Army supply train crosses Middle Bridge over Antietam Creek. After
ascent of ridge in background, Boonsboro Pike dips into a ravine, then
ascends Sharpsburg Ridge and enters the village. Courtesy,
National Archives.
Concentrates at the Antietam
Against this pretense of power, General McClellan
marched cautiously on the forenoon of the 15th, over good roads and in
fine weather. By noon, he arrived at the Confederate front with a force
of nearly 75,000 men. McClellan hesitated, and the day wore away.
As the early morning fog of the 16th cleared, Lee's
artillerists caught sight of Federal guns on the high bank beyond
Antietam Creek. The thunder of a prolonged duel between Lee's guns and
Brig. Gen. Henry Hunt's powerful Federal batteries soon rolled through
the hills. There was no question in McClellan's mind now that Lee
intended to hold Sharpsburg Ridge.
In midafternoon of the 16th, McClellan prepared for
battle. Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker's I Corps was instructed to take
position opposite the Confederate left on the Hagerstown Pike. Maj.
Gen. Joseph Mansfield's XII Corps and Maj. Gen. Edwin Sumner's II Corps
were to extend the battleline from Hooker's left to the Smoketown Road
and on to Antietam Creek near Pry's Mill Ford. The V Corps, Maj. Gen.
Fitz-John Porter commanding, was directed to occupy the center of the
Federal line on the Boonsboro Pike.
Burnside was to place his IX Corps just east of the
Lower Bridge over Antietam Creek. Maj. Gen. William Franklin's VI Corps
was to support the entire front. In the center, on the high east bank of
Antietam Creek, and south of the Boonsboro Pike, General Hunt placed
four batteries of 20-pounder Parrott rifles, the most powerful cannon on
the field.

Meadow just beyond trees bordering Antietam Creek marks top of
bluffs where many of Hunt's Union batteries were placed. This view from
one-half mile in front of Confederate gun emplacements on Sharpsburg
McClellan's plan called for an initial attack on the
Confederate left flank on the Hagerstown Pike with the two corps of
Hooker and Mansfield. McClellan intended to support this mass charge
with Sumner's entire force and, if necessary, with Franklin's corps. If
the powerful thrust against the Confederate left should succeed,
McClellan would send Burnside's corps across Antietam Creek at the Lower
Bridge and strike the Confederate right flank on the ridge southeast of
Sharpsburg. Should Burnside succeed in turning the southern end of Lee's
line, he would be expected to carry the attack northwest toward
Sharpsburg. Finally, if either of these flanking movements appeared
successful, McClellan would drive up the Boonsboro Pike with all
available forces to smash the Confederate center.
It was a good plan. If the Federal attacks could be
delivered in concert, McClellan's preponderance of power must stretch
Lee's smaller force to the breaking point. But the story of Antietam is
one of piecemeal Federal attacksa corps here, a division
there. This failure in execution allowed Lee to shift troops from
momentarily quiet sectors to plug the gaps torn by the succession of Federal
attacks. As each threat developed, Lee rushed his troops there and beat
it back. Taking advantage of his interior lines, he repeatedly achieved a
local advantage of numbers, though larger Federal contingents were always

Brig. Gen. W. N. Pendleton, Lee's chief of artillery.
From Miller's Photographic History of the Civil War. |

Brig. Gen. Henry Hunt, McClellan's chief of artillery.