A modern Indian dance, with masked figures, as seen
by a Pueblo artist.
(Photo of a sketch by Pablita Velarde.)
Life of the Early People at Bandelier
The typical male inhabitant of Frijoles Canyon in the
early 1300's, then, was a newcomer to the area. He was a man of
Mongoloid cast of countenance, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches in height,
with medium red-brown skin and black hair. His wife measured 5 feet or
perhaps a little less, and was inclined to a stout build. A few children
and a dog or two completed the family circle. These newcomers had
arrived in their chosen valley with only such belongings as they could
carry on their backs, and were immediately faced with the problems of
wresting a livelihood from a somewhat grudging environment. In the
pattern of all mankind before and since, this Indian migrant's first
requirements were food, water, shelter, and clothing for himself and his