Patriot Commanders at Kings Mountain
The patriot leaders at the Battle of Kings Mountain
were of Irish, Scotch, Welsh, English, French, and German ancestry. Six
militia colonels and two militia majors, who were in command of the
eight detachments which surrounded the battle ridge, are selected for
particular mention. The list includes Isaac Shelby, John Sevier, and
William Campbell, without whom there would have been no expedition to
Kings Mountain. Others of importance in the list are Benjamin Cleveland,
Frederick Hambright, James Williams, Joseph McDowell, and Joseph
Col. Benjamin Cleveland was born May 26, 1738,
near Bull Run (later of Civil War fame), in Prince William County, Va.
As he grew to manhood, he received little if any education beyond the
lessons that a hazardous life on the frontier could teach. Later, when
he settled in Wilkes County, N. C., he is reputed to have been the
equal, if not the superior, of Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone as both
hunter and Indian fighter.
His life was filled with adventures all of which
added to the respect and admiration in which he was held by his friends.
He despised the Tories and often showed his ruthlessness toward them. At
Bickerstaff's plantation, he is believed to have been most responsible
for the hanging of 9 Tories after the Battle of Kings Mountain, and on
other occasions he also displayed his familiarity with the use of the
In later life, he served as a justice of Pendleton
County Court, in the region of the Tugaloo River, near the western
border of South Carolina. It has been reported by his associates, among
them Gen. Andrew Pickens, that he frequently dozed on the bench and it
often was necessary to awaken him when his snoring interfered with the
court proceedings.
With the passage of years, Cleveland is said to have
attained the impressive weight of 450 pounds. It was always a question,
when he came as an overnight guest, whether this would prove too much
for any bed in the house. His excessive weight became a source of
considerable embarrassment and was partly the cause of his developing a
case of dropsy, with which he suffered for a number of years before Isis
In October 1806, when he was in his 69th year,
Cleveland died at the breakfast table. He was outlived by his wife, son,
and two daughters. They buried him in the family burial ground on his
old plantation, in the forks of the Tugaloo and Chauga Rivers.
Lt. Col. Frederick Hambright, who came with
his parents from Germany to America at the age of 11, lived from 1727 to
1817. He is believed to have received a sound education that fitted him
well for his activities in later life. About 1755 he moved from
Lancaster County, Pa., to Virginia where he married Sarah Hardin. In
1760, he settled near the South Fork of the Catawba River in North
As Hambright became immersed in the "American melting
pot," he took part in battles against the Indians and the British. He
served also in the provincial congress of the State of North Carolina.
The value of his services was recognized by promotion to the rank of
lieutenant colonel of militia.
This was the rank he held in 1780 when he received
such a severe thigh wound in the action at Kings Mountain that he was
forced to resign his commission. Finally, on March 9, 1817, at the age
of 90, Hambright died on property he had purchased in later life in the
vicinity of Kings Mountain. He is buried in the old Shiloh Presbyterian
Church cemetery, not far from the present park boundary.
Col. James Williams was born in the late
1730's at the family home in Hanover County, Va. Upon the death of both
his parents, when he was still quite young, he moved to Granville
County, N. C., to live with his brother John. The latter was an able
jurist and helped James to gain a little education.
In his thirties James Williams moved to Laurens
County, S. C., where he worked as a farmer, miller, and merchant. Here
he was chosen a delegate to the provincial congress of South Carolina
and later made a member of the local Committee of Safety just before the
outbreak of the Revolutionary War. As he pursued his several vocations,
he made a good living for his wife and eight children.
After the outbreak of war with England, Williams
served ably in many actions, including Brier Creek, Stone Ferry,
Savannah, and Musgrove's Mill. Williams has been compared, in soldierly
qualities, to "Stonewall" Jackson. He was the only one of the colonels
in the Battle of Kings Mountain who died from a wound received in that
action. He was in his early forties. An eminent American historian paid
him this tribute: "A man of exalted character, of a career brief but
Maj. Joseph McDowell, commanding patriots from
Burke County, N. C.
The McDowell brothers, Charles and Joseph,
were representative of the landed gentry of the piedmont section of
North Carolina. Maj. Joseph McDowell (February 15, 1756, to August 11,
1801) commanded the troops of his brother at Kings Mountain. Joseph
McDowell had the further distinction of being among the men of Kings
Mountain who later helped win the brilliant American victory at the
Joseph McDowell's home was at the family plantation
known as "Quaker Meadows." He grew up there and later served in many
Revolutionary War battles under the watchful eye of his older brother
Charles. After peace was made, he engaged actively in politics on local
and national levels.
