Sumter was "liable to
be silenced sooner or later," and fearing attack at other points about
the harbor, the Confederate authorities husbanded their resources. By
mid-August, Fort Sumter's armament was reduced to a safe minimum of 38
guns and 2 mortars.
At distances of 2 to 2-1/2 miles from Fort
Sumterdistances extraordinary for such operationsGillmore
set up eight batteries of heavy rifled cannon. In the marsh west of
Morris Island, where the mud was "like liquid," his engineers
successfully emplaced a "200 pounder" to fire on Charleston; this was to
be the notorious "Swamp Angel."