First Virginia Cavalry at a halt during invasion of Maryland.
From wartime sketch by Waud. Courtesy, Library of Congress.
Lee Divides His Forces
Maryland was a disappointment to Lee. On September 8,
he had issued a dignified proclamation inviting the men of that State to
join his command and help restore Maryland to her rightful place among
the Southern States. His words concluded with assurance that the
Marylanders could make their choice with no fear of intimidation from
the victorious Confederate army in their midst.
Maryland took him at his word. Her people did not
flock to the Confederate standard, nor were they much help in
provisioning his army. No doubt Lee's barefooted soldiers were a portent
to these people, who had previously seen only well-fed,
well-equipped Federal troops.
Deprived of expected aid, Lee had to move onward to
Pennsylvania quickly. For one thing, unless he could get shoes for his
men, his army might melt away. Straggling was already a serious problem,
for Maryland's hard roads tortured bare feet toughened only to the dirt
lanes of Virginia.
By now, Lee's scouts were bringing reports of the
great Federal army slowly pushing out from Rockville toward
Lee's proposed route into Pennsylvania was dictated
by geography. West of Frederickbeyond South
Mountainis the Cumberland Valley. This is the northern half
of the Great Valley that sweeps northeastward through Virginia,
Maryland, and Pennsylvania. That part of the Great Valley immediately
south of the Potomac is called the Shenandoah Valley.
Lee planned to concentrate his army west of the
mountains near Hagerstown, Md. There he would be in direct line with his
supply base at Winchester in the Shenandoah Valley. After replenishing
his supplies and ammunition, he could strike northeast through the
Cumberland Valley toward Harrisburg, Pa., where he could destroy the
Pennsylvania Railroad bridge across the Susquehanna River. Once loose in
the middle of Pennsylvania he could live off the country and threaten
Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington.
Before launching this daring maneuver, Lee must first
clear his line of communications through the Shenandoah Valley to
Winchester and to Richmond. Blocking it were strong Federal garrisons at
Harpers Ferry and Martinsburg. Unaccountably, they had remained at their
posts after the Confederate army crossed the Potomac. Now they must be
cleared out.
Lee decided to accomplish this mission by boldly
dividing his army into four parts. On September 9, he issued Special
Order 191. Briefly, it directed Maj. Gen. James Longstreet and Maj. Gen.
D. H. Hill to proceed across South Mountain toward Boonsboro and
Hagerstown. Three columns cooperating under Maj. Gen. Thomas J.
"Stonewall" Jackson were ordered to converge on Harpers Ferry from the
northwest, northeast, and east. En route, the column under Jackson's
immediate command was to swing westward and catch any Federals remaining
at Martinsburg. Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws, approaching from the
northeast, was to occupy Maryland Heights, which overlooks Harpers Ferry
from the north side of the Potomac. Brig. Gen. John Walker, approaching
from the east, was to occupy Loudoun Heights, across the Shenandoah
River from Harpers Ferry. Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart's cavalry was to
screen these movements from McClellan by remaining east of South
(At this point a fateful event
occurredone which was destined to change the subsequent
course of the campaign. D. H. Hill, Jackson's brother-in-law, had until
this time been under
Jackson's command. Unaware that a copy of Lee's order had already been
sent to Hill, Jackson now prepared an extra copy for that officer. Hill
kept the copy from Jackson; the other was to provide the script for much
of the drama that followed.)
Lee was courting danger by thus dividing his force in
the face of McClellan's advancing army. Against a driving opponent, Lee
probably would not have done it. But he felt certain that McClellan's
caution would give Jackson the margin of time needed to capture Harpers
Ferry and reunite with Longstreet before the Federal army could come
within striking distance. That margin was calculated at 3 or 4 days. By
September 12, Jackson's force should be marching north toward
Hagerstown. As soon as the army reconcentrated there Lee could begin his
dash up the Cumberland Valley into Pennsylvania.
So confident was Lee of the marching capacities of
the Harpers Ferry columns, and so certain was he that McClellan would
approach slowly, that he made no provision for guarding the gaps through
South Mountain.

(click on map for an enlargement in a new window)