Brig. Gen. John B. Hood.

Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker.
From photograph by Brady or assistant. Courtesy, Library of Congress.
The Lines Are
Poised for Action
At 2 p.m. on the 16th, Hooker marched from his camp
near Keedysville, crossed the Upper Bridge, and late in the afternoon
reached the Hagerstown Pike. Under cover of the North Woods, his
divisions formed for the attack on both sides of the pike. A massed
force of more than 12,000 men was ready to advance on the
Lee's thin line, 3 miles long, had been reinforced
early on the 16th by the arrival of Jackson's troops from Harpers Ferry.
They were placed where they could support the northern part of the
Confederate line. John Walker's division, arriving
from Harpers Ferry in the afternoon, took position south of
Jackson now commanded the Confederate front north of
Sharpsburg; Longstreet, with a part of his force north of the village,
extended the line nearly a mile south.

Union artillery in battery line. From 1863 photograph.
Courtesy, Library of Congress.
When Lee's outposts near Antietam Creek informed him
in mid-afternoon that Hooker's Federals were massing north of
Sharpsburg, Lee moved some of his men to advance positions. Hood
established a line east of the Hagerstown Pike, with part of his troops in a
cornfield and others extending the front to the East Woods. Skirmishers
spread out far in front. Additional troops were rushed from reserve near
Lee's headquarters at the Oak Grove west of Sharpsburg; they extended
the line west across the Hagerstown Pike.
It was dusk by the time Hooker's force was ready to
charge. With Maj. Gen. George Meade's men leading the way, they struck
Hood's Confederates at the edge of the East Woods and in the adjacent
fields. A brisk artillery fire from opposing batteries forced the men to
seek cover. The gathering darkness made it difficult for the forces on
either side to locate their marks. Gradually the opening skirmish at
Antietam ended. The thrust of the Federal skirmishers, however, made it
clear to Lee just where the next Federal blow would fall.
Even as Hooker's Federals withdrew to the cover of
the North Woods, strong forces were moving to their
aidthe two powerful corps under Mansfield and Sumner.
Mansfield would lead the XII Corps across Antietam Creek about midnight
and encamp 1/2 miles northeast of Hooker. Sumner's II Corps would
cross the Antietam at Pry's Mill Ford at 7:30 the next morning to lend
additional support.
Lee, too, was counting on reinforcements. McLaws'
division was expected to arrive on the field by midmorning. A. P. Hill,
who had been left at Harpers Ferry to handle details of the surrender,
would arrive late in the day.
On the evening of September 16, picket lines were so
close that the men on both sides, though unable to see each other, could
hear footsteps. They knew that a tremendous struggle would begin at
dawn. Some tried to sleep, but scattered firing throughout the night
made this difficult. Others cleaned and cleaned again their rifled
muskets, whose huge bullets made holes as big as silver dollars.
Artillerists brought up ammunition for their smooth-bore
Napoleonsso deadly at close rangeand for the
long-range rifled Parrott guns. And so these men got through the night,
each one facing the impending crisis in his own way.

Union signal station on Elk Ridge. From here,
McClellan's observers spotted Confederate troop movements during the
battle. Courtesy, National Archives.