While serving as a member of the North Carolina
Conventions of 1788 and 1789, he opposed ratification of the proposed
State constitution, because it did not include a bill of rights. A few
years later (179799), as a member of Congress, he opposed passage
of the Alien and Sedition Acts. Because of his stand on these issues and
others he came to be recognized as one of the leaders of the Democratic
Republican Party in western North Carolina. "Throughout his life,"
according to a local historian, "he was the idol of the western people
of North Carolina."
Maj Joseph Winston, commanding patriots from
Surry County, N. C.
Maj. Joseph Winston was from a distinguished
family of Yorkshire, England, a branch of which settled first in Wales.
Later, this family group migrated to Virginia. Joseph was born on June
17, 1746, one of seven sons, all of whom served in the Revolutionary
War. He received a fair education for that day, which prepared him not
only for years of successful military service, but also for a postwar
career in the State Legislature and in Congress.
At the age of 17, he joined a company of rangers and
took part in an expedition against the Indians on the frontier. This was
the beginning of his military service which ended after the Battle of
Guilford Courthouse. In that engagement he answered Gen. Nathanael
Greene's call for troops by coming to his assistance with 100
Winston represented his district, first Surry County
and then Stokes County which was formed from it, in the State Senate for
eight different terms. On the national scene, he served in Congress from
1792 to 1793 and 1803 to 1807. As a presidential elector, he voted for
Thomas Jefferson in 1800 and James Madison in 1812.
Joseph Winston died on April 21, 1815. He was
survived by his wife and a number of children. Among them were triplet
boys who lived to become a major general, a judge, and a lieutenant
Col. Isaac Shelby, commanding patriots from Sullivan County, N. C. (now
eastern Tennessee)
Col. Isaac Shelby was born December 11, 1750,
near North Mountain, Md. He was the son of Evan Shelby, who emigrated
from Wales to America in 1735. In 1771 the Shelby family moved to the
Holston country in Virginia. Here young Shelby acquired the elements of
a plain English education and spent much of his time fighting the
Indians and the British. Between 1775 and 1780, with rank first of
captain and then of major, he explored the wilds of Kentucky.
Shelby is said to have had a sturdy,
well-proportioned build with strongly-marked features, and to have been
of florid complexion. He had a good constitution that withstood the
rigors of frontier life where fatigue and privation were every-day
occurrences. His bearing was impressive, and, although he maintained a
dignified reserve, he was affable and possessed of a pleasing
He married Susannah Hart on April 19, 1783, at
Boonesborough, Ky. The young couple settled on land Shelby had staked
out for himself in 1782, when he was a commissioner to adjust
pre-emption claims on the Cumberland River. Eleven children were born of
their marriage.
Shelby devoted tireless energy to the creation of the
New State of Kentucky. With the adoption in 1792 of a State constitution
by the convention of which he was a member, his efforts were rewarded.
Shortly after, he became the first governor of Kentucky.
After Shelby left the governor's mansion, he
performed several other public services. Among the most important of
these was his command of 4,000 Kentucky volunteers in the American army
of Gen. William Henry Harrison, during the Canadian campaign in 1813. He
was stricken with paralysis in 1820 and died of apoplexy 6 years
Col. John Sevier, commanding patriots
from Washington County, N. C. (now eastern Tennessee)
Shelby's friend and associate John Sevier
(whose name was anglicized from Xavier), likewise was well suited to
frontier life. Sevier, born to Valentine and Joana Goode Sevier on
September 23, 1745, was of Huguenot ancestry. The Sevier family lived in
the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia where they farmed and traded with the
Sevier received a haphazard education, but this was
in keeping with the times. It included schooling at Fredericksburg
Academy and the Staunton School. At 16 he left school to marry Sarah
Hawkins. About 7 months after her death in 1780, he married Catherine
Sherrill, the "Bonny Kate" in song and story of the Tennessee
Wherever this leader of varied training, great
courage, and personal magnetism went, he brought change. Moreover, from
the day he founded the town of New Market, Va., where he engaged in
trade as a merchant, innkeeper, and farmer, until his death September
24, 1815, his actions stirred controversy.
