The terrain of the siege of Vicksburglooking from the
Confederate line to the Union position on the far ridge.
The Siege of Vicksburg
THE CONFEDERATE DEFENSE LINE. From his assumption of
command 7 months before, Pemberton had put his engineers to work
constructing a fortified line which would protect Vicksburg against an
attack from the rear. A strong line of works had been thrown up along
the crest of a ridge which was fronted by a deep ravine. The defense
line began on the river 2 miles above Vicksburg and curved for 9 miles
along the ridge to the river below, thus enclosing the city within its
arc. So long as this line could be held, the river batteries denied to
the North control of the Mississippi River.
At salient and commanding points along the line,
artillery positions and forts (lunettes, redans, and redoubts) had been
constructed. The earth walls of the forts were up to 20 feet thick. In
front of these was dug a deep, wide ditch so that assaulting troops
which climbed the steep ridge slope and reached the ditch would still
have a high vertical wall to climb in order to gain entrance into the
fort. Between the strong points, which were located every few hundred
yards, was constructed a line of rifle pits and entrenchments, for the
most part protected by parapets and ditches. Where spurs jutted out from
the main ridge, advanced batteries were constructed which provided a
deadly crossfire against attacking lines. The Confederates had mounted
128 artillery pieces in these works, of which 36 were heavy siege guns;
the remainder, field pieces.
Greatly strengthening the Confederate position was
the irregular topography which resulted from the peculiar
characteristics of the region's loess soil. Possessing an unusual
tenacity, except when eroded by the action of running water, the loess
had over the centuries been cut into deep gullies and ravines with
abrupt faces separated by narrow, twisting ridges. This resulted in a
broken and complicated terrain which would seriously obstruct the Union
movement. To permit a clear field of fire and to hinder advancing
troops, all the trees fronting the Confederate line were cut down.
Several hundred yards away from the Confederate position and roughly
parallel to it was a ridge system not so continuous and more broken than
that occupied by Pemberton's Army. Along this line, the Union Army took
position and began its siege operations.
On the scattered natural bridges of high ground,
which spanned the ravines and provided approaches to Vicksburg, were
located the six roads and one railroad leading into that city. Nine
forts had been constructed overlooking each of these routes into
Vicksburg, their guns completely commanding the approachesFort
Hill on the river north of the city, Stockade Redan, Third Louisiana
Redan, Great Redoubt, Second Texas Lunette, Railroad Redoubt, Fort
Garrott (also known as Square Fort), Salient Works, and South Fort on
the river below Vicksburg. (All but two of these works are well
preserved today.) The Confederate divisions, left to right, were
commanded by Maj. Gen. M. L. Smith, General Bowen, Maj. Gen. John H.
Forney, and General Stevenson. The Army of Vicksburg, at the beginning
of the siege, numbered about 31,000 men, of which Pemberton listed
18,500 effectives as available to man his defense line. Grant gave his
strength, shortly after the siege began, as 50,000 effectives; his army
was steadily enlarged during the siege by reinforcements from