Focal point of the early morning attacks, the Dunkard Church and
some who defended it. From photograph attributed to James
Gardner. Courtesy, Library of Congress.
IN WESTERN MARYLAND is a stream called
Antietam Creek. Nearby is the quiet town of Sharpsburg. The scene is
pastoral, with rolling hills and farmlands and patches of woods.
Stone monuments and bronze tablets dot the landscape. They seem
strangely out of place. Only some extraordinary event can explain their
Almost by chance, two great armies collided here.
Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was invading the North.
Maj. Gen. George R. McClellan's Army of the Potomac was out to stop
him. On September 17, 1862the bloodiest day of the
Civil Warthe two armies fought the Battle of Antietam to decide
the issue.
Their violent conflict shattered the quiet of
Maryland's countryside. When the hot September sun finally set upon the
devastated battlefield, 23,000 Americans had
fallennearly eight times more than fell on Tarawa's beaches
in World War II. This single fact, with the heroism and suffering it
implies, gives the monuments and markers their meaning. No longer do they
presume upon the land. Rather, their mute inadequacy can only hint of
the great event that happened hereand of its even greater

Across the Potomac
On September 5-6, 1862, a ragged host of
nearly 55,000 men in butternut and gray splashed across the Potomac
River at White's Ford near Leesburg, Va. This was Gen. Robert E. Lee's
Army of Northern Virginia embarked on the Confederacy's first
invasion of the North. Though thousands of Lee's men were shoeless,
though they lacked ammunition and supplies, though they were fatigued
from the marching and fighting just before the historic crossing into
Maryland, they felt invincible.
Only a week before, August 28-30, they had
routed the Federals at the Battle of Second Manassas, driving them
headlong into the defenses of Washington. With this event, the strategic
initiative so long held by Union forces in the East had shifted to the
Confederacy. But Lee recognized that Union power was almost limitless.
It must be kept off balanceprevented from reorganizing for
another drive on Richmond, the Confederate capital. Only a sharp
offensive thrust by Southern arms would do this.
Because his army lacked the strength to assault
Washington, General Lee had decided on September 3 to invade Maryland.
North of the Potomac his army would be a constant threat to Washington.
This would keep Federal forces out of Virginia, allowing that ravaged
land to recuperate from the campaigning that had stripped
it. It would give Maryland's people, many of whom
sympathized with the South, a chance to throw off the Northern yoke.

Lee's army crossing the Potomac; Union scouts in
foreground. From wartime sketch by A. R. Wood. Courtesy,
Library of Congress.
From Maryland, Lee could march into Pennsylvania,
disrupting the east-west rail communications of the North, carrying
the brunt of war into that rich land, drawing on its wealth to
refit his army.
Larger political possibilities loomed, too. The North
was war weary. If, in the heartland of the Union, Lee could inflict a
serious defeat on Northern arms, the Confederacy might hope for more
than military dividendsthe result might be a negotiated
peace on the basis of Southern independence. Too, a successful campaign
might induce England and France to recognize the Confederacy and to
intervene for the purpose of mediating the conflict.
So it was that the hopes of the South rode with this
Army of Northern Virginia as it marched into Frederick, Md., on September 7.

(click on map for an enlargement in a new window)