(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
Guide to the Area
(Numbers correspond to numbers on the map on page
"James Towne" developed on the west end of Jamestown
Island. At its maximum extent it lay along the river for approximately
three-quarters of a mile. It was a thin strip of a town between the
James River and the marsh that came to be called Pitch and Tar Swamp. At
first there was only the fort, then an enlarged palisaded area.
Gradually the town grew with the building of houses, a church, a market
place, shops, storehouses, forts, statehouses, and other public
buildings grouped along streets and paths. The entire townsite is an
exhibit area. The Visitor Center (1), at its edge, is a short
distance from the parking area across a trestle bridge spanning Pitch
and Tar Swamp.
In the Visitor Center, sponsored jointly by the
Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities and the
National Park Service, an orientation program of movies and slides, an
information desk, an extensive series of exhibits, and literature and
souvenirs are available. The exhibits include many irreplaceable
objects, such as earrings of Pocahontas, and many objects recovered from
the ground. There are dioramas, a large model of James Fort, illustrated
panels, and other displays telling about early Jamestown and explaining
the points of interest on the townsite and along the island tour or

The adjacent townsite is easily reached from the
Visitor Center, and a good general view of it may be had from the
observation terrace around the Tercentenary Monument (2). This
shaft of New Hampshire granite rising 103 feet above its base was
erected in 1907 to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the
A footpath leads from the monument terrace to the
church area, crossing the trace of the "Greate Road," which served the
town's residents some 300 years ago. It passes close to the site of a
17th-century brick kiln just inside the entrance to the APVA
The Church Area (3), the most inspiring spot
at Jamestown today, embraces the Old Tower, the Memorial Church, and the
Churchyard. The ivy-covered Old Church Tower is the only standing
ruin of the 17th-century town. It is believed to have been a part of the
first brick church built about 1639. Its 3-foot-thick walls of handmade
brick laid in English bond have been standing for more than 300 years.
The Memorial Church, directly behind the tower, was erected in
1907 by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America over the
foundations of the early brick church. Within the church are memorials
and burials, including the "Knight's" tomb and that of Rev. John

The graveyard near the Memorial Church. The
sycamore (center) now separates the graves of Rev. James Blair, a
founder of William and Mary College, from that of his wife. Sarah
Harrison Blair.
Of particular note, inside the church, are the
exposed cobblestone foundations of an earlier church said to have
housed the first representative legislative assembly in America which
convened at Jamestown on July 30, 1619. In the Churchyard many
dead are buried, and the few gravestones that have survived the wear of
time and weather are a witness to the antiquity of the spot. These carry
the names of Berkeley, Blair, Harrison, Ludwell, Beverley, Lee,
Sherwood, and others. Even the extent of the burial ground is unknown.
It is more extensive than either the iron grill fence or the old wall
(built of bricks from the ruins of one of the 17th-century Jamestown
churches) suggests.
Adjacent to the church are a number of memorials and
monuments erected through the years, particularly in 1907, to
commemorate important events at Jamestown and to honor some of those
outstanding in Virginia history. These include the House of Burgesses
Monument (4) listing the members of America's first representative
legislative assembly in 1619, the Pocahontas Monument (5), by
William Ordway Partridge; and the Capt. John Smith Statue (6),
designed by William Couper.

The foundations of the Last (fourth) Statehouse
Group as it extends toward the James River. It was the burning of this
statehouse in 1698 that was the immediate reason for moving the capital
of the colony from Jamestown to Williamsburg.
The footpath leads to the concrete walkway on the
edge of the sea-wall. This seawall (built in 19001901) along the
shoreline of the Association grounds and the later riprap extension of
it now protect the site from further erosion. Walk to the right
(upriver) along the concrete walkway. It passes near, but outside, the
Confederate earthwork thrown up in 1861 when the James River
approach to Richmond was being fortified. At one point a bit of history
can be read from the ground in a Site Use Exhibit (7). The earth
in the side of the embankment has been carefully sliced and various
levels are identifiedundisturbed ground, the level of Indian use,
the zone with evidences of 17th-century use, and, topping all, the
earthwork built by Confederate troops in 1861.
Just beyond, but at a point now in the river, due to
the erosion of the last three centuries, is the site of "James
Fort" (8), which was built in May and June 1607, and constituted the
Jamestown settlement in the first few years. There is a large model of
"James Fort" in the Visitor Center and a full scale reconstruction of it
has been built in Festival Park above Glasshouse Point and adjacent to
the Jamestown terminus of the Colonial Parkway.
In the words of William Strachey, recorder for the
colony, the fort, as built in 1607, and standing in 1610, was "cast
almost into the forme of a Triangle, and so Pallizadoed. The South side
next the River . . . by reason the advantage of the ground doth so
require, contains one hundred and forty yards: the West and East sides a
hundred onely. At every Angle or corner, where the lines meete a
Bulwarke or Watchtower is raised, and in each Bulwarke a peece of
Ordnance or two well mounted. To every side, a proportioned distance
from the Pallisado, is a setled streete of houses, that run along, so as
each line of the Angle hath his streete. In the middest is a market
place, a Store house, and a Corps du guard, as likewise a pretty Chappel
. . . [all] inclosed . . . round with a Pallizado of Planckes and strong
Posts, foure foote deepe in the ground, of yong Oakes, Walnuts, &c .
. . the principall Gate from the Towne, through the Pallizado, opens to
the River . . . at each Bulwarke there is a Gate likewise to goe forth,
and at every Gate a Demi-Culverin and so in the Market Place. . . ."

The Tercentenary Monument erected by the United
States in 1907, to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the landing of
the first permanent English settlers at Jamestown.

The Hunt Memorial erected to the memory of Rev.
Robert Hunt, first minister at Jamestown, by the Colonial Dames of
America in the State of Virginia.
Just beyond the fort site, approximately 125 feet
from the present seawall, at a point where it makes a pronounced turn to
the right, is the First Landing Site (9) which the colonists
reached on May 13, 1607. Here the next day, all came ashore and landed
supplies. This spot, like the fort site, is now in the river. The Old
Cypress (10), standing several hundred feet from the shore above the
landing site, is said to have stood at one time on the edge of the
island. This is visible evidence of the erosion that has taken at least
25 acres of the western part of the townsite.
Inshore, at this point, the Memorial Cross
(11) occupies a position of prominence. This marks the burial ground
that extended along the ridge behind it. This is the earliest known
burial ground at Jamestown and is thought to have preceded that around
the church. It was along this ridge, first used as a cemetery, that
Jamestown's third statehouse (burned by Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., in 1676)
was constructed. A decade later the fourth (and last) statehouse was
built on the same site. It was the accidental burning of the last
statehouse and the structures associated with it, in 1698, that was the
immediate reason for moving the seat of government from Jamestown. This
group of housesthe Last Statehouse Group
(12)consisted of the last country house, three houses of Philip
Ludwell, and the fourth statehouse. The foundations are marked and the
footpath, leaving the concrete walkway, follows along these foundations
and passes near the Memorial Cross.
The walkway now returns to the Church area. The path
follows across a low area, known in the old days as the "Vale," and into
the Confederate earthwork. Here is the bronze relief memorial to The
Rev. Robert Hunt (13). He was the chaplain to the first settlers. On
the third Sunday after Trinity, in June 1607, he administered the first
recorded Holy Communion according to the rites of the Church of

One of the larger of the Jamestown foundations,
located in the "New Towne" section. It has been identified as the
"Country House." As the foundations indicate, several houses occupied
this site.

The foundation ruins of the First Statehouse at
Jamestown, where the House of Burgessess met in the period 164055.
Believed to have been used earlier by Sir John