Chief Gall.
March to the Little Bighorn
At noon on June 22 the 7th Cavalry passed in review
for Terry and, behind the buckskin-clad Custer, began the march up the
Rosebud. The column numbered 31 officers and about 585 en listed men, 40
Indian scouts, and nearly 20 packers, guides, and other civilian
employees. Each trooper carried 100 cartridges for his carbine and 24
for his pistol, and a mule packtrain trans ported another 50 rounds of
carbine ammunition per man together with rations and forage for 15
Amid clouds of choking dust, Custer's column pushed
up the Rosebud. On the 23d it struck the hostile trail, which through
out the afternoon and all next day grew rapidly fresher and larger. In
the broad trail and the proliferation of abandoned campsites, the Crow
and Arikara scouts saw evidence of a great many more Indians than Custer
and his officers suspectedperhaps several thousandand they
made no secret of their misgivings over being drawn into a fight with
such an array. Although Custer thought the scouts inclined to
exaggerate, he had raised his own estimate of enemy strength to 1,500
warriors, a force he judged his regiment well able to handle. A
different fear gripped him, as it had everyone from the beginning of the
campaignthat the Sioux would escape if given a chance. Impelled by
this likelihood, he pushed the column hardfrom 12 miles on the 22d
to 30 each on the 23d and 24th. By the evening of the 24th, he had
reached the point where the trail bent to the west and ascended the
divide between the Rosebud and Little Bighorn Valleys. Indian "sign"
left little doubt that the Sioux village lay just over the
Here Custer made a crucial decision. Instead of
continuing up the Rosebud as Terry desired, he would follow the trail
nearly to the summit of the divide, spend the 25th resting his exhausted
command and fixing the location of the hostile camp, then hit it with a
dawn attack on the 26th, the date appointed for Gibbon to reach the
mouth of the Little Bighorn.

Custer Divides the Seventh Cavalry into Three Battalions.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
A night march, adding 10 miles to the 30 already
covered during the day, carried the regiment nearly to the summit. At
the same time, Lt. Charles A. Varnum and several of his scouts climbed a
high hill to the south, known as the Crow's Nest, and at dawn scanned
the wrinkled landscape stretching off to the Bighorn Mountains. Some 15
miles to the west, where a thread of green traced the course of the
Little Bighorn, the Crows discerned smoke rising from the Sioux village
and on the benchland beyond a vast undulating mass that represented the
Sioux pony herd. Lieutenant Varnum could not see these things, and
neither could Custer when he arrived in response to a message from the
Although doubting that his scouts had actually
detected the village, Custer knew it could not be far off. Moreover, his
worst fears at once seemed confirmed, for two small parties of Sioux
were spotted during the morning. Unquestionably, the regiment had now
been discovered. If action were delayed until the 26th as planned, there
would probably be no Indians to attack. And so Custer made his second
crucial decisionto find the village and strike it as soon as
For his decisions on the evening of the 24th and the
morning of the 25th, Custer's detractors, pointing to his burning pride
in the 7th Cavalry and his reputation as an impetuous commander, have
charged him with willful disobedience of orders springing from a blind
determination to win all the glory. He failed to meet Terry's desire
that he continue up the Rosebud beyond the point where the Indian trail
left it before turning to the Little Bighorn, then rushed his exhausted
command into battle a day early and without first ascertaining the
location and strength of the enemy.
Custer's defenders have replied that Terry's
instructions were not binding, that the hostile trail clearly revealed
that the Sioux were so close that they could not possibly have slipped
off to the southeast, and that to continue the march up the Rosebud
would not only have been pointless but might have afforded them the
opportunity to escape. Once the regiment had been discovered, moreover,
there was no other proper decision than to attack, for the enemy could
hardly have been expected to remain in place waiting until the soldiers
found it convenient to fight.
A good case can be made for either point of view, and
the imponderables insure that men will always arrive at different
answers. The command decisions that brought on the Battle of the Little
Bighorn will doubtless continue to form fascinating topics of