Greene Appointed Southern Commander
A few days after Cornwallis withdrew from North
Carolina, the Continental Congress made an important move affecting the
war in the South. The fiasco at Camden had caused that body to lose
faith in Gates, and Gen. George Washington was requested to nominate a
successor. Nathanael Greene was Washington's choice, and Congress
accordingly appointed him commander of the Southern Department.
Greene reached Charlotte early in December. There he
found the remnant of Gates' force which had been joined by some
additional militia. The men were low in morale and poorly equipped.
Obviously, the Americans were in no condition to encounter the main
British force. Therefore Greene decided to wage guerrilla-type warfare
against Cornwallis' exposed western outposts. Dividing his army, Greene
sent Gen. Daniel Morgan with about half of the men to the southwest
toward Fort Ninety-Six. Meanwhile Greene conducted the remainder to a
position on the Peedee River near the present site of Cheraw, S.C. This
move was undoubtedly dangerous and violated the basic rule of strategy
which forbids the division of a force in the face of a superior enemy;
but it forced Cornwallis to act, for the Americans were distributed in a
way that endangered his entire forward line. That line ran from
Georgetown through Camden, Winnsborough, and Fort Ninety-Six to