General and Mrs. Custer in their library at Fort Lincoln. This
photograph was taken about 1875.
Gen. George Armstrong Custer
The Custer Battlefield has been named after Brevet
Major General Custer, the commander of the Seventh Cavalry, who, with
more than 225 of his troopers, lost his life on this battlefield.
Custer was born in New Rumley, Harrison County, Ohio,
December 5, 1839, the son of Emanuel and Maria Ward Fitzpatrick Custer.
He spent much of his early life with his half sister, Lydia Reed, at her
home in Monroe, Mich., where he attended school. At the age of 15 he met
Elizabeth Bacon. Less than 10 years after their first meeting Elizabeth
Bacon and George A. Custer were married.
In June 1857, Custer entered the United States
Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. His many boyish pranks and
escapades won him demerits that brought his rating near the bottom of
his class. Following his graduation in June 1861, he was commissioned a
second lieutenant in the Second United Stares Cavalry.
War had broken out between the States, and Custer
joined his regiment in time to take part with his troop at the First
Battle of Manassas. He was little more than 21 years of age, but
there was an indefinable something about his vivacious personality that
attracted the attention of his superiors. His conspicuous courage and
zeal brought him many coveted honors and rewards.
During the war he was several times breveted for
gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Gettysburg, Yellow
Tavern, Winchester, and Fisher's Hill. His final brevet was that of
major general, for outstanding services during the campaign ending in
the surrender of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. He had been
commissioned a brigadier general at the age of 23 and only 2
years later became a major general of the Union Army. Official records
of the War Department show that Custer is the youngest brigadier general
and major general in the history of the United States Army. With his
rapid promotions, came both friends and enemies. Among his most loyal
followers were those of the Michigan Cavalry Brigade, whom he had led at
the Battle of Gettysburg. The following year, when Custer was
transferred to command of the Third Cavalry Division, many Michigan men
sought, through petition, to join Custer in his new command. At
Appomattox, he was designated to receive the flag of truce from the
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Later, in presenting Mrs. Custer
with the table on which the terms of General Lee's surrender had been
signed, General Sheridan said ". . . there is scarcely an individual in
our service who has contributed more to bring about this desirable
result than your very gallant husband."
After the Union Army was disbanded in 1866, the
regular army was increased by several regiments. General Custer was
assigned to the new Seventh Cavalry as its lieutenant colonel, and the
regiment then took the field against hostile Indian bands that were
raiding and pillaging white settlements in Kansas, Nebraska, and the
Indian Territory. His victory at the Battle of the Washita, November
27, 1868, over Black Kettle's band of Cheyenne Indians, augmented
with other Kiowa and Comanche tribes, was effective in discouraging
further Indian depredations.

Custer and his scouts on the Yellowstone
Expedition of 1873. Bloody Knife, Custer's favorite scout, is
seated on Custer's right. He was killed with Reno's battalion just
before they retreated from the valley, June 25, 1876.
The winter of 1872, the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia
came to the United States on a good-will tour. In plans for the official
welcome, Custer was chosen to escort him about the West and to
participate in a buffalo hunt. The Duke was delighted not only with the
hunt but with Custer, whom he saw for the first time in the picturesque
buckskin hunting attire which he always wore on the plains.
Custer was a man of diversified interests. When
military duties did not demand his attention, he spent his time reading,
writing, hunting, and mounting the trophies of the chase, or
participating in social affairs with his wife and friends. His published
writings and the publicity given his activities made him a beau ideal
among Indian fighters. Although in the shaping of western history he
found himself pitted against the Indians, he was not unaware of their
problems. In My Life on the Plains (1874), he wrote, "If I were
an Indian, I often think that I would greatly prefer to cast my lot
among those of my people who adhered to the free open plains, rather
than submit to the confined limits of a reservation there to be the
recipient of the blessed benefits of civilization with its vices thrown
in without stint or measure.

A social evening at the Custer home in Fort Lincoln. General Custer
stands beside Mrs. Custer who is seated at the piano. Tom Custer is the
first man in the rear and to General Custer's left, "Autie" Reed,
Custer's nephew, is standing in the doorway, and Boston Custer is
seated on the extreme left. This photograph was taken about
The Seventh Cavalry's record under General Custer
well illustrates the important part played by the United States Army in
the advance of frontier settlements. Stationed at remote army posts and
isolated cantonments, they were called on to guard emigrants and
freighters, mail stages, and telegraph lines. Sometimes they undertook
exploring expeditions into little known regions, and sometimes they
protected scientific expeditions into new territory. They shielded
surveyors laying out the route for railroads, and the construction crews
who built the roads. Sometimes they evicted white trespassers from
Indian reservations, and sometimes they risked their lives in campaigns
against the Indians.