Maj. Patrick Ferguson

Bust of Maj. Patrick Ferguson, British commander at Kings
Courtesy John Wilson Smith, Peterhead, Scotland.
On June 4, 1744, Patrick Ferguson was born to Judge
and Ann E. Murray Ferguson at Pitfour, the family estate in
Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Patrick was one of a family of six children in
which he had an older and younger brother and three sisters. Ferguson's
father, Lord Pit four, the Second Laird, had restored the family fortune
lost by the First Laird of Pitfour as a result of unfortunate
speculation in the South Sea Company. His children did not lack for the
comforts normally enjoyed by the offspring of gentry. They were
fortunately endowed also with a family background of learning and
With this background, it is not surprising that young
Patrick's education was started at an early age. Any hopes or
expectations that his parents may have had, however, of developing him
as a scholar were short lived. After finishing the little schooling he
received at a military academy in London, Ferguson decided to use his
ability as a horseman and hunter and to become a soldier.
At the age of 15 a commission was purchased for him,
and he entered upon active service on July 12, 1759, as a cornet in the
Royal North British Dragoons. With a slight frame, Ferguson was not an
individual of commanding appearance, and it might have been thought that
he was poorly suited to military service. This shortcoming was made up
in soldierly determination, and he was also blessed by in heritance with
a serious disposition, unusual ability, sound judgment, and energy in
ample measure.
From the plains of Flanders and Germany to the spur
of the Kings Mountain range, where he was killed, Ferguson demonstrated
his soldiery qualities. For example, on June 30, 1760, he displayed his
characteristic contempt for danger at the Battle of Minden. In this
action he returned in the face of enemy hussars to retrieve a pistol
which dropped from his holster as his horse jumped a ditch. Such an
action was to be expected of him, if he was to be worthy of his name,
which was derived from the Gaelic "Feargachus," meaning one of a bold,
haughty, and fiery disposition.
It was difficult for his mother to watch Ferguson
embark on a military career at such an early age. On August 14, 1762,
her brother Maj. Gen. James Murray, wrote her from Quebec: "You must no
longer look upon him as your son. He is the son of Mars and will be
unworthy of his father if he does not give proofs of contempt of pain
and danger."
Sickness interrupted Ferguson's service in the field
from 1762 to 1768. He was not idle during the period of his recovery in
Scotland and entered actively into public discussion of the extension of
the militia laws of England to Scotland. This activity gave him some
early insight into the problem and prepared him for the role he later
played in the Carolinas as Inspector of Militia. He enjoyed a second
leave of absence from military service just prior to the outbreak of the
Revolutionary War. In this period he pursued an intensive study of
military science and tactics and developed the Ferguson rifle.
In 1777 Ferguson was sent to America with the
reputation of being one of the best, if not the best, marksmen in the
British army. At the time he held a captaincy, which was attained on
September 1, 1768. He was in command of a corps of at least 100
riflemen, whom he had personally trained in the use of his new
breechloading rifle. During the earlier years of his service in America,
Ferguson participated in numerous actions in the North. Among these was
the Battle of Brandywine on September 11, 1777, in which he was so
severely wounded in the right arm that its usefulness was impaired
during the remainder of his life.
Ferguson was inured by years of service to such
hardships. His loyalty was rewarded on October 25, 1779, when he was
promoted to the rank of major. A few months later, at the start of the
British expedition against Charleston, he was given the temporary rank
of lieutenant colonel. His ability and personal magnetism enabled him to
win the respect of all his associates, and his success as an officer was
as notable in the South as it had previously been in the North.
This was his last campaign, and, in its course, he
demonstrated a sense of fairness and a degree of humanity that earned
him the respect of many of the people of the South. As the opportunity
permitted, he attempted to persuade many of these Americans to renew
their oath of allegiance to the King of England. His success won the
admiration of his associates, among whom was General Stuart of Garth,
who wrote upon the demise of this soldier: "By zeal, animation, and a
liberal spirit, he gained the confidence of the mass of people . .
Even more revealing of his character are the
following lines written from America by Ferguson to his mother to calm
her fears for his safety: "The length of our lives is not at our
command, however much the manner of them may be. If our Creator enable
us to act the part of honour, and to conduct ourselves with spirit,
probity, and humanity, the change to another world whether now or fifty
years hence, will not be for the worse.