A cross section of sandstone overlain by lava,
Frijoles Canyon.
The Natural Scene
GEOLOGY. The landscape of the Bandelier area is
predominantly one of cliffs and canyons; as a visitor to the plateau you
will be made conscious of the involved structure and contour of the
region in the course of the auto trip over the approach highway. The
impression you may get on arrival is of a vast confusion of canyons
separated by equally confused mesas and ridges. The topography, however,
is not so mixed as first appearance would indicate, for there is a
regularity to the pattern of the drainage which becomes apparent from
study of a map or aerial photo. The geology, on the other hand, is
extremely complex and can be outlined only in general terms in this
The dominating feature of the landscape is the uplift
of the Jemez Mountains, forming the western skyline as one approaches
the monument from the east. These mountains are the remains of a great
volcano which erupted during the past million years. As seen from a
distance, there is very little to suggest a volcano in the profile of
the present mountains; only by traveling some 15 miles west of Bandelier
into the central valley of the range can the nature of the eruption be
visualized. Here is a basin of grassland ringed with forested hills, on
a scale so large that its extent is difficult to appreciate. This is the
Valle Grande"great valley" of the Spanish discoverers, who could
not have known that they had found one of the largest calderas in the
world. Although the Valle Grande now has superficial characteristics of
a volcanic crater, there was no single crater here in the days of the
eruptionrather a vast dome of a mountain which poured from its
flanks such a quantity of lava and other materials that its roof finally
fell in. The dimensions of the caldera, a rough oval, are approximately
16 by 18 miles. It is estimated that at least 10 cubic miles of lava and
ashes were ejected here to produce the cavity which now exists. The ring
of hills around the oval are the remnants of the ancient volcanos
perimeter, which remained elevated after the central areas
The volcano, then, played the chief role in
fashioning the landscape of the Pajarito Plateau. It provided an uplift
of the land at the caldera, by the same means establishing a down-slope
from the center outwards, along which the lavas of the eruption
avalanched in fire and smoke. Interspersed between the flows of heavy
lavas were other avalanches and showerings of volcanic ashes in great
depth. When cooled and welded together as they are today, they are
called tuff. This process of earth-building went on intermittently for
many centuries until the volcano had exhausted its violence and had
distributed its many cubic miles of outpourings in encircling deposits
around its flanks. With the subsidence of volcanism, the great
earth-removing force of erosion became the predominant factor in forming
the landscape.
The first rains and snows which fell upon this
ancestral uplift found relatively smooth slopes descending outward from
the rim of the central caldera. These rains and melted snows began to
drain downhill, finding whatever slight channels or irregularities
there were in the surface. As the centuries passed, the little
water-channels became gullies, then ravines, trending east and southeast
through the Bandelier quadrant, down the natural fall-line of the
Pajarito slopes. In less than a million years, the plateau has eroded
into its present form and the drainage pattern of canyons radiating from
the Jemez ridge and emptying into the Rio Grande has become well
defined. Such canyons as Frijoles, then, are the products primarily of
water erosion, etched into a one-time smooth slope of volcanic
During the early years of this erosion process, the
caldera itself became a lake, entrapping the runoff of waters within its
circle. This body of water eventually found an outlet to the south,
through the guarding rim of the basin, and in its outflow began the
present system of canyons of the Jemez River. A modern example of a
caldera containing a lake is to be seen in Crater Lake National Park in
Oregon, but the Valle Grande Lake had nearly six times as great an
Many of the almost sheer canyon walls of the monument
provide good cross sections of the lava and ash deposits exposed in
cliffs several hundred feet high. In simplest form, these cross sections
reveal at their base a flow of lava or basalt, overlain by perhaps 200
vertical feet of tuff, and capped by another flow of lava forming the
rimrock of the mesa-top. In most places, the alternating layers of lava
and tuff were deposited several successive times, variously distributed,
and complicated by later faulting and interim periods of erosion, so
that the interpretation of the rock layers is not everywhere as simple
as in the example given above.
One difficulty you may encounter in understanding the
makeup of the Pajarito cliffs stems from the very different appearance
of the two opposite walls of such a canyon as Frijoles. In the north
wall, facing the sun, the cliffs stand bold and somewhat barren; in the
south and shadowed wall, there are no prominent cliffs, but rather a
rough slope of boulders overgrown with trees and brush. Because of this
contrast, it might be difficult for you to realize that the two walls
are made up of nearly identical rocks. The difference in appearance is
due simply to the difference in exposure. The north wall, hot and dry in
the sun and subject to extremes of temperature, has never had a heavy
vegetative cover and has eroded into a cliff; the south wall, relatively
cool and moist, has been able to support a growth of plants which have
held and produced soil sufficient to mask the underlying rocks.
As mentioned earlier, the geology of this locality is
complicated to such a degree that the foregoing discussion should be
considered as only a general outline. The whole story of the Jemez
volcano has not yet been worked out in detail, for the eruptive activity
was on a scale so vast and involved such complex forces that geologists
are continuing to evolve new concepts as new facts come to light.