Group of cave rooms between Long House and
Ceremonial Cave.
Life of the Early People at Bandelier
SHELTER. With his food needs taken care of, the new
Frijoles resident thought next of shelter from the weather. Either he
organized with some of his neighbors to construct a masonry dwelling in
the traditional style of the west country, or he took shelter in a
natural cave of the tuff cliff. In the latter case, a few days of
scraping and chipping at the soft rock would normally suffice to level
off the floor and raise the ceiling; final trimmings, such as fireplace
and rocked-up doorway, could be completed at leisure. As years passed
and the family grew, it may be assumed that the sooty cave became
crowded and was supplemented with rooms in front, built up from rock
fragments lying close by, mortared together with adobe from down the
slope. For ceiling beams, pinyons and junipers were large enough, since
the span needed to be only 6 or 8 feet; even these small timbers were
hard enough to cut and trim with a stone axe. Above the beams, small
sticks, mostly willow, were tightly laid, then grass or bark was spread
to take the final layer of earth which weatherproofed the ceiling, or
which made the floor for the room above. The design of the ceilings in
the modern buildings at monument headquarters is of this type, a style
of Pueblo architecture, largely derived from ancient Indian models,
which is commonly seen throughout the Southwest.
It is uncertain which type of construction is the
olderthe talus house or the open pueblo on the canyon floor. But
one thing is evidenta building of the size of Tyuonyi, previously
described, was worked on and occupied by scores of families. In troubled
times, this massive structure would have served better for mutual
defense than scattered or smaller houses.
The rock of which the Bandelier masonry walls were
made is not an easy material to build with. Unlike sandstone or even
limestone, it refuses to fracture into clean straight lines or right
angles. To employ it as building stone, the Indians had to find small
miscellaneous blocks and chip these odd pieces into some semblance of
usable shape. This chipping or pecking was done with hammerstones and
axes of harder lava. The work required to fashion the walls of Tyuonyi,
crude though they are, must have been prodigious.