In December 1773, he moved with his family to the
Holston River settlements. Here he helped to create the short-lived
"State of Franklin" of which he became governor. After the "state" was
dissolved and the area fully reincorporated into North Carolina, his
enemies circulated an unfounded report that he had used it to further
his own fortunes. The report gained such wide acceptance that he felt
impelled to move far out on the frontier. His was a reputation that was
made and then damaged, but his fall from grace was only temporary. He
later took advantage of the movement to form the State of Tennessee and,
regaining his political influence, became its first governor in
Among the more unhappy experiences of Sevier's later
life was a feud that developed between him and an ambitious young judge,
Andrew Jackson. Although Jackson brought charges of land frauds against
Sevier, the political career of the Kings Mountain hero, which included
three more terms as governor between 1803 and 1807, was not damaged.
These two strong men with conflicting ambitions never reconciled their
grievances. In the eyes of the electorate, Sevier's record of 33
victories in 35 battles was deserving of high regard and he was duly
rewarded at the polls.
Sevier lived to be 70 years old and came to be known
as "Nolichucky Jack." His adventurous spirit characterized him to the
end. Even as late as 1812, following the outbreak of America's second
war with England, he advocated bringing "fire and sword" to the Creek
Indian Country.
Colorful as were the other, patriot leaders,
William Campbell of Virginia, who has been described as a man of
commanding appearance, was an equally imposing figure. He was born in
1745 in Augusta County, Va., to Charles Campbell and the daughter of
John Buchanan, Sr., who fought in the Wars of Scotland. As William
Campbell reached maturity, he stood 6-1/2 feet tall, was amiable when
not enraged, and devoted to the cause of liberty.
William Campbell Preston, who is said to have
closely resembled his grandfather, Col. William Campbell, patriot
commander at Kings Mountain, of whom no likeness can he found.
From a portrait by John Wesley Jarvis. Courtesy The South Caroliniana
Library, University' of South Carolina, Columbia.
William was an only son and received a good education
from competent teachers. When 22 years old, he moved with his mother and
four younger sisters to Fincastle County, Va. The family settled on the
fringe of the Holston country on land that had been purchased before the
death of his father. This family plantation came to be known as
"Aspenvale" and was near the present town of Abingdon, Va.
Like Shelby and Sevier, Campbell was interested in
both the military and civil affairs of his community. Upon the outbreak
of the War for American Independence, he raised the first militia
company in southwestern Virginia to support this cause. In September
1775, Capt. William Campbell and his company of frontiersmen marched to
Williamsburg and joined the Virginia regiment commanded by Patrick
When Campbell realized the British were trying to
persuade the Cherokee Indians to attack the frontier settlements, he
feared for the safety of his mother and sisters. Disappointed in his
hope of resigning his commission and returning home for their
protection, he did find happiness at the time by winning Elizabeth
Henry, a sister of Patrick Henry, for his wife.
In 1777, Washington County was formed from Fincastle
and Campbell made lieutenant colonel of militia. He was promoted to the
full rank of colonel in April 1780; this was the rank he held at the
Battle of Kings Mountain. For his services there he received praise from
Gates, Washington, the Virginia Legislature, and the Continental
Congress. Virginia presented him with a horse, saddle, and sword at
public expense. Lord Cornwallis, with oblique recognition of Campbell's
prowess as a foe, threatened him with instant death should he be
captured by the British.
Before Campbell finally resigned his commission, on
March 20, 1781, he and his command, a small force of riflemen, fought
well at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. He then enjoyed a brief term
of office as a member of the House of Delegates from Washington County.
Within a short time, however, he was recalled to duty, this time to
serve under General Lafayette in Virginia. His military services were
considered indispensable and the war was not yet won.
William Campbell's final Service to his country was
brief for, on August 22, 1781, while on active duty, he died after a
short illness. He was buried at Rocky Mills, Hanover County, Va. There
his body remained until 1823, when it was removed to "Aspenvale" for
interment in the family burial ground. He was survived by a daughter and
his wife, who remarried and lived until 1825.
Such were some of the leaders in the
dramasuccessful and honored in peace as in war. It is doubtful
that any of them, however, reached greater heights than during that
action, one October day, on the slopes of Kings Mountain.