Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, Union commander
at the Battle of Five Forks. Courtesy, National Archives.
The Fall of the City
Continuously throughout the night following the
Battle of Five Forks, the Union artillery played upon the Confederate
earthworks and dropped shells within the city. Troops were prepared for
a large general assault which had been ordered for the following dawn.
At 4:40 a. m., April 2, 1865, a wide frontal attack was begun with the
sound of a signal gun from Fort Fisher. A heavy fog, however, prevented
the action from gaining full momentum until after 7 a. m.
The story of the fighting along the Petersburg front
on that spring Sunday is one of Union success over stout Confederate
resistance. The Union VI Corps, under Gen. Horatio G. Wright, broke
through the Confederate right and rushed on to the Southside Railroad.
Other elements of Grant's army swept away the remnants of the
Confederate lines along Hatcher's Run. Early in the day, Lt. Gen.
Ambrose P. Hill, a Con federate corps commander, had been killed by the
bullet of a Union soldier near the Boydton Plank Road when on the way to
rally his men at Hatcher's Run.
The desperateness of the Southern position was shown
when, about 10 a. m., Lee telegraphed President Davis to inform him of
the turn events had taken at Petersburg. The message read: "I advise
that all preparations be made for leaving Richmond tonight." Davis
received the message while attending Sunday services at St. Paul's
Church. He left immediately, destroying the calm of worship, in order to
prepare for evacuating the capital. The flight of the Confederate
government was promptly begun.
By midday the entire outer line to the west of
Petersburg had been captured with the exception of Forts Gregg and
Baldwin. The city was now completely surrounded except to the north. The
left of the Union line finally rested on the bank of the Appomattox
River after months of strenuous effort.
It now became apparent to Lee that he must hold an
inner line west of Petersburg until nightfall, when it would be possible
for him to retreat from the city. While gray-clad troops were forming
along this line built on the banks of Old Indian Town Creek, the
defenders of Forts Gregg and Baldwin put up a stubborn delaying action
against the Northern advance. At Fort Gregg, particularly, there was a
desperate Confederate defense. Approximately 300 men and 2 pieces of
artillery met an onslaught of 5,000 Northerners. The outcome of the
struggle was determined by the numbers in the attacking force, but the
capture of Fort Gregg occurred only after bitter hand-to-hand combat.
Fort Bald win was forced to yield shortly after the fall of Fort Gregg.
The purpose of the defense of these two positions had been accomplished,
however, for a thin but sturdy line running behind them from Battery 45
to the Appomattox River had been manned. Temporarily, at least, street
fighting within Petersburg had been avoided. Blows directed at this line
at other points, such as Fort Mahone near the southeast corner of the
defense works, were turned back. Yet there was no doubt in the mind of
Lee and other Southern leaders that all hope of retaining Petersburg and
Richmond was gone. It was obvious that, if the lines held the Union Army
in check on April 2, they must be surrendered on the morrow. The object
was to delay until evening when retreat would be possible.

The Crater area. The bank in the background is the
original Confederate earthwork constructed in 1864.
The close of the day found the weary Confederates
concentrating within Petersburg and making all possible plans to
withdraw. Lee had issued the necessary instructions at 3 o'clock that
afternoon. By 8 p. m. the retreat was under way, the artillery preceding
the infantry across the Appomattox River. Amelia Court House, 40 miles
to the west, was designated as the assembly point for the troops from
Petersburg and Richmond.
Grant had ordered the assault on Petersburg to be
renewed early the next morning (April 3). It was discovered at 3 a. m.
that the Southern earthworks had been abandoned, and so an attack was
not necessary. Union troops took possession of the city shortly after 4
a. m. Richmond officially surrendered 4 hours later.
President Lincoln, who had been in the vicinity of
Petersburg for several days, came from Army Headquarters at City Point
that same day for a brief visit with Grant. They talked quietly on the
porch of a private home for an hour and a half before the President
returned to City Point. Grant with all of his army, except the
detachments necessary to police Petersburg and Richmond and to protect
City Point, set out in immediate pursuit of Lee. He left Maj. Gen.
George L. Hartsuff in command at Petersburg.
Petersburg had fallen, but it was at a heavy price.
In the absence of complete records the exact casualties will never be
known, but in the 10-month campaign at least 42,000 Union troops had
been killed, wounded, and captured, while the Confederates had suffered
losses of more than 28,000. Although the Northern forces had lost more
men than their opponents, they had been able to replenish them more
readily. Moreover, Grant had been prepared to utilize the greater
resources at his disposal, and the Petersburg campaign had been turned
by him into a form of relentless attrition which the Southern Army had
not been able to stand. The result had been the capture of Petersburg
and, more important, of the Southern capital. It had also resulted in
the flight of the remnants of the once mighty Army of Northern
On the Sunday following the evacuation of Petersburg
and Richmond, Lee's troops at Appomattox Court House were cut off from
any possibility of uniting with Johnston in North Carolina. In this
small Virginia town, nearly 100 miles west of Petersburg, the Army of
Northern Virginia, now numbering little more than 28,000, surrendered to
the Union forces, Within a week of the fall of Petersburg the major
striking force of the Confederacy had capitulated. The Civil War finally
was all but ended. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston surrendered his army to
General Sherman in North Carolina on April 26, 1865.