The Old Church Tower, standing on the grounds of
the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, was
probably built about 1639.
The Development of Jamestown
No attempt will be made to restore Jamestown as it
was in 1607 or at any other period. The town was always small and always
changing. Jamestown, it might be said, was never a city in the modern
concept. It was more a village, a small community. The town of 1607, or
1610, was unlike that of 1623, and that of 1623 was far different from
that of 1675. Architecture went all the way from timber and thatch
structures to substantial all-brick houses. Even if the town had had a
reasonable continuity of building types and plan, known information
would be entirely insufficient to allow a restoration. Major discoveries
of new material are still expected, yet the detail necessary for an
authentic restoration may always be too meager.
The site of old "James Towne" has, however, retained
much of the spirit of its antiquity. Its serene and peaceful atmosphere
seems to take one back through the years. You may be able, for a moment,
to disassociate yourself from the swift pace of present living as you
wander past the old foundations and look upon the Old Church Tower.
The National Park Service, following the precedent
established by the Association, is endeavoring to preserve this unbroken
link with the past. The emphasis is on the presentation of the townsite
itself and the island wilderness as the real exhibit. There are
"streets" and winding paths, exposed and marked foundations, existing
remains, paintings of buildings and scenes, property markings (old
ditches, fences of period design, and hedges), and natural planting.
Shaded vistas and secluded points for quiet reflection are provided as
much as possible. Some use is being made of period-type buildings (but
not specific reconstructions) as in the "glasshouse" with its thatch,
wattle and daub, and "cruck" design.
Physical features of the 17th century have not
survived at Jamestown in sufficient number to illustrate the complete
story, and the townsite will not adapt itself to a full coverage.
However, there are extensive supplementary exhibits in the Jamestown
Visitor Center, which are designed to help you understand and
"experience" Jamestown.