Hazen's men landing from pontoon boats at Brown's Ferry, Tennessee
River. Theodore R. Davis wartime sketch.
From Battles and Leaders of the Civil War.
Lifting the SiegeThe Battle of Chattanooga
With the Confederate Army in front of Chattanooga
divided into two corps, Hardee on the right and Breckinridge on the left
on Missionary Ridge, and General Stevenson with a small force occupying
Lookout Mountain, Bragg waited.
Grant's plan of battle was for Sherman with his four
divisions to cross the Tennessee River at Brown's Ferry and march behind
Stringer's Ridge, concealed from the eyes of the Confederates, and take
a position near the North Chickamauga Creek. He was to recross the river
by pontoon bridge at the mouth of the South Chickamauga Creek, strike
the north end of Missionary Ridge and capture it as far as the railroad
tunnel. Thomas was to move his Army of the Cumberland to the left, and
connect with Sherman. This united force was to sweep the Confederates
southward off Missionary Ridge and away from their base of supplies at
Chickamauga Station. Howard's Corps was to act as a general reserve for
this force. Hooker, with the Twelfth Corps and Brig. Gen. Charles
Cruft's Division (Fourth Corps), was to hold Lookout Valley. Col. Eli
Long's Cavalry was to cover Sherman's left and when no longer needed for
this task was to strike Bragg's communications. This original plan,
however, was changed several times to fit the situation.
The rains that hampered movement of Union supplies
also delayed Sherman's movement across the Tennessee. High water broke
the bridge at Brown's Ferry and Osterhaus' Division could not cross the
river. Subsequently it received orders to join Hooker in Lookout
On November 22, Grant received word that Bragg was
withdrawing his army; actually the movement reported was Buckner leaving
to reinforce Longstreet. To "test the truth" of the report, Grant
changed his plans and ordered Thomas to make a demonstration to his
front on the 23rd. This began the battles of Chattanooga.

(click on map for an enlargement in a new window)
TABLE 3. Union Army at Chattanooga
Army of the Cumberland Maj. GEN. GEORGE H. THOMAS
1st DivisionBrig. Gen. Charles Cruft
2d DivisionMaj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan
3d DivisionBrig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood
Fourteenth Army CorpsMAJ. GEN. J. M. PALMER
1st DivisionBrig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson
2d DivisionBrig. Gen. J. C. Davis
3d DivisionBrig. Gen. Absalom Baird
Artillery ReserveBRIG. GEN. J. M. BRANNAN
1st DivisionCol. James Barnett
2d Division
2d Division
2d BrigadeCol. Eli Long
Post of ChattanoogaCOL. JOHN G. PARKHURST
Detachment from the Army of the PotomacMaj. GEN. JOSEPH HOOKER
Eleventh Army CorpsMaj. GEN. O. O. HOWARD
2d DivisionBrig. Gen. Adolph von Sreinwehr
3d DivisionMaj. Gen. Carl Schurz
Twelfth Army CorpsMaj. GEN. HENRY W. SLOCUM
2d DivisionBrig. Gen. John W. Geary
Army of the TennesseeMAJ. GEN. WILLIAM T. SHERMAN
Fifteenth CorpsMaj. GEN. FRANK P. BLAIR, JR.
1st DivisionBrig. Gen. Peter J. Osterhaus
2d DivisionBrig. Gen. Morgan L. Smith
4th DivisionBrig. Gen. Hugh Ewing
Seventeenth Army Corps
2d DivisionBrig. Gen. John E. Smith
TABLE 4.Confederate Army at Chattanooga
Cheatham's DivisionBrig. Gen. John K. Jackson
Stevenson's DivisionMaj. Gen. Carter L. Stevenson
Cleburne's DivisionMaj. Gen. P. R. Cleburne
Walker's DivisionBrig. Gen. Stares R. Gist
Breckinridge's CorpsMaj. GEN. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE
Hindman's DivisionBrig. Gen. J. Patron Anderson
Breckinridge's Division Brig. Gen. William B. Bate
Stewart's DivisionMaj. Gen. Ambrose P. Stewart
Reserve Artillery
Robertson's BattalionCapt. Felix H. Robertson
Williams' BattalionMaj. S. C. Williams