Mule deer.
Life of the Early People at Bandelier
FOOD. As a practicing farmer, the man's chief
reliance for food had been the crops of corn, beans, and squash that he
knew how to raise. Perhaps the family had managed to bring some remnants
of their most recent harvests with them to Frijoles; but these remnants
had to be saved for seed, to insure crops for the coming year. What did
the family eat meanwhile? In the warm season, a diet of sorts could have
been pieced together by gathering various plants and fruit and nut
crops. Spring brought out of the ground several annuals such as the
mustard and bee plants which can be boiled for vegetable-greens while
young. A bit later the local berry crop came into fruitcurrants,
gooseberries, chokecherries, and a few raspberries. The ever-present
yucca offered its bananalike pod of fruit toward August. When fall
arrived, the countryside, in good years, abounded with wild produce:
pinyon-nuts and juniper berries, the staples, with trimmings of prickly
pears, acorns, and many other seed and nut crops. The ingenuity of the
modern Pueblo Indian in coaxing sustenance out of his familiar native
plants is extraordinary; very few things that grow are not of some use
to him as food or medicine. It may surely be assumed that the Pueblo
ancestor of 600 years ago was equally resourceful.
Fortunately, however, this ancient Frijoles resident
was not restricted to the collection of wild crops to feed his family.
He was a hunter as well as a gatherer. He was armed with bow and arrow,
and was undoubtedly an expert shot. Other tools were snares and nets for
small game and birds. If he did not bring cordage with him on his
migration he promptly wove it from the useful yucca plant, and set out a
trapline. Many small animals which moderns would disdain were important
food items to the early Pueblos: the once-common prairie dog and the
still-common pack rat were eaten in great numbers, if the evidence of
bones in ancient trash heaps can be believed. Perhaps only the skunk
escaped the designs of the early food-seeker, for a reason which was as
valid then as it is today. Of larger animals, the deer was most taken,
although elk and antelope were not immune. The remains of game pits, dug
into the soft bedrock to entrap larger beasts, have been found in
several places in the monument. One of these pits is 15 feet deep with a
bottom diameter of 8 feet, narrowing to a smaller bottleneck opening
above. The preparation of such a trap as this was obviously a laborious
community enterprise, and suggests an occasional community deer-drive to
herd the victims across the concealed mouth of the pit.
All this work of hunting and gathering was secondary
to planting and tending crops, once the growing season arrived. The
Pueblos had discovered, many centuries before, that their best defense
against hunger was in growing cornso the Frijoles hunter became a
farmer in late May or June. With digging stick and stone hoe, he
prepared the ground to grow his corn, beans, and squash. Not only were
the moist canyon bottoms thus cultivated, but also the mesa-tops
wherever a sufficient depth of soil had accumulated. This agriculture
was not assisted by irrigation systems of any sort that have been
discovered here, although irrigation was practiced on the Mesa Verde a
century earlier. Apparently the local rains in summer were adequate in
Frijoles to bring a crop to maturity. Climatologists believe that there
was a little more precipitation over most of the Southwest 500 years ago
than there is today, and possibly the ancient corn was more
drought-resistant. In any case, in good years the local farmer managed
to harvest enough of his three crops in September to tide his family
over the privations of winterif no human marauders descended to
loot the granary.
The harvesting of the corn by no means concluded the
labors concerned with it. A place of storage safe from rodents was a
first requisite, bringing about the building of tight-walled chambers
both in the cliffs and in the pueblo understory; then long grinding with
stone metate and mano on the part of the housewife was called for to
convert the kernels to cornmeal. One ancient use of this cornmeal no
doubt is duplicated in the modern Pueblo cooking of Pikia thin
crisp paperlike bread baked on a hot stone griddle. Traces of such
griddle-stoves are to be found in some of the ancient pueblos.